Determination of a region from a language/country code

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I want to zoom a map on startup to an area that is (hopefully) of interest to the visitor and use the Navigator.languages constant, which is accessible via JavaScript and contains a list of the user's preferred languages. As a database, I use a JSON file with a hash that assigns a region to language codes in the form de, combined language-country codes in the form de-CH, and pure country codes in the form *-CH, each consisting of the longitudes of the western and eastern borders, the latitudes of the southern and northern borders and a name.

Data model

Language codes:

Language codes can be free-standing or can be suffixed with one of the suffixes *, ! or -:

  • A free-standing language code indicates that this language is only spoken in the following country. It must then (of course) not be used be used again. This language code in the browser is mapped directly to the country.

    Example: da → Denmark.

  • An * after the language code indicates that this language is spoken in the following country, but also in other countries. The borders of these countries are combined to form a language region. The language code in the browser is mapped to this language region.

    Example: de → {Germany, Austria, Switzerland}.

  • A ! after the language code indicates that the language is spoken in the following country and in other countries, but that the language code in the browser is only mapped to this country. A language such as Portuguese would be mapped to half the world without this function, which is not very helpful. I have therefore decided to map the language codes with worldwide distribution to the European country of origin:

    • en to the United Kingdom,
    • es to Spain,
    • fr to the European part of France, und
    • pt to Portugal.

    If this seems culturally imperialistic or colonialist to you, or if you feel discriminated against by it, please assign the ! differently or swap it for *. That's what the do-what-you-want licence is for.

    In practice, this rule is of little importance anyway: a Brazilian will select pt-BR in the browser and thus end up in Brazil, just as a New Zealander selects en-NZ or the Pope it-VA.

  • A - after the language code indicates that the language is spoken in this country, but that I do not want the country to be included in the language region. These lines express the completeness of the entry, but are effectively simply discarded.

    An example is se- → RU: Swedish is spoken in a tiny part of Russia, so including the whole of Russia in the language region would be gross nonsense. If you don't like this, you are welcome to send me a line with se-RU → area in Russia where the language is spoken (coordinates). See the next point.

  • The form lc-CC is the official spelling for the combination of a language with a country; this is assigned the (unofficial) spelling CC-lc as a region, with the coordinates of the area in the respective country in which the respective language is spoken.

Country codes (more precisely: region codes):

The assignment of country code (column 2) to the rest of the table must be unique, but the data record from column 2 to column 7 may be used repeatedly.

The country code is interpreted freely:

  • A language code can be appended: This combination denotes a language region in the respective country.

    Example: CH-de or BE-fr.

  • An official or unofficial sub-region can be appended. Examples are:

    • CN-XZ for Tibet,
    • US-AK for Alaska,
    • GB-HL for the Scottish Highlands, or
    • IT-88 for Sardinia.
  • I have added a World region with country code XX, which is of course pointless: rules for the XX region are effectively ignored. The combination of XX- with a language code, on the other hand, is useful for language regions that cover several countries in parts, if you are too lazy to enter real country language regions.

    The example is li → XX-li.

Source data

The source data is formatted as a Dokuwiki table.

Sorted by region name

^ LC    ^ CC    ^    West ^    East ^   South ^   North ^ Country                                      ^
| fa*   | AF    |   60.52 |   74.89 |   29.38 |   38.49 | Afghanistan                                  |
| ps!   | AF    |   60.52 |   74.89 |   29.38 |   38.49 | Afghanistan                                  |
| tk*   | AF    |   60.52 |   74.89 |   29.38 |   38.49 | Afghanistan                                  |
| sq!   | AL    |   19.00 |   21.06 |   39.64 |   42.66 | Albania                                      |
| ar*   | DZ    |   -8.67 |   12.00 |   18.97 |   37.30 | Algeria                                      |
| ca    | AD    |    1.41 |    1.79 |   42.43 |   42.66 | Andorra                                      |
| kg*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| kj*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| ng*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| pt*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| en*   | AI    |  -63.64 |  -62.71 |   18.06 |   18.80 | Anguilla                                     |
| en*   | AG    |  -62.55 |  -61.45 |   16.76 |   17.95 | Antigua and Barbuda                          |
| li    | XX-li |    4.93 |    7.08 |   50.63 |   51.37 | Area where Limburgish is spoken              |
| es*   | AR    |  -73.56 |  -53.64 |  -55.19 |  -21.78 | Argentina                                    |
| qu*   | AR    |  -73.56 |  -53.64 |  -55.19 |  -21.78 | Argentina                                    |
| hy    | AM    |   43.45 |   46.63 |   38.84 |   41.30 | Armenia                                      |
| en*   | AU    |   72.25 |  168.23 |  -55.32 |   -9.09 | Australia                                    |
| de*   | AT    |    9.53 |   17.16 |   46.37 |   49.02 | Austria                                      |
| av    | AZ    |   44.76 |   51.18 |   38.39 |   41.96 | Azerbaijan                                   |
| az*   | AZ    |   44.76 |   51.18 |   38.39 |   41.96 | Azerbaijan                                   |
| ar*   | BH    |   50.27 |   50.92 |   25.54 |   26.69 | Bahrain                                      |
| bn    | BD    |   88.01 |   92.68 |   20.37 |   26.64 | Bangladesh                                   |
| en*   | BB    |  -59.86 |  -59.21 |   12.85 |   13.54 | Barbados                                     |
| be    | BY    |   23.18 |   32.76 |   51.26 |   56.17 | Belarus                                      |
| wa    | BE    |    2.39 |    6.41 |   49.50 |   51.55 | Belgium                                      |
| nl-BE | BE-nl |    2.39 |    6.41 |   50.69 |   51.14 | Belgium : dutch speaking                     |
| fr-BE | BE-fr |    2.80 |    6.22 |   49.50 |   50.81 | Belgium : french speaking                    |
| de-BE | BE-de |    5.97 |    6.41 |   50.13 |   50.76 | Belgium : german speaking                    |
| en*   | BZ    |  -89.23 |  -87.28 |   15.89 |   18.50 | Belize                                       |
| ee*   | BJ    |    0.78 |    3.85 |    6.04 |   12.41 | Benin                                        |
| fr*   | BJ    |    0.78 |    3.85 |    6.04 |   12.41 | Benin                                        |
| yo*   | BJ    |    0.78 |    3.85 |    6.04 |   12.41 | Benin                                        |
| en*   | BM    |  -65.12 |  -64.41 |   32.05 |   32.59 | Bermuda                                      |
| dz    | BT    |   88.75 |   92.13 |   26.70 |   28.25 | Bhutan                                       |
| ne*   | BT    |   88.75 |   92.13 |   26.70 |   28.25 | Bhutan                                       |
| ay*   | BO    |  -69.65 |  -57.45 |  -22.90 |   -9.67 | Bolivia                                      |
| qu*   | BO    |  -69.65 |  -57.45 |  -22.90 |   -9.67 | Bolivia                                      |
| bs*   | BA    |   15.73 |   19.62 |   42.56 |   45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina                       |
| hr*   | BA    |   15.73 |   19.62 |   42.56 |   45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina                       |
| sr*   | BA    |   15.73 |   19.62 |   42.56 |   45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina                       |
| en*   | BW    |   20.00 |   29.37 |  -26.91 |  -17.78 | Botswana                                     |
| hz*   | BW    |   20.00 |   29.37 |  -26.91 |  -17.78 | Botswana                                     |
| tn*   | BW    |   20.00 |   29.37 |  -26.91 |  -17.78 | Botswana                                     |
| *     | BV    |    2.93 |    3.78 |  -54.65 |  -54.19 | Bouvet Island                                |
| pt*   | BR    |  -73.98 |  -28.63 |  -33.87 |    5.27 | Brazil                                       |
| en*   | IO    |   71.19 |   72.55 |   -7.49 |   -5.19 | British Indian Ocean Territory               |
| en*   | VG    |  -64.96 |  -64.06 |   18.11 |   18.95 | British Virgin Islands                       |
| ms*   | BN    |  113.02 |  115.36 |    4.00 |    6.55 | Brunei                                       |
| bg    | BG    |   22.36 |   28.89 |   41.24 |   44.22 | Bulgaria                                     |
| cu    | BG    |   22.36 |   28.89 |   41.24 |   44.22 | Bulgaria                                     |
| bm*   | BF    |   -5.51 |    2.41 |    9.41 |   15.08 | Burkina Faso                                 |
| fr*   | BF    |   -5.51 |    2.41 |    9.41 |   15.08 | Burkina Faso                                 |
| rn!   | BI    |   29.00 |   30.85 |   -4.47 |   -2.31 | Burundi                                      |
| km!   | KH    |  102.33 |  107.63 |    9.46 |   14.69 | Cambodia                                     |
| th*   | KH    |  102.33 |  107.63 |    9.46 |   14.69 | Cambodia                                     |
| ff*   | CM    |    8.38 |   16.19 |    1.65 |   13.08 | Cameroon                                     |
| kr*   | CM    |    8.38 |   16.19 |    1.65 |   13.08 | Cameroon                                     |
| cr    | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| en*   | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| fr*   | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| iu    | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| oj*   | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| kea   | CV    |  -25.57 |  -22.45 |   14.61 |   17.41 | Cape Verde                                   |
| pt*   | CV    |  -25.57 |  -22.45 |   14.61 |   17.41 | Cape Verde                                   |
| en*   | KY    |  -81.63 |  -79.51 |   19.06 |   19.96 | Cayman Islands                               |
| sg    | CF    |   14.41 |   27.47 |    2.23 |   11.00 | Central African Republic                     |
| kr*   | TD    |   13.47 |   24.00 |    7.44 |   23.45 | Chad                                         |
| ay*   | CL    | -109.68 |  -66.08 |  -56.73 |  -17.50 | Chile                                        |
| es*   | CL    | -109.68 |  -66.08 |  -56.73 |  -17.50 | Chile                                        |
| ii    | CN    |   73.50 |  134.78 |    8.67 |   53.56 | China                                        |
| kk-   | CN    |   73.50 |  134.78 |    8.67 |   53.56 | China                                        |
| zh*   | CN    |   73.50 |  134.78 |    8.67 |   53.56 | China                                        |
| za    | CN-GX |  104.44 |  112.06 |   20.70 |   26.39 | China : Guangxi                              |
| bo    | CN-XZ |   78.39 |   99.11 |   27.30 |   36.49 | China : Tibet                                |
| ug*   | CN-XG |   73.49 |   96.39 |   34.33 |   49.18 | China : Xinjiang                             |
| es*   | CO    |  -82.12 |  -66.85 |   -4.23 |   16.05 | Colombia                                     |
| qu*   | CO    |  -82.12 |  -66.85 |   -4.23 |   16.05 | Colombia                                     |
| ar*   | KM    |   42.83 |   44.97 |  -12.99 |  -11.16 | Comoros                                      |
| bnt   | KM    |   42.83 |   44.97 |  -12.99 |  -11.16 | Comoros                                      |
| fr*   | KM    |   42.83 |   44.97 |  -12.99 |  -11.16 | Comoros                                      |
| fr*   | CG    |   11.00 |   18.64 |   -5.15 |    3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville                            |
| kg*   | CG    |   11.00 |   18.64 |   -5.15 |    3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville                            |
| ln*   | CG    |   11.00 |   18.64 |   -5.15 |    3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville                            |
| en*   | CK    | -166.09 | -157.11 |  -22.16 |   -8.72 | Cook Islands                                 |
| es*   | CR    |  -87.30 |  -82.43 |    5.30 |   11.22 | Costa Rica                                   |
| ak*   | CI    |   -8.60 |   -2.49 |    4.16 |   10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire                                |
| bm*   | CI    |   -8.60 |   -2.49 |    4.16 |   10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire                                |
| fr*   | CI    |   -8.60 |   -2.49 |    4.16 |   10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire                                |
| hr!   | HR    |   13.21 |   19.45 |   42.18 |   46.56 | Croatia                                      |
| sr*   | HR    |   13.21 |   19.45 |   42.18 |   46.56 | Croatia                                      |
| es*   | CU    |  -85.17 |  -73.92 |   19.63 |   23.48 | Cuba                                         |
| el*   | CY    |   32.02 |   34.86 |   34.44 |   35.91 | Cyprus                                       |
| tr-   | CY    |   32.02 |   34.86 |   34.44 |   35.91 | Cyprus                                       |
| cs    | CZ    |   12.09 |   18.86 |   48.55 |   51.06 | Czechia                                      |
| fr*   | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| ln*   | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| lu    | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| rn*   | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| da    | DK    |    7.72 |   15.55 |   54.45 |   57.95 | Denmark                                      |
| aa*   | DJ    |   41.77 |   43.66 |   10.91 |   12.79 | Djibouti                                     |
| so*   | DJ    |   41.77 |   43.66 |   10.91 |   12.79 | Djibouti                                     |
| en*   | DM    |  -61.69 |  -61.03 |   15.01 |   15.79 | Dominica                                     |
| es*   | DO    |  -72.06 |  -68.11 |   17.27 |   21.29 | Dominican Republic                           |
| ms*   | TL    |  124.03 |  127.54 |   -9.61 |   -8.10 | East Timor                                   |
| pt*   | TL    |  124.03 |  127.54 |   -9.61 |   -8.10 | East Timor                                   |
| es*   | EC    |  -92.21 |  -75.19 |   -5.02 |    1.88 | Ecuador                                      |
| qu*   | EC    |  -92.21 |  -75.19 |   -5.02 |    1.88 | Ecuador                                      |
| ar*   | EG    |   24.65 |   37.12 |   21.99 |   31.83 | Egypt                                        |
| es*   | SV    |  -90.21 |  -87.60 |   12.95 |   14.45 | El Salvador                                  |
| es*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| fan   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| fr*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| pt*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| pt*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| pt*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| aa*   | ER    |   36.43 |   43.30 |   12.35 |   18.07 | Eritrea                                      |
| ti*   | ER    |   36.43 |   43.30 |   12.35 |   18.07 | Eritrea                                      |
| et    | EE    |   21.38 |   28.21 |   57.51 |   59.94 | Estonia                                      |
| ss*   | SZ    |   30.79 |   32.13 |  -27.32 |  -25.72 | Eswatini                                     |
| ts*   | SZ    |   30.79 |   32.13 |  -27.32 |  -25.72 | Eswatini                                     |
| aa*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| am    | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| om*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| so*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| ti*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| en*   | FK    |  -61.77 |  -57.37 |  -53.12 |  -50.80 | Falkland Islands                             |
| fo    | FO    |   -8.12 |   -5.83 |   61.14 |   62.60 | Faroe Islands                                |
| en*   | FM    |  137.13 |  163.24 |    0.82 |   10.29 | Federated States of Micronesia               |
| fj    | FJ    |  174.42 | -178.00 |  -21.94 |  -12.26 | Fiji                                         |
| fi    | FI    |   19.08 |   31.59 |   59.45 |   70.09 | Finland                                      |
| se*   | FI    |   19.08 |   31.59 |   59.45 |   70.09 | Finland                                      |
| sv-   | FI    |   19.08 |   31.59 |   59.45 |   70.09 | Finland                                      |
| br    | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| eu*   | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| fr!   | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| oc    | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| co-FR | FR-co |    8.53 |    9.57 |   41.36 |  43.02  | France : corsican speaking                   |
| fr*   | FR-OT | -178.39 |  172.31 |  -50.22 |   51.31 | France including Overseas Territories        |
| fr*   | PF    | -154.93 | -134.25 |  -28.09 |   -7.66 | French Polynesia                             |
| ty    | PF    | -154.93 | -134.25 |  -28.09 |   -7.66 | French Polynesia                             |
| fr*   | GA    |    8.50 |   14.54 |   -4.10 |    2.32 | Gabon                                        |
| ab    | GE    |   39.88 |   46.74 |   41.06 |   43.59 | Georgia                                      |
| ka    | GE    |   39.88 |   46.74 |   41.06 |   43.59 | Georgia                                      |
| os!   | GE    |   39.88 |   46.74 |   41.06 |   43.59 | Georgia                                      |
| de*   | DE    |    5.87 |   15.04 |   47.27 |   55.10 | Germany                                      |
| bar   | DE-BY |    8.98 |   13.84 |   47.27 |   50.56 | Germany : Bavaria                            |
| dsb   | DE-dsb|   13.66 |   15.16 |   51.44 |   52.15 | Germany : lower sorbian speaking             |
| hsb   | DE-hsb|   13.88 |   15.32 |   50.88 |   51.62 | Germany : upper sorbian speaking             |
| ak*   | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| ee*   | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| en*   | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| tw    | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| en*   | GI    |   -5.40 |   -5.28 |   36.06 |   36.16 | Gibraltar                                    |
| el!   | GR    |   19.11 |   29.68 |   34.72 |   41.75 | Greece                                       |
| kl    | GL    |  -74.13 |  -10.03 |   59.52 |   83.88 | Greenland                                    |
| en*   | GD    |  -62.01 |  -61.21 |   11.78 |   12.61 | Grenada                                      |
| ch*   | GU    |  144.56 |  145.01 |   13.18 |   13.71 | Guam                                         |
| es*   | GT    |  -92.37 |  -88.21 |   13.56 |   17.82 | Guatemala                                    |
| en*   | GG    |   -3.02 |   -2.05 |   49.22 |   49.94 | Guernsey                                     |
| ff*   | GN    |  -15.57 |   -7.64 |    7.19 |   12.68 | Guinea                                       |
| fr*   | GN    |  -15.57 |   -7.64 |    7.19 |   12.68 | Guinea                                       |
| pt*   | GW    |  -16.90 |  -13.63 |   10.65 |   12.69 | Guinea-Bissau                                |
| en*   | GY    |  -61.38 |  -56.47 |    1.17 |    8.60 | Guyana                                       |
| ht    | HT    |  -75.24 |  -71.62 |   17.82 |   20.29 | Haiti                                        |
| es*   | HN    |  -89.36 |  -82.18 |   12.98 |   17.62 | Honduras                                     |
| hu    | HU    |   16.11 |   22.90 |   45.74 |   48.59 | Hungary                                      |
| is    | IS    |  -25.01 |  -12.80 |   63.09 |   67.35 | Iceland                                      |
| as    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| bh    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| bn-   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| en*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| gu    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| hi    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| kn    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ks*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ml    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| mr    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ne-   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| or    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| pa*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| pi    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| sa    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| sd*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ta!   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| te    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ur*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| id    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| jv    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| ms    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| su    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| ae    | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| az*   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| fa!   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| ku*   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| tk*   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| ar*   | IQ    |   38.79 |   49.11 |   29.06 |   37.38 | Iraq                                         |
| ku*   | IQ    |   38.79 |   49.11 |   29.06 |   37.38 | Iraq                                         |
| tk*   | IQ    |   38.79 |   49.11 |   29.06 |   37.38 | Iraq                                         |
| en*   | IE    |  -11.01 |   -5.66 |   51.22 |   55.64 | Ireland                                      |
| ga    | IE    |  -11.01 |   -5.66 |   51.22 |   55.64 | Ireland                                      |
| en*   | IM    |   -5.17 |   -3.97 |   53.84 |   54.55 | Isle of Man                                  |
| gv    | IM    |   -5.17 |   -3.97 |   53.84 |   54.55 | Isle of Man                                  |
| ar*   | IL    |   34.27 |   35.90 |   29.45 |   33.34 | Israel                                       |
| he    | IL    |   34.27 |   35.90 |   29.45 |   33.34 | Israel                                       |
| co-IT | IT-co |    8.13 |    9.83 |   38.86 |   41.32 | Italia : corsican speaking                   |
| sc    | IT-88 |    8.13 |    9.83 |   38.86 |   41.32 | Italia : Sardinia                            |
| it!   | IT    |    6.63 |   18.78 |   35.29 |   47.09 | Italy                                        |
| en*   | JM    |  -78.58 |  -75.75 |   16.59 |   18.73 | Jamaica                                      |
| ja    | JP    |  122.71 |  154.21 |   20.21 |   45.71 | Japan                                        |
| en*   | JE    |   -2.56 |   -1.83 |   48.87 |   49.46 | Jersey                                       |
| ar*   | JO    |   34.88 |   39.30 |   29.18 |   33.38 | Jordan                                       |
| kk    | KZ    |   46.49 |   87.32 |   40.57 |   55.44 | Kazakhstan                                   |
| tt*   | KZ    |   46.49 |   87.32 |   40.57 |   55.44 | Kazakhstan                                   |
| ug-   | KZ    |   46.49 |   87.32 |   40.57 |   55.44 | Kazakhstan                                   |
| ki    | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| om*   | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| so*   | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| sw*   | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| en*   | KI    |  169.32 | -149.99 |  -11.65 |    4.90 | Kiribati                                     |
| sq*   | XK    |   20.01 |   21.79 |   41.86 |   43.27 | Kosovo                                       |
| ar*   | KW    |   46.55 |   49.00 |   28.52 |   30.10 | Kuwait                                       |
| ky    | KG    |   69.26 |   80.23 |   39.17 |   43.27 | Kyrgyzstan                                   |
| tt*   | KG    |   69.26 |   80.23 |   39.17 |   43.27 | Kyrgyzstan                                   |
| lo    | LA    |  100.08 |  107.63 |   13.91 |   22.51 | Laos                                         |
| th*   | LA    |  100.08 |  107.63 |   13.91 |   22.51 | Laos                                         |
| lv    | LV    |   20.60 |   28.24 |   55.67 |   58.09 | Latvia                                       |
| ar*   | LB    |   34.88 |   36.62 |   33.06 |   34.69 | Lebanon                                      |
| st*   | LS    |   27.01 |   29.46 |  -30.68 |  -28.57 | Lesotho                                      |
| en*   | LR    |  -11.61 |   -7.37 |    4.16 |    8.55 | Liberia                                      |
| ar*   | LY    |    9.39 |   25.38 |   19.50 |   33.35 | Libya                                        |
| de*   | LI    |    9.47 |    9.64 |   47.05 |   47.27 | Liechtenstein                                |
| lt    | LT    |   20.66 |   26.84 |   53.90 |   56.45 | Lithuania                                    |
| de*   | LU    |    5.74 |    6.53 |   49.45 |   50.18 | Luxembourg                                   |
| lb    | LU    |    5.74 |    6.53 |   49.45 |   50.18 | Luxembourg                                   |
| mg    | MG    |   42.97 |   50.67 |  -25.78 |  -11.73 | Madagascar                                   |
| ny    | MW    |   32.67 |   35.92 |  -17.13 |   -9.37 | Malawi                                       |
| ms*   | MY    |   98.74 |  119.58 |    0.85 |    8.38 | Malaysia                                     |
| th*   | MY    |   98.74 |  119.58 |    0.85 |    8.38 | Malaysia                                     |
| dv    | MV    |   72.36 |   73.97 |   -0.91 |    7.31 | Maldives                                     |
| bm*   | ML    |  -12.24 |    4.27 |   10.15 |   25.00 | Mali                                         |
| bm*   | ML    |  -12.24 |    4.27 |   10.15 |   25.00 | Mali                                         |
| fr*   | ML    |  -12.24 |    4.27 |   10.15 |   25.00 | Mali                                         |
| mt    | MT    |   13.94 |   14.82 |   35.59 |   36.28 | Malta                                        |
| mh    | MH    |  160.59 |  172.37 |    4.37 |   14.92 | Marshall Islands                             |
| ar*   | MR    |  -17.24 |   -4.83 |   14.72 |   27.31 | Mauritania                                   |
| wo*   | MR    |  -17.24 |   -4.83 |   14.72 |   27.31 | Mauritania                                   |
| cpf   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| en*   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| fr*   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| mfe   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| es*   | MX    | -118.60 |  -86.49 |   14.39 |   32.72 | Mexico                                       |
| mo    | MD    |   26.62 |   30.16 |   45.47 |   48.49 | Moldova                                      |
| ro*   | MD    |   26.62 |   30.16 |   45.47 |   48.49 | Moldova                                      |
| fr*   | MC    |    7.41 |    7.53 |   43.52 |   43.75 | Monaco                                       |
| mn    | MN    |   87.73 |  119.93 |   41.58 |   52.15 | Mongolia                                     |
| bs*   | ME    |   18.42 |   20.35 |   41.68 |   43.56 | Montenegro                                   |
| hr*   | ME    |   18.42 |   20.35 |   41.68 |   43.56 | Montenegro                                   |
| sr*   | ME    |   18.42 |   20.35 |   41.68 |   43.56 | Montenegro                                   |
| en*   | MS    |  -62.45 |  -61.94 |   16.47 |   16.89 | Montserrat                                   |
| ar*   | MA    |  -17.24 |   -1.00 |   21.33 |   36.00 | Morocco                                      |
| pt*   | MZ    |   30.21 |   41.05 |  -26.92 |  -10.33 | Mozambique                                   |
| ts*   | MZ    |   30.21 |   41.05 |  -26.92 |  -10.33 | Mozambique                                   |
| my    | MM    |   92.17 |  101.17 |    9.44 |   28.55 | Myanmar                                      |
| ne*   | MM    |   92.17 |  101.17 |    9.44 |   28.55 | Myanmar                                      |
| th*   | MM    |   92.17 |  101.17 |    9.44 |   28.55 | Myanmar                                      |
| af*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| en*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| hz*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| kj*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| ng*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| en*   | NR    |  166.71 |  167.16 |   -0.76 |   -0.31 | Nauru                                        |
| na    | NR    |  166.71 |  167.16 |   -0.76 |   -0.31 | Nauru                                        |
| ne!   | NP    |   80.06 |   88.20 |   26.35 |   30.45 | Nepal                                        |
| fy!   | NL    |    3.08 |    7.23 |   50.75 |   53.75 | Netherlands                                  |
| nl!   | NL    |    3.08 |    7.23 |   50.75 |   53.75 | Netherlands                                  |
| fy*   | NL-CI |  -70.27 |    7.23 |   11.78 |   53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands       |
| nl*   | NL-CI |  -70.27 |    7.23 |   11.78 |   53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands       |
| en*   | NZ    |  165.55 | -175.54 |  -52.82 |  -29.03 | New Zealand                                  |
| mi    | NZ    |  165.55 | -175.54 |  -52.82 |  -29.03 | New Zealand                                  |
| es*   | NI    |  -87.90 |  -82.48 |   10.71 |   15.09 | Nicaragua                                    |
| fr*   | NE    |    0.17 |   16.00 |   11.69 |   23.52 | Niger                                        |
| ha*   | NE    |    0.17 |   16.00 |   11.69 |   23.52 | Niger                                        |
| kr*   | NE    |    0.17 |   16.00 |   11.69 |   23.52 | Niger                                        |
| en*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| ha*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| ig    | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| kr*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| yo*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| en*   | NU    | -170.16 | -169.56 |  -19.35 |  -18.75 | Niue                                         |
| cal   | MP    |   144.81|  146.16 |   14.02 |   20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands                     |
| ch*   | MP    |   144.81|  146.16 |   14.02 |   20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands                     |
| ko*   | KP    |  124.09 |  130.89 |   37.58 |   43.01 | North Korea                                  |
| mk    | MK    |   20.45 |   23.03 |   40.85 |   42.37 | North Macedonia                              |
| nb*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| nn*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| no*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| se*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| nb!   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| nn!   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| no!   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| se*   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| *     | NO-22 |   -9.68 |   -7.31 |   70.63 |   71.36 | Norway : Jan Mayen                           |
| *     | NO-21 |    9.42 |   34.69 |   74.14 |   81.03 | Norway : Svalbard                            |
| ar*   | OM    |   52.00 |   60.05 |   16.46 |   26.70 | Oman                                         |
| ks*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| pa*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| ps*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| sd*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| ur!   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| en*   | PW    |  130.92 |  134.93 |    2.60 |    8.41 | Palau                                        |
| es*   | PA    |  -83.05 |  -77.16 |    7.00 |    9.85 | Panama                                       |
| ho    | PG    |  140.84 |  159.69 |  -11.86 |   -0.56 | Papua New Guinea                             |
| gn    | PY    |  -62.64 |  -54.26 |  -27.61 |  -19.29 | Paraguay                                     |
| ay*   | PE    |  -84.64 |  -68.65 |  -20.20 |   -0.04 | Peru                                         |
| qu*   | PE    |  -84.64 |  -68.65 |  -20.20 |   -0.04 | Peru                                         |
| en*   | PH    |  114.10 |  126.81 |    4.22 |   21.32 | Philippines                                  |
| tl    | PH    |  114.10 |  126.81 |    4.22 |   21.32 | Philippines                                  |
| en*   | PN    | -130.97 | -124.55 |  -25.28 |  -23.71 | Pitcairn Islands                             |
| pl    | PL    |   14.07 |   24.15 |   49.00 |   55.04 | Poland                                       |
| gl*   | PT    |  -31.56 |   -6.19 |   29.83 |   42.15 | Portugal                                     |
| pt!   | PT    |  -31.56 |   -6.19 |   29.83 |   42.15 | Portugal                                     |
| ar*   | QA    |   50.57 |   52.64 |   24.47 |   26.43 | Qatar                                        |
| ro*   | RO    |   20.26 |   30.05 |   43.62 |   48.27 | Romania                                      |
| ba    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| ce    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| cv    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| kv    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| os*   | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| ru    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| se-   | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| tt*   | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| rw    | RW    |   28.86 |   30.90 |   -2.84 |   -1.05 | Rwanda                                       |
| en*   | SH    |  -14.62 |   -5.42 |  -40.57 |   -7.69 | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
| en*   | KN    |  -63.05 |  -62.37 |   16.89 |   17.62 | Saint Kitts and Nevis                        |
| en*   | LC    |  -61.29 |  -60.66 |   13.51 |   14.27 | Saint Lucia                                  |
| en*   | VC    |  -61.66 |  -60.91 |   12.40 |   13.58 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines             |
| sm    | WS    | -173.01 | -171.19 |  -14.28 |  -13.24 | Samoa                                        |
| it*   | SM    |   12.40 |   12.52 |   43.89 |   43.99 | San Marino                                   |
| pt*   | ST    |    6.26 |    7.67 |   -0.21 |    1.93 | São Tomé and Príncipe                        |
| ar*   | SA    |   34.46 |   55.67 |   16.29 |   32.15 | Saudi Arabia                                 |
| bm*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| ff*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| fr*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| wo*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| bs*   | RS    |   18.81 |   23.01 |   42.23 |   46.19 | Serbia                                       |
| sr!   | RS    |   18.81 |   23.01 |   42.23 |   46.19 | Serbia                                       |
| en*   | SC    |   46.00 |   56.50 |  -10.46 |   -3.51 | Seychelles                                   |
| fr*   | SC    |   46.00 |   56.50 |  -10.46 |   -3.51 | Seychelles                                   |
| en*   | SL    |  -13.50 |  -10.27 |    6.75 |   10.00 | Sierra Leone                                 |
| ms*   | SG    |  103.51 |  104.57 |    1.13 |    1.51 | Singapore                                    |
| ta*   | SG    |  103.51 |  104.57 |    1.13 |    1.51 | Singapore                                    |
| sk    | SK    |   16.83 |   22.57 |   47.73 |   49.61 | Slovakia                                     |
| sl    | SI    |   13.38 |   16.60 |   45.42 |   46.88 | Slovenia                                     |
| en*   | SB    |  155.32 |  170.40 |  -13.24 |   -4.81 | Solomon Islands                              |
| so!   | SO    |   40.99 |   51.62 |   -1.80 |   12.19 | Somalia                                      |
| af*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| nr    | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| ss*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| st*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| tn*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| ts*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| ve!   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| xh    | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| zu    | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| en*   | GS    |  -42.36 |  -25.89 |  -59.67 |  -53.35 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
| ko*   | KR    |  124.37 |  132.15 |   32.91 |   38.62 | South Korea                                  |
| en*   | SS    |   23.45 |   35.95 |    3.49 |   12.24 | South Sudan                                  |
| an    | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| ca-   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| es!   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| eu*   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| gl*   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| si    | LK    |   79.40 |   82.08 |    5.72 |   10.04 | Sri Lanka                                    |
| ta*   | LK    |   79.40 |   82.08 |    5.72 |   10.04 | Sri Lanka                                    |
| ar*   | SD    |   21.81 |   39.06 |    8.69 |   22.22 | Sudan                                        |
| ff*   | SD    |   21.81 |   39.06 |    8.69 |   22.22 | Sudan                                        |
| nl*   | SR    |  -58.07 |  -53.86 |    1.83 |    6.22 | Suriname                                     |
| srn   | SR    |  -58.07 |  -53.86 |    1.83 |    6.22 | Suriname                                     |
| se*   | SE    |   10.59 |   24.18 |   55.14 |   69.06 | Sweden                                       |
| sv    | SE    |   10.59 |   24.18 |   55.14 |   69.06 | Sweden                                       |
| *     | CH    |    5.96 |   10.49 |   45.82 |   47.81 | Switzerland                                  |
| fr-CH | CH-fr |    5.96 |    7.72 |   45.86 |   47.50 | Switzerland : french speaking                |
| de-CH | CH-de |    7.02 |   10.49 |   45.91 |   47.81 | Switzerland : german speaking                |
| it-CH | CH-it |    8.38 |   10.17 |   45.82 |   47.00 | Switzerland : italian speaking               |
| rm-CH | CH-rm |    8.59 |   10.49 |   46.35 |   46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking          |
| rm    | CH-rm |    8.59 |   10.49 |   46.35 |   46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking          |
| ar*   | SY    |   35.47 |   42.37 |   32.31 |   37.32 | Syria                                        |
| zh*   | TW    |  114.16 |  122.33 |   10.29 |   26.44 | Taiwan                                       |
| fa*   | TJ    |   67.33 |   75.15 |   36.67 |   41.05 | Tajikistan                                   |
| tg    | TJ    |   67.33 |   75.15 |   36.67 |   41.05 | Tajikistan                                   |
| lg*   | TZ    |   29.33 |   40.66 |  -11.76 |   -0.99 | Tanzania                                     |
| rn*   | TZ    |   29.33 |   40.66 |  -11.76 |   -0.99 | Tanzania                                     |
| sw*   | TZ    |   29.33 |   40.66 |  -11.76 |   -0.99 | Tanzania                                     |
| th!   | TH    |   97.34 |  105.64 |    5.61 |   20.46 | Thailand                                     |
| en*   | BS    |  -80.70 |  -72.45 |   20.71 |   27.47 | The Bahamas                                  |
| en*   | GM    |  -17.02 |  -13.80 |   13.06 |   13.83 | The Gambia                                   |
| ff*   | GM    |  -17.02 |  -13.80 |   13.06 |   13.83 | The Gambia                                   |
| wo*   | GM    |  -17.02 |  -13.80 |   13.06 |   13.83 | The Gambia                                   |
| ee*   | TG    |   -0.14 |    1.81 |    5.93 |   11.14 | Togo                                         |
| fr*   | TG    |   -0.14 |    1.81 |    5.93 |   11.14 | Togo                                         |
| yo*   | TG    |   -0.14 |    1.81 |    5.93 |   11.14 | Togo                                         |
| en*   | TK    | -172.72 | -170.98 |   -9.64 |   -8.33 | Tokelau                                      |
| to    | TO    | -179.40 | -173.53 |  -24.16 |  -15.37 | Tonga                                        |
| en*   | TT    |  -62.08 |  -60.29 |    9.87 |   11.56 | Trinidad and Tobago                          |
| ar*   | TN    |    7.52 |   11.88 |   30.23 |   37.76 | Tunisia                                      |
| ku*   | TR    |   25.57 |   44.82 |   35.81 |   42.30 | Turkey                                       |
| tk*   | TR    |   25.57 |   44.82 |   35.81 |   42.30 | Turkey                                       |
| tr!   | TR    |   25.57 |   44.82 |   35.81 |   42.30 | Turkey                                       |
| tk!   | TM    |   52.26 |   66.69 |   35.13 |   42.80 | Turkmenistan                                 |
| en*   | TC    |  -72.68 |  -70.86 |   20.96 |   22.16 | Turks and Caicos Islands                     |
| en*   | TV    |  175.95 | -179.93 |  -10.99 |   -5.44 | Tuvalu                                       |
| lg*   | UG    |   29.57 |   35.00 |   -1.48 |    4.23 | Uganda                                       |
| sw*   | UG    |   29.57 |   35.00 |   -1.48 |    4.23 | Uganda                                       |
| tt*   | UA    |   22.14 |   40.23 |   44.18 |   52.38 | Ukraine                                      |
| uk    | UA    |   22.14 |   40.23 |   44.18 |   52.38 | Ukraine                                      |
| ar*   | AE    |   51.42 |   56.60 |   22.63 |   26.15 | United Arab Emirates                         |
| en!   | GB    |  -14.02 |    2.09 |   49.67 |   61.06 | United Kingdom                               |
| kw    | GB-CON|   -5.75 |   -4.16 |   49.95 |   50.94 | United Kingdom : Cornwall                    |
| sco   | GB-SCT|  -14.02 |   -0.32 |   54.43 |   61.06 | United Kingdom : Scotland                    |
| gd    | GB-HLD|   -7.66 |   -2.38 |   55.28 |   59.39 | United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands        |
| cy    | GB-WLS|   -5.80 |   -2.65 |   51.23 |   53.64 | United Kingdom : Wales                       |
| en*   | US    |  144.41 |  -64.36 |  -14.76 |   71.59 | United States                                |
| nv    | US    |  144.41 |  -64.36 |  -14.76 |   71.59 | United States                                |
| oj*   | US    |  144.41 |  -64.36 |  -14.76 |   71.59 | United States                                |
| ik    | US-AK | -180.00 | -129.97 |   51.00 |   71.59 | United States : Alaska                       |
| es*   | UY    |  -58.49 |  -53.08 |  -35.78 |  -30.09 | Uruguay                                      |
| tt*   | UZ    |   56.00 |   73.15 |   37.18 |   45.59 | Uzbekistan                                   |
| uz    | UZ    |   56.00 |   73.15 |   37.18 |   45.59 | Uzbekistan                                   |
| bi    | VU    |  166.34 |  170.45 |  -20.46 |  -12.87 | Vanuatu                                      |
| it*   | VA    |   12.44 |   12.46 |   41.90 |   41.91 | Vatican                                      |
| la    | VA    |   12.44 |   12.46 |   41.90 |   41.91 | Vatican                                      |
| es*   | VE    |  -73.35 |  -59.77 |    0.65 |   15.92 | Venezuela                                    |
| km*   | VN    |  102.14 |  114.86 |    7.69 |   23.39 | Vietnam                                      |
| vi    | VN    |  102.14 |  114.86 |    7.69 |   23.39 | Vietnam                                      |
| eo    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| ia    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| ie    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| io    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| vo    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| yi    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| ar*   | YE    |   41.61 |   54.74 |   11.91 |   19.00 | Yemen                                        |
| so*   | YE    |   41.61 |   54.74 |   11.91 |   19.00 | Yemen                                        |
| en*   | ZM    |   22.00 |   33.71 |  -18.08 |   -8.27 | Zambia                                       |
| sn*   | ZM    |   22.00 |   33.71 |  -18.08 |   -8.27 | Zambia                                       |
| nd    | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| sn*   | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| ts*   | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| ve*   | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |

Download regions-by-country.csv ( 46K bytes, last modification: 2023-02-13 15:04)

Sorted by language code

^ LC    ^ CC    ^    West ^    East ^   South ^   North ^ Country                                      ^
| *     | BV    |    2.93 |    3.78 |  -54.65 |  -54.19 | Bouvet Island                                |
| *     | CH    |    5.96 |   10.49 |   45.82 |   47.81 | Switzerland                                  |
| *     | NO-21 |    9.42 |   34.69 |   74.14 |   81.03 | Norway : Svalbard                            |
| *     | NO-22 |   -9.68 |   -7.31 |   70.63 |   71.36 | Norway : Jan Mayen                           |
| aa*   | DJ    |   41.77 |   43.66 |   10.91 |   12.79 | Djibouti                                     |
| aa*   | ER    |   36.43 |   43.30 |   12.35 |   18.07 | Eritrea                                      |
| aa*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| ab    | GE    |   39.88 |   46.74 |   41.06 |   43.59 | Georgia                                      |
| ae    | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| af*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| af*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| ak*   | CI    |   -8.60 |   -2.49 |    4.16 |   10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire                                |
| ak*   | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| am    | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| an    | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| ar*   | AE    |   51.42 |   56.60 |   22.63 |   26.15 | United Arab Emirates                         |
| ar*   | BH    |   50.27 |   50.92 |   25.54 |   26.69 | Bahrain                                      |
| ar*   | DZ    |   -8.67 |   12.00 |   18.97 |   37.30 | Algeria                                      |
| ar*   | EG    |   24.65 |   37.12 |   21.99 |   31.83 | Egypt                                        |
| ar*   | IL    |   34.27 |   35.90 |   29.45 |   33.34 | Israel                                       |
| ar*   | IQ    |   38.79 |   49.11 |   29.06 |   37.38 | Iraq                                         |
| ar*   | JO    |   34.88 |   39.30 |   29.18 |   33.38 | Jordan                                       |
| ar*   | KM    |   42.83 |   44.97 |  -12.99 |  -11.16 | Comoros                                      |
| ar*   | KW    |   46.55 |   49.00 |   28.52 |   30.10 | Kuwait                                       |
| ar*   | LB    |   34.88 |   36.62 |   33.06 |   34.69 | Lebanon                                      |
| ar*   | LY    |    9.39 |   25.38 |   19.50 |   33.35 | Libya                                        |
| ar*   | MA    |  -17.24 |   -1.00 |   21.33 |   36.00 | Morocco                                      |
| ar*   | MR    |  -17.24 |   -4.83 |   14.72 |   27.31 | Mauritania                                   |
| ar*   | OM    |   52.00 |   60.05 |   16.46 |   26.70 | Oman                                         |
| ar*   | QA    |   50.57 |   52.64 |   24.47 |   26.43 | Qatar                                        |
| ar*   | SA    |   34.46 |   55.67 |   16.29 |   32.15 | Saudi Arabia                                 |
| ar*   | SD    |   21.81 |   39.06 |    8.69 |   22.22 | Sudan                                        |
| ar*   | SY    |   35.47 |   42.37 |   32.31 |   37.32 | Syria                                        |
| ar*   | TN    |    7.52 |   11.88 |   30.23 |   37.76 | Tunisia                                      |
| ar*   | YE    |   41.61 |   54.74 |   11.91 |   19.00 | Yemen                                        |
| as    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| av    | AZ    |   44.76 |   51.18 |   38.39 |   41.96 | Azerbaijan                                   |
| ay*   | BO    |  -69.65 |  -57.45 |  -22.90 |   -9.67 | Bolivia                                      |
| ay*   | CL    | -109.68 |  -66.08 |  -56.73 |  -17.50 | Chile                                        |
| ay*   | PE    |  -84.64 |  -68.65 |  -20.20 |   -0.04 | Peru                                         |
| az*   | AZ    |   44.76 |   51.18 |   38.39 |   41.96 | Azerbaijan                                   |
| az*   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| ba    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| bar   | DE-BY |    8.98 |   13.84 |   47.27 |   50.56 | Germany : Bavaria                            |
| be    | BY    |   23.18 |   32.76 |   51.26 |   56.17 | Belarus                                      |
| bg    | BG    |   22.36 |   28.89 |   41.24 |   44.22 | Bulgaria                                     |
| bh    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| bi    | VU    |  166.34 |  170.45 |  -20.46 |  -12.87 | Vanuatu                                      |
| bm*   | BF    |   -5.51 |    2.41 |    9.41 |   15.08 | Burkina Faso                                 |
| bm*   | CI    |   -8.60 |   -2.49 |    4.16 |   10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire                                |
| bm*   | ML    |  -12.24 |    4.27 |   10.15 |   25.00 | Mali                                         |
| bm*   | ML    |  -12.24 |    4.27 |   10.15 |   25.00 | Mali                                         |
| bm*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| bn    | BD    |   88.01 |   92.68 |   20.37 |   26.64 | Bangladesh                                   |
| bn-   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| bnt   | KM    |   42.83 |   44.97 |  -12.99 |  -11.16 | Comoros                                      |
| bo    | CN-XZ |   78.39 |   99.11 |   27.30 |   36.49 | China : Tibet                                |
| br    | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| bs*   | BA    |   15.73 |   19.62 |   42.56 |   45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina                       |
| bs*   | ME    |   18.42 |   20.35 |   41.68 |   43.56 | Montenegro                                   |
| bs*   | RS    |   18.81 |   23.01 |   42.23 |   46.19 | Serbia                                       |
| ca    | AD    |    1.41 |    1.79 |   42.43 |   42.66 | Andorra                                      |
| ca-   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| cal   | MP    |   144.81|  146.16 |   14.02 |   20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands                     |
| ce    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| ch*   | GU    |  144.56 |  145.01 |   13.18 |   13.71 | Guam                                         |
| ch*   | MP    |   144.81|  146.16 |   14.02 |   20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands                     |
| co-FR | FR-co |    8.53 |    9.57 |   41.36 |  43.02  | France : corsican speaking                   |
| co-IT | IT-co |    8.13 |    9.83 |   38.86 |   41.32 | Italia : corsican speaking                   |
| cpf   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| cr    | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| cs    | CZ    |   12.09 |   18.86 |   48.55 |   51.06 | Czechia                                      |
| cu    | BG    |   22.36 |   28.89 |   41.24 |   44.22 | Bulgaria                                     |
| cv    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| cy    | GB-WLS|   -5.80 |   -2.65 |   51.23 |   53.64 | United Kingdom : Wales                       |
| da    | DK    |    7.72 |   15.55 |   54.45 |   57.95 | Denmark                                      |
| de*   | AT    |    9.53 |   17.16 |   46.37 |   49.02 | Austria                                      |
| de*   | DE    |    5.87 |   15.04 |   47.27 |   55.10 | Germany                                      |
| de*   | LI    |    9.47 |    9.64 |   47.05 |   47.27 | Liechtenstein                                |
| de*   | LU    |    5.74 |    6.53 |   49.45 |   50.18 | Luxembourg                                   |
| de-BE | BE-de |    5.97 |    6.41 |   50.13 |   50.76 | Belgium : german speaking                    |
| de-CH | CH-de |    7.02 |   10.49 |   45.91 |   47.81 | Switzerland : german speaking                |
| dsb   | DE-dsb|   13.66 |   15.16 |   51.44 |   52.15 | Germany : lower sorbian speaking             |
| dv    | MV    |   72.36 |   73.97 |   -0.91 |    7.31 | Maldives                                     |
| dz    | BT    |   88.75 |   92.13 |   26.70 |   28.25 | Bhutan                                       |
| ee*   | BJ    |    0.78 |    3.85 |    6.04 |   12.41 | Benin                                        |
| ee*   | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| ee*   | TG    |   -0.14 |    1.81 |    5.93 |   11.14 | Togo                                         |
| el!   | GR    |   19.11 |   29.68 |   34.72 |   41.75 | Greece                                       |
| el*   | CY    |   32.02 |   34.86 |   34.44 |   35.91 | Cyprus                                       |
| en!   | GB    |  -14.02 |    2.09 |   49.67 |   61.06 | United Kingdom                               |
| en*   | AG    |  -62.55 |  -61.45 |   16.76 |   17.95 | Antigua and Barbuda                          |
| en*   | AI    |  -63.64 |  -62.71 |   18.06 |   18.80 | Anguilla                                     |
| en*   | AU    |   72.25 |  168.23 |  -55.32 |   -9.09 | Australia                                    |
| en*   | BB    |  -59.86 |  -59.21 |   12.85 |   13.54 | Barbados                                     |
| en*   | BM    |  -65.12 |  -64.41 |   32.05 |   32.59 | Bermuda                                      |
| en*   | BS    |  -80.70 |  -72.45 |   20.71 |   27.47 | The Bahamas                                  |
| en*   | BW    |   20.00 |   29.37 |  -26.91 |  -17.78 | Botswana                                     |
| en*   | BZ    |  -89.23 |  -87.28 |   15.89 |   18.50 | Belize                                       |
| en*   | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| en*   | CK    | -166.09 | -157.11 |  -22.16 |   -8.72 | Cook Islands                                 |
| en*   | DM    |  -61.69 |  -61.03 |   15.01 |   15.79 | Dominica                                     |
| en*   | FK    |  -61.77 |  -57.37 |  -53.12 |  -50.80 | Falkland Islands                             |
| en*   | FM    |  137.13 |  163.24 |    0.82 |   10.29 | Federated States of Micronesia               |
| en*   | GD    |  -62.01 |  -61.21 |   11.78 |   12.61 | Grenada                                      |
| en*   | GG    |   -3.02 |   -2.05 |   49.22 |   49.94 | Guernsey                                     |
| en*   | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| en*   | GI    |   -5.40 |   -5.28 |   36.06 |   36.16 | Gibraltar                                    |
| en*   | GM    |  -17.02 |  -13.80 |   13.06 |   13.83 | The Gambia                                   |
| en*   | GS    |  -42.36 |  -25.89 |  -59.67 |  -53.35 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
| en*   | GY    |  -61.38 |  -56.47 |    1.17 |    8.60 | Guyana                                       |
| en*   | IE    |  -11.01 |   -5.66 |   51.22 |   55.64 | Ireland                                      |
| en*   | IM    |   -5.17 |   -3.97 |   53.84 |   54.55 | Isle of Man                                  |
| en*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| en*   | IO    |   71.19 |   72.55 |   -7.49 |   -5.19 | British Indian Ocean Territory               |
| en*   | JE    |   -2.56 |   -1.83 |   48.87 |   49.46 | Jersey                                       |
| en*   | JM    |  -78.58 |  -75.75 |   16.59 |   18.73 | Jamaica                                      |
| en*   | KI    |  169.32 | -149.99 |  -11.65 |    4.90 | Kiribati                                     |
| en*   | KN    |  -63.05 |  -62.37 |   16.89 |   17.62 | Saint Kitts and Nevis                        |
| en*   | KY    |  -81.63 |  -79.51 |   19.06 |   19.96 | Cayman Islands                               |
| en*   | LC    |  -61.29 |  -60.66 |   13.51 |   14.27 | Saint Lucia                                  |
| en*   | LR    |  -11.61 |   -7.37 |    4.16 |    8.55 | Liberia                                      |
| en*   | MS    |  -62.45 |  -61.94 |   16.47 |   16.89 | Montserrat                                   |
| en*   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| en*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| en*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| en*   | NR    |  166.71 |  167.16 |   -0.76 |   -0.31 | Nauru                                        |
| en*   | NU    | -170.16 | -169.56 |  -19.35 |  -18.75 | Niue                                         |
| en*   | NZ    |  165.55 | -175.54 |  -52.82 |  -29.03 | New Zealand                                  |
| en*   | PH    |  114.10 |  126.81 |    4.22 |   21.32 | Philippines                                  |
| en*   | PN    | -130.97 | -124.55 |  -25.28 |  -23.71 | Pitcairn Islands                             |
| en*   | PW    |  130.92 |  134.93 |    2.60 |    8.41 | Palau                                        |
| en*   | SB    |  155.32 |  170.40 |  -13.24 |   -4.81 | Solomon Islands                              |
| en*   | SC    |   46.00 |   56.50 |  -10.46 |   -3.51 | Seychelles                                   |
| en*   | SH    |  -14.62 |   -5.42 |  -40.57 |   -7.69 | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
| en*   | SL    |  -13.50 |  -10.27 |    6.75 |   10.00 | Sierra Leone                                 |
| en*   | SS    |   23.45 |   35.95 |    3.49 |   12.24 | South Sudan                                  |
| en*   | TC    |  -72.68 |  -70.86 |   20.96 |   22.16 | Turks and Caicos Islands                     |
| en*   | TK    | -172.72 | -170.98 |   -9.64 |   -8.33 | Tokelau                                      |
| en*   | TT    |  -62.08 |  -60.29 |    9.87 |   11.56 | Trinidad and Tobago                          |
| en*   | TV    |  175.95 | -179.93 |  -10.99 |   -5.44 | Tuvalu                                       |
| en*   | US    |  144.41 |  -64.36 |  -14.76 |   71.59 | United States                                |
| en*   | VC    |  -61.66 |  -60.91 |   12.40 |   13.58 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines             |
| en*   | VG    |  -64.96 |  -64.06 |   18.11 |   18.95 | British Virgin Islands                       |
| en*   | ZM    |   22.00 |   33.71 |  -18.08 |   -8.27 | Zambia                                       |
| eo    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| es!   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| es*   | AR    |  -73.56 |  -53.64 |  -55.19 |  -21.78 | Argentina                                    |
| es*   | CL    | -109.68 |  -66.08 |  -56.73 |  -17.50 | Chile                                        |
| es*   | CO    |  -82.12 |  -66.85 |   -4.23 |   16.05 | Colombia                                     |
| es*   | CR    |  -87.30 |  -82.43 |    5.30 |   11.22 | Costa Rica                                   |
| es*   | CU    |  -85.17 |  -73.92 |   19.63 |   23.48 | Cuba                                         |
| es*   | DO    |  -72.06 |  -68.11 |   17.27 |   21.29 | Dominican Republic                           |
| es*   | EC    |  -92.21 |  -75.19 |   -5.02 |    1.88 | Ecuador                                      |
| es*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| es*   | GT    |  -92.37 |  -88.21 |   13.56 |   17.82 | Guatemala                                    |
| es*   | HN    |  -89.36 |  -82.18 |   12.98 |   17.62 | Honduras                                     |
| es*   | MX    | -118.60 |  -86.49 |   14.39 |   32.72 | Mexico                                       |
| es*   | NI    |  -87.90 |  -82.48 |   10.71 |   15.09 | Nicaragua                                    |
| es*   | PA    |  -83.05 |  -77.16 |    7.00 |    9.85 | Panama                                       |
| es*   | SV    |  -90.21 |  -87.60 |   12.95 |   14.45 | El Salvador                                  |
| es*   | UY    |  -58.49 |  -53.08 |  -35.78 |  -30.09 | Uruguay                                      |
| es*   | VE    |  -73.35 |  -59.77 |    0.65 |   15.92 | Venezuela                                    |
| et    | EE    |   21.38 |   28.21 |   57.51 |   59.94 | Estonia                                      |
| eu*   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| eu*   | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| fa!   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| fa*   | AF    |   60.52 |   74.89 |   29.38 |   38.49 | Afghanistan                                  |
| fa*   | TJ    |   67.33 |   75.15 |   36.67 |   41.05 | Tajikistan                                   |
| fan   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| ff*   | CM    |    8.38 |   16.19 |    1.65 |   13.08 | Cameroon                                     |
| ff*   | GM    |  -17.02 |  -13.80 |   13.06 |   13.83 | The Gambia                                   |
| ff*   | GN    |  -15.57 |   -7.64 |    7.19 |   12.68 | Guinea                                       |
| ff*   | SD    |   21.81 |   39.06 |    8.69 |   22.22 | Sudan                                        |
| ff*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| fi    | FI    |   19.08 |   31.59 |   59.45 |   70.09 | Finland                                      |
| fj    | FJ    |  174.42 | -178.00 |  -21.94 |  -12.26 | Fiji                                         |
| fo    | FO    |   -8.12 |   -5.83 |   61.14 |   62.60 | Faroe Islands                                |
| fr!   | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| fr*   | BF    |   -5.51 |    2.41 |    9.41 |   15.08 | Burkina Faso                                 |
| fr*   | BJ    |    0.78 |    3.85 |    6.04 |   12.41 | Benin                                        |
| fr*   | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| fr*   | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| fr*   | CG    |   11.00 |   18.64 |   -5.15 |    3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville                            |
| fr*   | CI    |   -8.60 |   -2.49 |    4.16 |   10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire                                |
| fr*   | FR-OT | -178.39 |  172.31 |  -50.22 |   51.31 | France including Overseas Territories        |
| fr*   | GA    |    8.50 |   14.54 |   -4.10 |    2.32 | Gabon                                        |
| fr*   | GN    |  -15.57 |   -7.64 |    7.19 |   12.68 | Guinea                                       |
| fr*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| fr*   | KM    |   42.83 |   44.97 |  -12.99 |  -11.16 | Comoros                                      |
| fr*   | MC    |    7.41 |    7.53 |   43.52 |   43.75 | Monaco                                       |
| fr*   | ML    |  -12.24 |    4.27 |   10.15 |   25.00 | Mali                                         |
| fr*   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| fr*   | NE    |    0.17 |   16.00 |   11.69 |   23.52 | Niger                                        |
| fr*   | PF    | -154.93 | -134.25 |  -28.09 |   -7.66 | French Polynesia                             |
| fr*   | SC    |   46.00 |   56.50 |  -10.46 |   -3.51 | Seychelles                                   |
| fr*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| fr*   | TG    |   -0.14 |    1.81 |    5.93 |   11.14 | Togo                                         |
| fr-BE | BE-fr |    2.80 |    6.22 |   49.50 |   50.81 | Belgium : french speaking                    |
| fr-CH | CH-fr |    5.96 |    7.72 |   45.86 |   47.50 | Switzerland : french speaking                |
| fy!   | NL    |    3.08 |    7.23 |   50.75 |   53.75 | Netherlands                                  |
| fy*   | NL-CI |  -70.27 |    7.23 |   11.78 |   53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands       |
| ga    | IE    |  -11.01 |   -5.66 |   51.22 |   55.64 | Ireland                                      |
| gd    | GB-HLD|   -7.66 |   -2.38 |   55.28 |   59.39 | United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands        |
| gl*   | ES    |  -18.39 |    4.59 |   27.43 |   43.99 | Spain                                        |
| gl*   | PT    |  -31.56 |   -6.19 |   29.83 |   42.15 | Portugal                                     |
| gn    | PY    |  -62.64 |  -54.26 |  -27.61 |  -19.29 | Paraguay                                     |
| gu    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| gv    | IM    |   -5.17 |   -3.97 |   53.84 |   54.55 | Isle of Man                                  |
| ha*   | NE    |    0.17 |   16.00 |   11.69 |   23.52 | Niger                                        |
| ha*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| he    | IL    |   34.27 |   35.90 |   29.45 |   33.34 | Israel                                       |
| hi    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ho    | PG    |  140.84 |  159.69 |  -11.86 |   -0.56 | Papua New Guinea                             |
| hr!   | HR    |   13.21 |   19.45 |   42.18 |   46.56 | Croatia                                      |
| hr*   | BA    |   15.73 |   19.62 |   42.56 |   45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina                       |
| hr*   | ME    |   18.42 |   20.35 |   41.68 |   43.56 | Montenegro                                   |
| hsb   | DE-hsb|   13.88 |   15.32 |   50.88 |   51.62 | Germany : upper sorbian speaking             |
| ht    | HT    |  -75.24 |  -71.62 |   17.82 |   20.29 | Haiti                                        |
| hu    | HU    |   16.11 |   22.90 |   45.74 |   48.59 | Hungary                                      |
| hy    | AM    |   43.45 |   46.63 |   38.84 |   41.30 | Armenia                                      |
| hz*   | BW    |   20.00 |   29.37 |  -26.91 |  -17.78 | Botswana                                     |
| hz*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| ia    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| id    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| ie    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| ig    | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| ii    | CN    |   73.50 |  134.78 |    8.67 |   53.56 | China                                        |
| ik    | US-AK | -180.00 | -129.97 |   51.00 |   71.59 | United States : Alaska                       |
| io    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| is    | IS    |  -25.01 |  -12.80 |   63.09 |   67.35 | Iceland                                      |
| it!   | IT    |    6.63 |   18.78 |   35.29 |   47.09 | Italy                                        |
| it*   | SM    |   12.40 |   12.52 |   43.89 |   43.99 | San Marino                                   |
| it*   | VA    |   12.44 |   12.46 |   41.90 |   41.91 | Vatican                                      |
| it-CH | CH-it |    8.38 |   10.17 |   45.82 |   47.00 | Switzerland : italian speaking               |
| iu    | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| ja    | JP    |  122.71 |  154.21 |   20.21 |   45.71 | Japan                                        |
| jv    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| ka    | GE    |   39.88 |   46.74 |   41.06 |   43.59 | Georgia                                      |
| kea   | CV    |  -25.57 |  -22.45 |   14.61 |   17.41 | Cape Verde                                   |
| kg*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| kg*   | CG    |   11.00 |   18.64 |   -5.15 |    3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville                            |
| ki    | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| kj*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| kj*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| kk    | KZ    |   46.49 |   87.32 |   40.57 |   55.44 | Kazakhstan                                   |
| kk-   | CN    |   73.50 |  134.78 |    8.67 |   53.56 | China                                        |
| kl    | GL    |  -74.13 |  -10.03 |   59.52 |   83.88 | Greenland                                    |
| km!   | KH    |  102.33 |  107.63 |    9.46 |   14.69 | Cambodia                                     |
| km*   | VN    |  102.14 |  114.86 |    7.69 |   23.39 | Vietnam                                      |
| kn    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ko*   | KP    |  124.09 |  130.89 |   37.58 |   43.01 | North Korea                                  |
| ko*   | KR    |  124.37 |  132.15 |   32.91 |   38.62 | South Korea                                  |
| kr*   | CM    |    8.38 |   16.19 |    1.65 |   13.08 | Cameroon                                     |
| kr*   | NE    |    0.17 |   16.00 |   11.69 |   23.52 | Niger                                        |
| kr*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| kr*   | TD    |   13.47 |   24.00 |    7.44 |   23.45 | Chad                                         |
| ks*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ks*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| ku*   | IQ    |   38.79 |   49.11 |   29.06 |   37.38 | Iraq                                         |
| ku*   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| ku*   | TR    |   25.57 |   44.82 |   35.81 |   42.30 | Turkey                                       |
| kv    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| kw    | GB-CON|   -5.75 |   -4.16 |   49.95 |   50.94 | United Kingdom : Cornwall                    |
| ky    | KG    |   69.26 |   80.23 |   39.17 |   43.27 | Kyrgyzstan                                   |
| la    | VA    |   12.44 |   12.46 |   41.90 |   41.91 | Vatican                                      |
| lb    | LU    |    5.74 |    6.53 |   49.45 |   50.18 | Luxembourg                                   |
| lg*   | TZ    |   29.33 |   40.66 |  -11.76 |   -0.99 | Tanzania                                     |
| lg*   | UG    |   29.57 |   35.00 |   -1.48 |    4.23 | Uganda                                       |
| li    | XX-li |    4.93 |    7.08 |   50.63 |   51.37 | Area where Limburgish is spoken              |
| ln*   | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| ln*   | CG    |   11.00 |   18.64 |   -5.15 |    3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville                            |
| lo    | LA    |  100.08 |  107.63 |   13.91 |   22.51 | Laos                                         |
| lt    | LT    |   20.66 |   26.84 |   53.90 |   56.45 | Lithuania                                    |
| lu    | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| lv    | LV    |   20.60 |   28.24 |   55.67 |   58.09 | Latvia                                       |
| mfe   | MU    |   56.38 |   63.72 |  -20.73 |  -10.14 | Mauritius                                    |
| mg    | MG    |   42.97 |   50.67 |  -25.78 |  -11.73 | Madagascar                                   |
| mh    | MH    |  160.59 |  172.37 |    4.37 |   14.92 | Marshall Islands                             |
| mi    | NZ    |  165.55 | -175.54 |  -52.82 |  -29.03 | New Zealand                                  |
| mk    | MK    |   20.45 |   23.03 |   40.85 |   42.37 | North Macedonia                              |
| ml    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| mn    | MN    |   87.73 |  119.93 |   41.58 |   52.15 | Mongolia                                     |
| mo    | MD    |   26.62 |   30.16 |   45.47 |   48.49 | Moldova                                      |
| mr    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ms    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| ms*   | BN    |  113.02 |  115.36 |    4.00 |    6.55 | Brunei                                       |
| ms*   | MY    |   98.74 |  119.58 |    0.85 |    8.38 | Malaysia                                     |
| ms*   | SG    |  103.51 |  104.57 |    1.13 |    1.51 | Singapore                                    |
| ms*   | TL    |  124.03 |  127.54 |   -9.61 |   -8.10 | East Timor                                   |
| mt    | MT    |   13.94 |   14.82 |   35.59 |   36.28 | Malta                                        |
| my    | MM    |   92.17 |  101.17 |    9.44 |   28.55 | Myanmar                                      |
| na    | NR    |  166.71 |  167.16 |   -0.76 |   -0.31 | Nauru                                        |
| nb!   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| nb*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| nd    | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| ne!   | NP    |   80.06 |   88.20 |   26.35 |   30.45 | Nepal                                        |
| ne*   | BT    |   88.75 |   92.13 |   26.70 |   28.25 | Bhutan                                       |
| ne*   | MM    |   92.17 |  101.17 |    9.44 |   28.55 | Myanmar                                      |
| ne-   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ng*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| ng*   | NA    |   11.53 |   25.26 |  -28.97 |  -16.96 | Namibia                                      |
| nl!   | NL    |    3.08 |    7.23 |   50.75 |   53.75 | Netherlands                                  |
| nl*   | NL-CI |  -70.27 |    7.23 |   11.78 |   53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands       |
| nl*   | SR    |  -58.07 |  -53.86 |    1.83 |    6.22 | Suriname                                     |
| nl-BE | BE-nl |    2.39 |    6.41 |   50.69 |   51.14 | Belgium : dutch speaking                     |
| nn!   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| nn*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| no!   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| no*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| nr    | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| nv    | US    |  144.41 |  -64.36 |  -14.76 |   71.59 | United States                                |
| ny    | MW    |   32.67 |   35.92 |  -17.13 |   -9.37 | Malawi                                       |
| oc    | FR    |   -5.45 |    9.83 |   41.26 |   51.31 | France                                       |
| oj*   | CA    | -141.00 |  -52.32 |   41.68 |   83.34 | Canada                                       |
| oj*   | US    |  144.41 |  -64.36 |  -14.76 |   71.59 | United States                                |
| om*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| om*   | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| or    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| os!   | GE    |   39.88 |   46.74 |   41.06 |   43.59 | Georgia                                      |
| os*   | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| pa*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| pa*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| pi    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| pl    | PL    |   14.07 |   24.15 |   49.00 |   55.04 | Poland                                       |
| ps!   | AF    |   60.52 |   74.89 |   29.38 |   38.49 | Afghanistan                                  |
| ps*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| pt!   | PT    |  -31.56 |   -6.19 |   29.83 |   42.15 | Portugal                                     |
| pt*   | AO    |   11.46 |   24.09 |  -18.04 |   -4.39 | Angola                                       |
| pt*   | BR    |  -73.98 |  -28.63 |  -33.87 |    5.27 | Brazil                                       |
| pt*   | CV    |  -25.57 |  -22.45 |   14.61 |   17.41 | Cape Verde                                   |
| pt*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| pt*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| pt*   | GQ    |    5.42 |   11.41 |   -1.67 |    3.99 | Equatorial Guinea                            |
| pt*   | GW    |  -16.90 |  -13.63 |   10.65 |   12.69 | Guinea-Bissau                                |
| pt*   | MZ    |   30.21 |   41.05 |  -26.92 |  -10.33 | Mozambique                                   |
| pt*   | ST    |    6.26 |    7.67 |   -0.21 |    1.93 | São Tomé and Príncipe                        |
| pt*   | TL    |  124.03 |  127.54 |   -9.61 |   -8.10 | East Timor                                   |
| qu*   | AR    |  -73.56 |  -53.64 |  -55.19 |  -21.78 | Argentina                                    |
| qu*   | BO    |  -69.65 |  -57.45 |  -22.90 |   -9.67 | Bolivia                                      |
| qu*   | CO    |  -82.12 |  -66.85 |   -4.23 |   16.05 | Colombia                                     |
| qu*   | EC    |  -92.21 |  -75.19 |   -5.02 |    1.88 | Ecuador                                      |
| qu*   | PE    |  -84.64 |  -68.65 |  -20.20 |   -0.04 | Peru                                         |
| rm    | CH-rm |    8.59 |   10.49 |   46.35 |   46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking          |
| rm-CH | CH-rm |    8.59 |   10.49 |   46.35 |   46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking          |
| rn!   | BI    |   29.00 |   30.85 |   -4.47 |   -2.31 | Burundi                                      |
| rn*   | CD    |   12.04 |   31.31 |  -13.46 |    5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo             |
| rn*   | TZ    |   29.33 |   40.66 |  -11.76 |   -0.99 | Tanzania                                     |
| ro*   | MD    |   26.62 |   30.16 |   45.47 |   48.49 | Moldova                                      |
| ro*   | RO    |   20.26 |   30.05 |   43.62 |   48.27 | Romania                                      |
| ru    | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| rw    | RW    |   28.86 |   30.90 |   -2.84 |   -1.05 | Rwanda                                       |
| sa    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| sc    | IT-88 |    8.13 |    9.83 |   38.86 |   41.32 | Italia : Sardinia                            |
| sco   | GB-SCT|  -14.02 |   -0.32 |   54.43 |   61.06 | United Kingdom : Scotland                    |
| sd*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| sd*   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| se*   | FI    |   19.08 |   31.59 |   59.45 |   70.09 | Finland                                      |
| se*   | NO    |   -9.68 |   34.69 |  -54.65 |   81.03 | Norway                                       |
| se*   | NO-CO |    4.09 |   31.77 |   57.75 |   71.39 | Norway : Continental                         |
| se*   | SE    |   10.59 |   24.18 |   55.14 |   69.06 | Sweden                                       |
| se-   | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| sg    | CF    |   14.41 |   27.47 |    2.23 |   11.00 | Central African Republic                     |
| si    | LK    |   79.40 |   82.08 |    5.72 |   10.04 | Sri Lanka                                    |
| sk    | SK    |   16.83 |   22.57 |   47.73 |   49.61 | Slovakia                                     |
| sl    | SI    |   13.38 |   16.60 |   45.42 |   46.88 | Slovenia                                     |
| sm    | WS    | -173.01 | -171.19 |  -14.28 |  -13.24 | Samoa                                        |
| sn*   | ZM    |   22.00 |   33.71 |  -18.08 |   -8.27 | Zambia                                       |
| sn*   | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| so!   | SO    |   40.99 |   51.62 |   -1.80 |   12.19 | Somalia                                      |
| so*   | DJ    |   41.77 |   43.66 |   10.91 |   12.79 | Djibouti                                     |
| so*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| so*   | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| so*   | YE    |   41.61 |   54.74 |   11.91 |   19.00 | Yemen                                        |
| sq!   | AL    |   19.00 |   21.06 |   39.64 |   42.66 | Albania                                      |
| sq*   | XK    |   20.01 |   21.79 |   41.86 |   43.27 | Kosovo                                       |
| sr!   | RS    |   18.81 |   23.01 |   42.23 |   46.19 | Serbia                                       |
| sr*   | BA    |   15.73 |   19.62 |   42.56 |   45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina                       |
| sr*   | HR    |   13.21 |   19.45 |   42.18 |   46.56 | Croatia                                      |
| sr*   | ME    |   18.42 |   20.35 |   41.68 |   43.56 | Montenegro                                   |
| srn   | SR    |  -58.07 |  -53.86 |    1.83 |    6.22 | Suriname                                     |
| ss*   | SZ    |   30.79 |   32.13 |  -27.32 |  -25.72 | Eswatini                                     |
| ss*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| st*   | LS    |   27.01 |   29.46 |  -30.68 |  -28.57 | Lesotho                                      |
| st*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| su    | ID    |   94.77 |  141.02 |  -11.21 |    6.27 | Indonesia                                    |
| sv    | SE    |   10.59 |   24.18 |   55.14 |   69.06 | Sweden                                       |
| sv-   | FI    |   19.08 |   31.59 |   59.45 |   70.09 | Finland                                      |
| sw*   | KE    |   33.91 |   41.91 |   -4.90 |    4.62 | Kenya                                        |
| sw*   | TZ    |   29.33 |   40.66 |  -11.76 |   -0.99 | Tanzania                                     |
| sw*   | UG    |   29.57 |   35.00 |   -1.48 |    4.23 | Uganda                                       |
| ta!   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| ta*   | LK    |   79.40 |   82.08 |    5.72 |   10.04 | Sri Lanka                                    |
| ta*   | SG    |  103.51 |  104.57 |    1.13 |    1.51 | Singapore                                    |
| te    | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| tg    | TJ    |   67.33 |   75.15 |   36.67 |   41.05 | Tajikistan                                   |
| th!   | TH    |   97.34 |  105.64 |    5.61 |   20.46 | Thailand                                     |
| th*   | KH    |  102.33 |  107.63 |    9.46 |   14.69 | Cambodia                                     |
| th*   | LA    |  100.08 |  107.63 |   13.91 |   22.51 | Laos                                         |
| th*   | MM    |   92.17 |  101.17 |    9.44 |   28.55 | Myanmar                                      |
| th*   | MY    |   98.74 |  119.58 |    0.85 |    8.38 | Malaysia                                     |
| ti*   | ER    |   36.43 |   43.30 |   12.35 |   18.07 | Eritrea                                      |
| ti*   | ET    |   33.00 |   47.98 |    3.40 |   14.89 | Ethiopia                                     |
| tk!   | TM    |   52.26 |   66.69 |   35.13 |   42.80 | Turkmenistan                                 |
| tk*   | AF    |   60.52 |   74.89 |   29.38 |   38.49 | Afghanistan                                  |
| tk*   | IQ    |   38.79 |   49.11 |   29.06 |   37.38 | Iraq                                         |
| tk*   | IR    |   44.03 |   63.33 |   24.84 |   39.78 | Iran                                         |
| tk*   | TR    |   25.57 |   44.82 |   35.81 |   42.30 | Turkey                                       |
| tl    | PH    |  114.10 |  126.81 |    4.22 |   21.32 | Philippines                                  |
| tn*   | BW    |   20.00 |   29.37 |  -26.91 |  -17.78 | Botswana                                     |
| tn*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| to    | TO    | -179.40 | -173.53 |  -24.16 |  -15.37 | Tonga                                        |
| tr!   | TR    |   25.57 |   44.82 |   35.81 |   42.30 | Turkey                                       |
| tr-   | CY    |   32.02 |   34.86 |   34.44 |   35.91 | Cyprus                                       |
| ts*   | MZ    |   30.21 |   41.05 |  -26.92 |  -10.33 | Mozambique                                   |
| ts*   | SZ    |   30.79 |   32.13 |  -27.32 |  -25.72 | Eswatini                                     |
| ts*   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| ts*   | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| tt*   | KG    |   69.26 |   80.23 |   39.17 |   43.27 | Kyrgyzstan                                   |
| tt*   | KZ    |   46.49 |   87.32 |   40.57 |   55.44 | Kazakhstan                                   |
| tt*   | RU    |   12.44 | -168.97 |   41.18 |   82.06 | Russia                                       |
| tt*   | UA    |   22.14 |   40.23 |   44.18 |   52.38 | Ukraine                                      |
| tt*   | UZ    |   56.00 |   73.15 |   37.18 |   45.59 | Uzbekistan                                   |
| tw    | GH    |   -3.26 |    1.27 |    4.54 |   11.17 | Ghana                                        |
| ty    | PF    | -154.93 | -134.25 |  -28.09 |   -7.66 | French Polynesia                             |
| ug*   | CN-XG |   73.49 |   96.39 |   34.33 |   49.18 | China : Xinjiang                             |
| ug-   | KZ    |   46.49 |   87.32 |   40.57 |   55.44 | Kazakhstan                                   |
| uk    | UA    |   22.14 |   40.23 |   44.18 |   52.38 | Ukraine                                      |
| ur!   | PK    |   60.87 |   77.12 |   23.43 |   37.08 | Pakistan                                     |
| ur*   | IN    |   67.95 |   97.40 |    6.55 |   35.67 | India                                        |
| uz    | UZ    |   56.00 |   73.15 |   37.18 |   45.59 | Uzbekistan                                   |
| ve!   | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| ve*   | ZW    |   25.24 |   33.07 |  -22.42 |  -15.61 | Zimbabwe                                     |
| vi    | VN    |  102.14 |  114.86 |    7.69 |   23.39 | Vietnam                                      |
| vo    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| wa    | BE    |    2.39 |    6.41 |   49.50 |   51.55 | Belgium                                      |
| wo*   | GM    |  -17.02 |  -13.80 |   13.06 |   13.83 | The Gambia                                   |
| wo*   | MR    |  -17.24 |   -4.83 |   14.72 |   27.31 | Mauritania                                   |
| wo*   | SN    |  -17.75 |  -11.35 |   12.24 |   16.69 | Senegal                                      |
| xh    | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |
| yi    | XX    | -180.00 |  180.00 |  -90.00 |   90.00 | World                                        |
| yo*   | BJ    |    0.78 |    3.85 |    6.04 |   12.41 | Benin                                        |
| yo*   | NG    |    2.68 |   14.68 |    4.07 |   13.89 | Nigeria                                      |
| yo*   | TG    |   -0.14 |    1.81 |    5.93 |   11.14 | Togo                                         |
| za    | CN-GX |  104.44 |  112.06 |   20.70 |   26.39 | China : Guangxi                              |
| zh*   | CN    |   73.50 |  134.78 |    8.67 |   53.56 | China                                        |
| zh*   | TW    |  114.16 |  122.33 |   10.29 |   26.44 | Taiwan                                       |
| zu    | ZA    |   16.33 |   38.29 |  -47.18 |  -22.13 | South Africa                                 |

Download regions-by-language.csv ( 46K Bytes, last modification: 2023-02-13 15:05)


A small Perl script generates a JSON file from this input, which is then used by a JavaScript module to zoom the map.

JSON file

"aa":{"w":33.00,"e":47.98,"s":3.40,"n":18.07,"r":"Language region 'aa'"},
"af":{"w":11.53,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-16.96,"r":"Language region 'af'"},
"ak":{"w":-8.60,"e":1.27,"s":4.16,"n":11.17,"r":"Language region 'ak'"},
"ar":{"w":-17.24,"e":60.05,"s":-12.99,"n":37.76,"r":"Language region 'ar'"},
"ay":{"w":-109.68,"e":-57.45,"s":-56.73,"n":-0.04,"r":"Language region 'ay'"},
"az":{"w":44.03,"e":63.33,"s":24.84,"n":41.96,"r":"Language region 'az'"},
"bar":{"w":8.98,"e":13.84,"s":47.27,"n":50.56,"r":"Germany : Bavaria"},
"bm":{"w":-17.75,"e":4.27,"s":4.16,"n":25.00,"r":"Language region 'bm'"},
"bo":{"w":78.39,"e":99.11,"s":27.30,"n":36.49,"r":"China : Tibet"},
"bs":{"w":15.73,"e":23.01,"s":41.68,"n":46.19,"r":"Language region 'bs'"},
"cal":{"w":144.81,"e":146.16,"s":14.02,"n":20.62,"r":"Northern Mariana Islands"},
"ch":{"w":144.56,"e":146.16,"s":13.18,"n":20.62,"r":"Language region 'ch'"},
"co-FR":{"w":8.53,"e":9.57,"s":41.36,"n":43.02,"r":"France : corsican speaking"},
"co-IT":{"w":8.13,"e":9.83,"s":38.86,"n":41.32,"r":"Italia : corsican speaking"},
"cy":{"w":-5.80,"e":-2.65,"s":51.23,"n":53.64,"r":"United Kingdom : Wales"},
"de":{"w":5.74,"e":17.16,"s":46.37,"n":55.10,"r":"Language region 'de'"},
"de-BE":{"w":5.97,"e":6.41,"s":50.13,"n":50.76,"r":"Belgium : german speaking"},
"de-CH":{"w":7.02,"e":10.49,"s":45.91,"n":47.81,"r":"Switzerland : german speaking"},
"dsb":{"w":13.66,"e":15.16,"s":51.44,"n":52.15,"r":"Germany : lower sorbian speaking"},
"ee":{"w":-3.26,"e":3.85,"s":4.54,"n":12.41,"r":"Language region 'ee'"},
"en":{"w":-14.02,"e":2.09,"s":49.67,"n":61.06,"r":"United Kingdom"},
"eu":{"w":-18.39,"e":9.83,"s":27.43,"n":51.31,"r":"Language region 'eu'"},
"fan":{"w":5.42,"e":11.41,"s":-1.67,"n":3.99,"r":"Equatorial Guinea"},
"ff":{"w":-17.75,"e":39.06,"s":1.65,"n":22.22,"r":"Language region 'ff'"},
"fo":{"w":-8.12,"e":-5.83,"s":61.14,"n":62.60,"r":"Faroe Islands"},
"fr-BE":{"w":2.80,"e":6.22,"s":49.50,"n":50.81,"r":"Belgium : french speaking"},
"fr-CH":{"w":5.96,"e":7.72,"s":45.86,"n":47.50,"r":"Switzerland : french speaking"},
"gd":{"w":-7.66,"e":-2.38,"s":55.28,"n":59.39,"r":"United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands"},
"gl":{"w":-31.56,"e":4.59,"s":27.43,"n":43.99,"r":"Language region 'gl'"},
"gv":{"w":-5.17,"e":-3.97,"s":53.84,"n":54.55,"r":"Isle of Man"},
"ha":{"w":0.17,"e":16.00,"s":4.07,"n":23.52,"r":"Language region 'ha'"},
"ho":{"w":140.84,"e":159.69,"s":-11.86,"n":-0.56,"r":"Papua New Guinea"},
"hsb":{"w":13.88,"e":15.32,"s":50.88,"n":51.62,"r":"Germany : upper sorbian speaking"},
"hz":{"w":11.53,"e":29.37,"s":-28.97,"n":-16.96,"r":"Language region 'hz'"},
"ik":{"w":-180.00,"e":-129.97,"s":51.00,"n":71.59,"r":"United States : Alaska"},
"it-CH":{"w":8.38,"e":10.17,"s":45.82,"n":47.00,"r":"Switzerland : italian speaking"},
"kea":{"w":-25.57,"e":-22.45,"s":14.61,"n":17.41,"r":"Cape Verde"},
"kg":{"w":11.00,"e":24.09,"s":-18.04,"n":3.71,"r":"Language region 'kg'"},
"kj":{"w":11.46,"e":25.26,"s":-28.97,"n":-4.39,"r":"Language region 'kj'"},
"ko":{"w":124.09,"e":132.15,"s":32.91,"n":43.01,"r":"Language region 'ko'"},
"kr":{"w":0.17,"e":24.00,"s":1.65,"n":23.52,"r":"Language region 'kr'"},
"ks":{"w":60.87,"e":97.40,"s":6.55,"n":37.08,"r":"Language region 'ks'"},
"ku":{"w":25.57,"e":63.33,"s":24.84,"n":42.30,"r":"Language region 'ku'"},
"kw":{"w":-5.75,"e":-4.16,"s":49.95,"n":50.94,"r":"United Kingdom : Cornwall"},
"lg":{"w":29.33,"e":40.66,"s":-11.76,"n":4.23,"r":"Language region 'lg'"},
"li":{"w":4.93,"e":7.08,"s":50.63,"n":51.37,"r":"Area where Limburgish is spoken"},
"ln":{"w":11.00,"e":31.31,"s":-13.46,"n":5.39,"r":"Language region 'ln'"},
"lu":{"w":12.04,"e":31.31,"s":-13.46,"n":5.39,"r":"Democratic Republic of the Congo"},
"mh":{"w":160.59,"e":172.37,"s":4.37,"n":14.92,"r":"Marshall Islands"},
"mi":{"w":165.55,"e":-175.54,"s":-52.82,"n":-29.03,"r":"New Zealand"},
"mk":{"w":20.45,"e":23.03,"s":40.85,"n":42.37,"r":"North Macedonia"},
"nb":{"w":4.09,"e":31.77,"s":57.75,"n":71.39,"r":"Norway : Continental"},
"ng":{"w":11.46,"e":25.26,"s":-28.97,"n":-4.39,"r":"Language region 'ng'"},
"nl-BE":{"w":2.39,"e":6.41,"s":50.69,"n":51.14,"r":"Belgium : dutch speaking"},
"nn":{"w":4.09,"e":31.77,"s":57.75,"n":71.39,"r":"Norway : Continental"},
"no":{"w":4.09,"e":31.77,"s":57.75,"n":71.39,"r":"Norway : Continental"},
"nr":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"South Africa"},
"nv":{"w":144.41,"e":-64.36,"s":-14.76,"n":71.59,"r":"United States"},
"oj":{"w":144.41,"e":-52.32,"s":-14.76,"n":83.34,"r":"Language region 'oj'"},
"om":{"w":33.00,"e":47.98,"s":-4.90,"n":14.89,"r":"Language region 'om'"},
"pa":{"w":60.87,"e":97.40,"s":6.55,"n":37.08,"r":"Language region 'pa'"},
"qu":{"w":-92.21,"e":-53.64,"s":-55.19,"n":16.05,"r":"Language region 'qu'"},
"rm":{"w":8.59,"e":10.49,"s":46.35,"n":46.96,"r":"Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking"},
"rm-CH":{"w":8.59,"e":10.49,"s":46.35,"n":46.96,"r":"Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking"},
"ro":{"w":20.26,"e":30.16,"s":43.62,"n":48.49,"r":"Language region 'ro'"},
"sc":{"w":8.13,"e":9.83,"s":38.86,"n":41.32,"r":"Italia : Sardinia"},
"sco":{"w":-14.02,"e":-0.32,"s":54.43,"n":61.06,"r":"United Kingdom : Scotland"},
"sd":{"w":60.87,"e":97.40,"s":6.55,"n":37.08,"r":"Language region 'sd'"},
"se":{"w":-9.68,"e":34.69,"s":-54.65,"n":81.03,"r":"Language region 'se'"},
"sg":{"w":14.41,"e":27.47,"s":2.23,"n":11.00,"r":"Central African Republic"},
"si":{"w":79.40,"e":82.08,"s":5.72,"n":10.04,"r":"Sri Lanka"},
"sn":{"w":22.00,"e":33.71,"s":-22.42,"n":-8.27,"r":"Language region 'sn'"},
"ss":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"Language region 'ss'"},
"st":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"Language region 'st'"},
"sw":{"w":29.33,"e":41.91,"s":-11.76,"n":4.62,"r":"Language region 'sw'"},
"ti":{"w":33.00,"e":47.98,"s":3.40,"n":18.07,"r":"Language region 'ti'"},
"tn":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-17.78,"r":"Language region 'tn'"},
"ts":{"w":16.33,"e":41.05,"s":-47.18,"n":-10.33,"r":"Language region 'ts'"},
"tt":{"w":12.44,"e":-168.97,"s":37.18,"n":82.06,"r":"Language region 'tt'"},
"ty":{"w":-154.93,"e":-134.25,"s":-28.09,"n":-7.66,"r":"French Polynesia"},
"ug":{"w":73.49,"e":96.39,"s":34.33,"n":49.18,"r":"Language region 'ug'"},
"ve":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"South Africa"},
"wo":{"w":-17.75,"e":-4.83,"s":12.24,"n":27.31,"r":"Language region 'wo'"},
"xh":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"South Africa"},
"yo":{"w":-0.14,"e":14.68,"s":4.07,"n":13.89,"r":"Language region 'yo'"},
"za":{"w":104.44,"e":112.06,"s":20.70,"n":26.39,"r":"China : Guangxi"},
"zh":{"w":73.50,"e":134.78,"s":8.67,"n":53.56,"r":"Language region 'zh'"},
"zu":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"South Africa"},
"*-AE":{"w":51.42,"e":56.60,"s":22.63,"n":26.15,"r":"United Arab Emirates"},
"*-AG":{"w":-62.55,"e":-61.45,"s":16.76,"n":17.95,"r":"Antigua and Barbuda"},
"*-BA":{"w":15.73,"e":19.62,"s":42.56,"n":45.28,"r":"Bosnia and Herzegovina"},
"*-BF":{"w":-5.51,"e":2.41,"s":9.41,"n":15.08,"r":"Burkina Faso"},
"*-BS":{"w":-80.70,"e":-72.45,"s":20.71,"n":27.47,"r":"The Bahamas"},
"*-BV":{"w":2.93,"e":3.78,"s":-54.65,"n":-54.19,"r":"Bouvet Island"},
"*-CD":{"w":12.04,"e":31.31,"s":-13.46,"n":5.39,"r":"Democratic Republic of the Congo"},
"*-CF":{"w":14.41,"e":27.47,"s":2.23,"n":11.00,"r":"Central African Republic"},
"*-CI":{"w":-8.60,"e":-2.49,"s":4.16,"n":10.74,"r":"Côte d'Ivoire"},
"*-CK":{"w":-166.09,"e":-157.11,"s":-22.16,"n":-8.72,"r":"Cook Islands"},
"*-CN-GX":{"w":104.44,"e":112.06,"s":20.70,"n":26.39,"r":"China : Guangxi"},
"*-CN-XG":{"w":73.49,"e":96.39,"s":34.33,"n":49.18,"r":"China : Xinjiang"},
"*-CN-XZ":{"w":78.39,"e":99.11,"s":27.30,"n":36.49,"r":"China : Tibet"},
"*-CR":{"w":-87.30,"e":-82.43,"s":5.30,"n":11.22,"r":"Costa Rica"},
"*-CV":{"w":-25.57,"e":-22.45,"s":14.61,"n":17.41,"r":"Cape Verde"},
"*-DE-BY":{"w":8.98,"e":13.84,"s":47.27,"n":50.56,"r":"Germany : Bavaria"},
"*-DO":{"w":-72.06,"e":-68.11,"s":17.27,"n":21.29,"r":"Dominican Republic"},
"*-FK":{"w":-61.77,"e":-57.37,"s":-53.12,"n":-50.80,"r":"Falkland Islands"},
"*-FM":{"w":137.13,"e":163.24,"s":0.82,"n":10.29,"r":"Federated States of Micronesia"},
"*-FO":{"w":-8.12,"e":-5.83,"s":61.14,"n":62.60,"r":"Faroe Islands"},
"*-FR-OT":{"w":-178.39,"e":172.31,"s":-50.22,"n":51.31,"r":"France including Overseas Territories"},
"*-GB":{"w":-14.02,"e":2.09,"s":49.67,"n":61.06,"r":"United Kingdom"},
"*-GB-CON":{"w":-5.75,"e":-4.16,"s":49.95,"n":50.94,"r":"United Kingdom : Cornwall"},
"*-GB-HLD":{"w":-7.66,"e":-2.38,"s":55.28,"n":59.39,"r":"United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands"},
"*-GB-SCT":{"w":-14.02,"e":-0.32,"s":54.43,"n":61.06,"r":"United Kingdom : Scotland"},
"*-GB-WLS":{"w":-5.80,"e":-2.65,"s":51.23,"n":53.64,"r":"United Kingdom : Wales"},
"*-GM":{"w":-17.02,"e":-13.80,"s":13.06,"n":13.83,"r":"The Gambia"},
"*-GQ":{"w":5.42,"e":11.41,"s":-1.67,"n":3.99,"r":"Equatorial Guinea"},
"*-GS":{"w":-42.36,"e":-25.89,"s":-59.67,"n":-53.35,"r":"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"},
"*-IM":{"w":-5.17,"e":-3.97,"s":53.84,"n":54.55,"r":"Isle of Man"},
"*-IO":{"w":71.19,"e":72.55,"s":-7.49,"n":-5.19,"r":"British Indian Ocean Territory"},
"*-IT-88":{"w":8.13,"e":9.83,"s":38.86,"n":41.32,"r":"Italia : Sardinia"},
"*-KN":{"w":-63.05,"e":-62.37,"s":16.89,"n":17.62,"r":"Saint Kitts and Nevis"},
"*-KP":{"w":124.09,"e":130.89,"s":37.58,"n":43.01,"r":"North Korea"},
"*-KR":{"w":124.37,"e":132.15,"s":32.91,"n":38.62,"r":"South Korea"},
"*-KY":{"w":-81.63,"e":-79.51,"s":19.06,"n":19.96,"r":"Cayman Islands"},
"*-LC":{"w":-61.29,"e":-60.66,"s":13.51,"n":14.27,"r":"Saint Lucia"},
"*-LK":{"w":79.40,"e":82.08,"s":5.72,"n":10.04,"r":"Sri Lanka"},
"*-MH":{"w":160.59,"e":172.37,"s":4.37,"n":14.92,"r":"Marshall Islands"},
"*-MK":{"w":20.45,"e":23.03,"s":40.85,"n":42.37,"r":"North Macedonia"},
"*-MP":{"w":144.81,"e":146.16,"s":14.02,"n":20.62,"r":"Northern Mariana Islands"},
"*-NL-CI":{"w":-70.27,"e":7.23,"s":11.78,"n":53.74,"r":"Netherlands including Caribean Islands"},
"*-NO-21":{"w":9.42,"e":34.69,"s":74.14,"n":81.03,"r":"Norway : Svalbard"},
"*-NO-22":{"w":-9.68,"e":-7.31,"s":70.63,"n":71.36,"r":"Norway : Jan Mayen"},
"*-NO-CO":{"w":4.09,"e":31.77,"s":57.75,"n":71.39,"r":"Norway : Continental"},
"*-NZ":{"w":165.55,"e":-175.54,"s":-52.82,"n":-29.03,"r":"New Zealand"},
"*-PF":{"w":-154.93,"e":-134.25,"s":-28.09,"n":-7.66,"r":"French Polynesia"},
"*-PG":{"w":140.84,"e":159.69,"s":-11.86,"n":-0.56,"r":"Papua New Guinea"},
"*-PN":{"w":-130.97,"e":-124.55,"s":-25.28,"n":-23.71,"r":"Pitcairn Islands"},
"*-SA":{"w":34.46,"e":55.67,"s":16.29,"n":32.15,"r":"Saudi Arabia"},
"*-SB":{"w":155.32,"e":170.40,"s":-13.24,"n":-4.81,"r":"Solomon Islands"},
"*-SH":{"w":-14.62,"e":-5.42,"s":-40.57,"n":-7.69,"r":"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"},
"*-SL":{"w":-13.50,"e":-10.27,"s":6.75,"n":10.00,"r":"Sierra Leone"},
"*-SM":{"w":12.40,"e":12.52,"s":43.89,"n":43.99,"r":"San Marino"},
"*-SS":{"w":23.45,"e":35.95,"s":3.49,"n":12.24,"r":"South Sudan"},
"*-ST":{"w":6.26,"e":7.67,"s":-0.21,"n":1.93,"r":"São Tomé and Príncipe"},
"*-SV":{"w":-90.21,"e":-87.60,"s":12.95,"n":14.45,"r":"El Salvador"},
"*-TC":{"w":-72.68,"e":-70.86,"s":20.96,"n":22.16,"r":"Turks and Caicos Islands"},
"*-TL":{"w":124.03,"e":127.54,"s":-9.61,"n":-8.10,"r":"East Timor"},
"*-TT":{"w":-62.08,"e":-60.29,"s":9.87,"n":11.56,"r":"Trinidad and Tobago"},
"*-US":{"w":144.41,"e":-64.36,"s":-14.76,"n":71.59,"r":"United States"},
"*-US-AK":{"w":-180.00,"e":-129.97,"s":51.00,"n":71.59,"r":"United States : Alaska"},
"*-VC":{"w":-61.66,"e":-60.91,"s":12.40,"n":13.58,"r":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"},
"*-VG":{"w":-64.96,"e":-64.06,"s":18.11,"n":18.95,"r":"British Virgin Islands"},
"*-ZA":{"w":16.33,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-22.13,"r":"South Africa"},

Download lc-cc-region.json ( 29K bytes, last modification: 2023-02-13 15:04)


There is a demo website for using the data, which you can also download and use together with the above JSON file for your own experiments.

I have also built a MapLibre-IControl (autozoom.js) and integrated it into a demo map. If you want to port the function to OpenLayers or Leaflet, you are welcome to do so. Please let me know, so that I can add a link to your page here.

You can do whatever you want with the code. However, I ask that if you want to put it in a repository, you do not do so at aka Microsoft, but at a reputable provider such as