
  • Cypango Ventures Ltd.
    BHP/DiaMet is expected to be in production next year, and
    Cypango Ventures, Ltd. has already located five "Kimberlite
    pipes", the prehistoric geological formations that give
    birth to the world's most coveted diamonds.

    So ein Mist: gerade einen Tag vorher hatte ich mein Vermögen in kanadischen Ölschiefer investiert.

  • Cronus Corporation
    Wall Street analysis from Harvard Equity Research has issued a
    STRONG BUY recommendation on CRON stock.  Charles Blitzer
    was quoted as predicting a $1 1/2 to $2 price near-term
    with a "thrust into the $3-$4 range sometime in 1998".
    To reiterate: an IMMEDIATE & STRONG BUY recommendation on CRON.

    To reiterate: at the moment, I have no spare money to invest in stocks.

  • Shootingstar C3D
    Immer wieder findet man in den USA Aktien, die ueber ein
    enormes Gewinnpotential verfuegen.
    Neue technische Errungenschaften machen es moeglich.
    So ist es auch bei der "C3D". (WKN 920863)
    Oder koennen Sie bis zu 5 Gigabyte auf einer CD-Rom speichern?

    Das bekomme ich eventuell hin.
    Frage bleibt aber, welches Laufwerk diese CD dann lesen kann?

  • Virtual Stock Exchange
    This is a new breed of program that simulates stock
    market events.It may look like a game but .. the money is
    VERY REAL !!!
    The Virtual Stock Exchange provides you with an
    opportunity of earning considerable amounts of money in a
    short period of time.
    There are a variety of "companies" to which you can
    "contribute". The program is structured to give you a
    higher rate of return by placing money in companies with
    a higher risk.  Like all share investments, you must
    track your program share prices, taking appropriate
    action in the event of a price variation.

    Virtuelle Aktien ohne ein Unternehmen dahinter:
    hier bekommt der Anleger, was er verdient.

