I want to zoom a map on startup to an area that is (hopefully) of interest to the visitor and
use the
constant, which is accessible via JavaScript
and contains a list of the user's preferred languages. As a database,
I use a JSON file with a hash that assigns a region to language codes in the form Navigator.languages
combined language-country codes in the form de
, and pure country codes
in the form de-CH
, each consisting of the longitudes of the western and
eastern borders, the latitudes of the southern and northern borders and a name.
Data model
Language codes:
Language codes can be free-standing or can be suffixed with one of the suffixes
or !
A free-standing language code indicates that this language is only spoken in the following country. It must then (of course) not be used be used again. This language code in the browser is mapped directly to the country.
. - An
after the language code indicates that this language is spoken in the following country, but also in other countries. The borders of these countries are combined to form a*
language region
. The language code in the browser is mapped to this language region.Example:
{Germany, Austria, Switzerland}
. -
after the language code indicates that the language is spoken in the following country and in other countries, but that the language code in the browser is only mapped to this country. A language such as Portuguese would be mapped to half the world without this function, which is not very helpful. I have therefore decided to map the language codes with worldwide distribution to the European country of origin:!
to the United Kingdom,en
to Spain,es
to the European part of France, undfr
If this seems culturally imperialistic or colonialist to you, or if you feel discriminated against by it, please assign the
differently or swap it for!
. That's what the*
licence is for.In practice, this rule is of little importance anyway: a Brazilian will select
in the browser and thus end up in Brazil, just as a New Zealander selectspt-BR
or the Popeen-NZ
after the language code indicates that the language is spoken in this country, but that I do not want the country to be included in the language region. These lines express the completeness of the entry, but are effectively simply discarded.-
An example is
: Swedish is spoken in a tiny part of Russia, so including the whole of Russia in the language region would be gross nonsense. If you don't like this, you are welcome to send me a line withRU
→ area in Russia where the language is spoken (coordinates). See the next
- The form
is the official spelling for the combination of a language with a country; this is assigned the (unofficial) spellinglc-CC
as a region, with the coordinates of the area in the respective country in which the respective language is spoken.CC-lc
Country codes (more precisely: region codes):
The assignment of country code (column 2) to the rest of the table must be unique, but the data record from column 2 to column 7 may be used repeatedly.
The country code
is interpreted freely:
A language code can be appended: This combination denotes a language region in the respective country.
An official or unofficial sub-region can be appended. Examples are:
for Tibet,CN-XZ
for Alaska,US-AK
for the Scottish Highlands, orGB-HL
for Sardinia.IT-88
I have added a
region with country code
, which is of course pointless: rules for theXX
region are effectively ignored. The combination ofXX
with a language code, on the other hand, is useful for language regions that cover several countries in parts, if you are too lazy to enter real country language regions.XX-
The example is
Source data
The source data is formatted as a Dokuwiki table.
Sorted by region name
^ LC ^ CC ^ West ^ East ^ South ^ North ^ Country ^ | fa* | AF | 60.52 | 74.89 | 29.38 | 38.49 | Afghanistan | | ps! | AF | 60.52 | 74.89 | 29.38 | 38.49 | Afghanistan | | tk* | AF | 60.52 | 74.89 | 29.38 | 38.49 | Afghanistan | | sq! | AL | 19.00 | 21.06 | 39.64 | 42.66 | Albania | | ar* | DZ | -8.67 | 12.00 | 18.97 | 37.30 | Algeria | | ca | AD | 1.41 | 1.79 | 42.43 | 42.66 | Andorra | | kg* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | kj* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | ng* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | pt* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | en* | AI | -63.64 | -62.71 | 18.06 | 18.80 | Anguilla | | en* | AG | -62.55 | -61.45 | 16.76 | 17.95 | Antigua and Barbuda | | li | XX-li | 4.93 | 7.08 | 50.63 | 51.37 | Area where Limburgish is spoken | | es* | AR | -73.56 | -53.64 | -55.19 | -21.78 | Argentina | | qu* | AR | -73.56 | -53.64 | -55.19 | -21.78 | Argentina | | hy | AM | 43.45 | 46.63 | 38.84 | 41.30 | Armenia | | en* | AU | 72.25 | 168.23 | -55.32 | -9.09 | Australia | | de* | AT | 9.53 | 17.16 | 46.37 | 49.02 | Austria | | av | AZ | 44.76 | 51.18 | 38.39 | 41.96 | Azerbaijan | | az* | AZ | 44.76 | 51.18 | 38.39 | 41.96 | Azerbaijan | | ar* | BH | 50.27 | 50.92 | 25.54 | 26.69 | Bahrain | | bn | BD | 88.01 | 92.68 | 20.37 | 26.64 | Bangladesh | | en* | BB | -59.86 | -59.21 | 12.85 | 13.54 | Barbados | | be | BY | 23.18 | 32.76 | 51.26 | 56.17 | Belarus | | wa | BE | 2.39 | 6.41 | 49.50 | 51.55 | Belgium | | nl-BE | BE-nl | 2.39 | 6.41 | 50.69 | 51.14 | Belgium : dutch speaking | | fr-BE | BE-fr | 2.80 | 6.22 | 49.50 | 50.81 | Belgium : french speaking | | de-BE | BE-de | 5.97 | 6.41 | 50.13 | 50.76 | Belgium : german speaking | | en* | BZ | -89.23 | -87.28 | 15.89 | 18.50 | Belize | | ee* | BJ | 0.78 | 3.85 | 6.04 | 12.41 | Benin | | fr* | BJ | 0.78 | 3.85 | 6.04 | 12.41 | Benin | | yo* | BJ | 0.78 | 3.85 | 6.04 | 12.41 | Benin | | en* | BM | -65.12 | -64.41 | 32.05 | 32.59 | Bermuda | | dz | BT | 88.75 | 92.13 | 26.70 | 28.25 | Bhutan | | ne* | BT | 88.75 | 92.13 | 26.70 | 28.25 | Bhutan | | ay* | BO | -69.65 | -57.45 | -22.90 | -9.67 | Bolivia | | qu* | BO | -69.65 | -57.45 | -22.90 | -9.67 | Bolivia | | bs* | BA | 15.73 | 19.62 | 42.56 | 45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | hr* | BA | 15.73 | 19.62 | 42.56 | 45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | sr* | BA | 15.73 | 19.62 | 42.56 | 45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | en* | BW | 20.00 | 29.37 | -26.91 | -17.78 | Botswana | | hz* | BW | 20.00 | 29.37 | -26.91 | -17.78 | Botswana | | tn* | BW | 20.00 | 29.37 | -26.91 | -17.78 | Botswana | | * | BV | 2.93 | 3.78 | -54.65 | -54.19 | Bouvet Island | | pt* | BR | -73.98 | -28.63 | -33.87 | 5.27 | Brazil | | en* | IO | 71.19 | 72.55 | -7.49 | -5.19 | British Indian Ocean Territory | | en* | VG | -64.96 | -64.06 | 18.11 | 18.95 | British Virgin Islands | | ms* | BN | 113.02 | 115.36 | 4.00 | 6.55 | Brunei | | bg | BG | 22.36 | 28.89 | 41.24 | 44.22 | Bulgaria | | cu | BG | 22.36 | 28.89 | 41.24 | 44.22 | Bulgaria | | bm* | BF | -5.51 | 2.41 | 9.41 | 15.08 | Burkina Faso | | fr* | BF | -5.51 | 2.41 | 9.41 | 15.08 | Burkina Faso | | rn! | BI | 29.00 | 30.85 | -4.47 | -2.31 | Burundi | | km! | KH | 102.33 | 107.63 | 9.46 | 14.69 | Cambodia | | th* | KH | 102.33 | 107.63 | 9.46 | 14.69 | Cambodia | | ff* | CM | 8.38 | 16.19 | 1.65 | 13.08 | Cameroon | | kr* | CM | 8.38 | 16.19 | 1.65 | 13.08 | Cameroon | | cr | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | en* | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | fr* | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | iu | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | oj* | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | kea | CV | -25.57 | -22.45 | 14.61 | 17.41 | Cape Verde | | pt* | CV | -25.57 | -22.45 | 14.61 | 17.41 | Cape Verde | | en* | KY | -81.63 | -79.51 | 19.06 | 19.96 | Cayman Islands | | sg | CF | 14.41 | 27.47 | 2.23 | 11.00 | Central African Republic | | kr* | TD | 13.47 | 24.00 | 7.44 | 23.45 | Chad | | ay* | CL | -109.68 | -66.08 | -56.73 | -17.50 | Chile | | es* | CL | -109.68 | -66.08 | -56.73 | -17.50 | Chile | | ii | CN | 73.50 | 134.78 | 8.67 | 53.56 | China | | kk- | CN | 73.50 | 134.78 | 8.67 | 53.56 | China | | zh* | CN | 73.50 | 134.78 | 8.67 | 53.56 | China | | za | CN-GX | 104.44 | 112.06 | 20.70 | 26.39 | China : Guangxi | | bo | CN-XZ | 78.39 | 99.11 | 27.30 | 36.49 | China : Tibet | | ug* | CN-XG | 73.49 | 96.39 | 34.33 | 49.18 | China : Xinjiang | | es* | CO | -82.12 | -66.85 | -4.23 | 16.05 | Colombia | | qu* | CO | -82.12 | -66.85 | -4.23 | 16.05 | Colombia | | ar* | KM | 42.83 | 44.97 | -12.99 | -11.16 | Comoros | | bnt | KM | 42.83 | 44.97 | -12.99 | -11.16 | Comoros | | fr* | KM | 42.83 | 44.97 | -12.99 | -11.16 | Comoros | | fr* | CG | 11.00 | 18.64 | -5.15 | 3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville | | kg* | CG | 11.00 | 18.64 | -5.15 | 3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville | | ln* | CG | 11.00 | 18.64 | -5.15 | 3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville | | en* | CK | -166.09 | -157.11 | -22.16 | -8.72 | Cook Islands | | es* | CR | -87.30 | -82.43 | 5.30 | 11.22 | Costa Rica | | ak* | CI | -8.60 | -2.49 | 4.16 | 10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire | | bm* | CI | -8.60 | -2.49 | 4.16 | 10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire | | fr* | CI | -8.60 | -2.49 | 4.16 | 10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire | | hr! | HR | 13.21 | 19.45 | 42.18 | 46.56 | Croatia | | sr* | HR | 13.21 | 19.45 | 42.18 | 46.56 | Croatia | | es* | CU | -85.17 | -73.92 | 19.63 | 23.48 | Cuba | | el* | CY | 32.02 | 34.86 | 34.44 | 35.91 | Cyprus | | tr- | CY | 32.02 | 34.86 | 34.44 | 35.91 | Cyprus | | cs | CZ | 12.09 | 18.86 | 48.55 | 51.06 | Czechia | | fr* | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | ln* | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | lu | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | rn* | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | da | DK | 7.72 | 15.55 | 54.45 | 57.95 | Denmark | | aa* | DJ | 41.77 | 43.66 | 10.91 | 12.79 | Djibouti | | so* | DJ | 41.77 | 43.66 | 10.91 | 12.79 | Djibouti | | en* | DM | -61.69 | -61.03 | 15.01 | 15.79 | Dominica | | es* | DO | -72.06 | -68.11 | 17.27 | 21.29 | Dominican Republic | | ms* | TL | 124.03 | 127.54 | -9.61 | -8.10 | East Timor | | pt* | TL | 124.03 | 127.54 | -9.61 | -8.10 | East Timor | | es* | EC | -92.21 | -75.19 | -5.02 | 1.88 | Ecuador | | qu* | EC | -92.21 | -75.19 | -5.02 | 1.88 | Ecuador | | ar* | EG | 24.65 | 37.12 | 21.99 | 31.83 | Egypt | | es* | SV | -90.21 | -87.60 | 12.95 | 14.45 | El Salvador | | es* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | fan | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | fr* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | pt* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | pt* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | pt* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | aa* | ER | 36.43 | 43.30 | 12.35 | 18.07 | Eritrea | | ti* | ER | 36.43 | 43.30 | 12.35 | 18.07 | Eritrea | | et | EE | 21.38 | 28.21 | 57.51 | 59.94 | Estonia | | ss* | SZ | 30.79 | 32.13 | -27.32 | -25.72 | Eswatini | | ts* | SZ | 30.79 | 32.13 | -27.32 | -25.72 | Eswatini | | aa* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | am | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | om* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | so* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | ti* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | en* | FK | -61.77 | -57.37 | -53.12 | -50.80 | Falkland Islands | | fo | FO | -8.12 | -5.83 | 61.14 | 62.60 | Faroe Islands | | en* | FM | 137.13 | 163.24 | 0.82 | 10.29 | Federated States of Micronesia | | fj | FJ | 174.42 | -178.00 | -21.94 | -12.26 | Fiji | | fi | FI | 19.08 | 31.59 | 59.45 | 70.09 | Finland | | se* | FI | 19.08 | 31.59 | 59.45 | 70.09 | Finland | | sv- | FI | 19.08 | 31.59 | 59.45 | 70.09 | Finland | | br | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | eu* | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | fr! | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | oc | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | co-FR | FR-co | 8.53 | 9.57 | 41.36 | 43.02 | France : corsican speaking | | fr* | FR-OT | -178.39 | 172.31 | -50.22 | 51.31 | France including Overseas Territories | | fr* | PF | -154.93 | -134.25 | -28.09 | -7.66 | French Polynesia | | ty | PF | -154.93 | -134.25 | -28.09 | -7.66 | French Polynesia | | fr* | GA | 8.50 | 14.54 | -4.10 | 2.32 | Gabon | | ab | GE | 39.88 | 46.74 | 41.06 | 43.59 | Georgia | | ka | GE | 39.88 | 46.74 | 41.06 | 43.59 | Georgia | | os! | GE | 39.88 | 46.74 | 41.06 | 43.59 | Georgia | | de* | DE | 5.87 | 15.04 | 47.27 | 55.10 | Germany | | bar | DE-BY | 8.98 | 13.84 | 47.27 | 50.56 | Germany : Bavaria | | dsb | DE-dsb| 13.66 | 15.16 | 51.44 | 52.15 | Germany : lower sorbian speaking | | hsb | DE-hsb| 13.88 | 15.32 | 50.88 | 51.62 | Germany : upper sorbian speaking | | ak* | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | ee* | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | en* | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | tw | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | en* | GI | -5.40 | -5.28 | 36.06 | 36.16 | Gibraltar | | el! | GR | 19.11 | 29.68 | 34.72 | 41.75 | Greece | | kl | GL | -74.13 | -10.03 | 59.52 | 83.88 | Greenland | | en* | GD | -62.01 | -61.21 | 11.78 | 12.61 | Grenada | | ch* | GU | 144.56 | 145.01 | 13.18 | 13.71 | Guam | | es* | GT | -92.37 | -88.21 | 13.56 | 17.82 | Guatemala | | en* | GG | -3.02 | -2.05 | 49.22 | 49.94 | Guernsey | | ff* | GN | -15.57 | -7.64 | 7.19 | 12.68 | Guinea | | fr* | GN | -15.57 | -7.64 | 7.19 | 12.68 | Guinea | | pt* | GW | -16.90 | -13.63 | 10.65 | 12.69 | Guinea-Bissau | | en* | GY | -61.38 | -56.47 | 1.17 | 8.60 | Guyana | | ht | HT | -75.24 | -71.62 | 17.82 | 20.29 | Haiti | | es* | HN | -89.36 | -82.18 | 12.98 | 17.62 | Honduras | | hu | HU | 16.11 | 22.90 | 45.74 | 48.59 | Hungary | | is | IS | -25.01 | -12.80 | 63.09 | 67.35 | Iceland | | as | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | bh | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | bn- | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | en* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | gu | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | hi | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | kn | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ks* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ml | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | mr | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ne- | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | or | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | pa* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | pi | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | sa | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | sd* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ta! | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | te | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ur* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | id | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | jv | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | ms | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | su | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | ae | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | az* | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | fa! | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | ku* | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | tk* | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | ar* | IQ | 38.79 | 49.11 | 29.06 | 37.38 | Iraq | | ku* | IQ | 38.79 | 49.11 | 29.06 | 37.38 | Iraq | | tk* | IQ | 38.79 | 49.11 | 29.06 | 37.38 | Iraq | | en* | IE | -11.01 | -5.66 | 51.22 | 55.64 | Ireland | | ga | IE | -11.01 | -5.66 | 51.22 | 55.64 | Ireland | | en* | IM | -5.17 | -3.97 | 53.84 | 54.55 | Isle of Man | | gv | IM | -5.17 | -3.97 | 53.84 | 54.55 | Isle of Man | | ar* | IL | 34.27 | 35.90 | 29.45 | 33.34 | Israel | | he | IL | 34.27 | 35.90 | 29.45 | 33.34 | Israel | | co-IT | IT-co | 8.13 | 9.83 | 38.86 | 41.32 | Italia : corsican speaking | | sc | IT-88 | 8.13 | 9.83 | 38.86 | 41.32 | Italia : Sardinia | | it! | IT | 6.63 | 18.78 | 35.29 | 47.09 | Italy | | en* | JM | -78.58 | -75.75 | 16.59 | 18.73 | Jamaica | | ja | JP | 122.71 | 154.21 | 20.21 | 45.71 | Japan | | en* | JE | -2.56 | -1.83 | 48.87 | 49.46 | Jersey | | ar* | JO | 34.88 | 39.30 | 29.18 | 33.38 | Jordan | | kk | KZ | 46.49 | 87.32 | 40.57 | 55.44 | Kazakhstan | | tt* | KZ | 46.49 | 87.32 | 40.57 | 55.44 | Kazakhstan | | ug- | KZ | 46.49 | 87.32 | 40.57 | 55.44 | Kazakhstan | | ki | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | om* | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | so* | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | sw* | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | en* | KI | 169.32 | -149.99 | -11.65 | 4.90 | Kiribati | | sq* | XK | 20.01 | 21.79 | 41.86 | 43.27 | Kosovo | | ar* | KW | 46.55 | 49.00 | 28.52 | 30.10 | Kuwait | | ky | KG | 69.26 | 80.23 | 39.17 | 43.27 | Kyrgyzstan | | tt* | KG | 69.26 | 80.23 | 39.17 | 43.27 | Kyrgyzstan | | lo | LA | 100.08 | 107.63 | 13.91 | 22.51 | Laos | | th* | LA | 100.08 | 107.63 | 13.91 | 22.51 | Laos | | lv | LV | 20.60 | 28.24 | 55.67 | 58.09 | Latvia | | ar* | LB | 34.88 | 36.62 | 33.06 | 34.69 | Lebanon | | st* | LS | 27.01 | 29.46 | -30.68 | -28.57 | Lesotho | | en* | LR | -11.61 | -7.37 | 4.16 | 8.55 | Liberia | | ar* | LY | 9.39 | 25.38 | 19.50 | 33.35 | Libya | | de* | LI | 9.47 | 9.64 | 47.05 | 47.27 | Liechtenstein | | lt | LT | 20.66 | 26.84 | 53.90 | 56.45 | Lithuania | | de* | LU | 5.74 | 6.53 | 49.45 | 50.18 | Luxembourg | | lb | LU | 5.74 | 6.53 | 49.45 | 50.18 | Luxembourg | | mg | MG | 42.97 | 50.67 | -25.78 | -11.73 | Madagascar | | ny | MW | 32.67 | 35.92 | -17.13 | -9.37 | Malawi | | ms* | MY | 98.74 | 119.58 | 0.85 | 8.38 | Malaysia | | th* | MY | 98.74 | 119.58 | 0.85 | 8.38 | Malaysia | | dv | MV | 72.36 | 73.97 | -0.91 | 7.31 | Maldives | | bm* | ML | -12.24 | 4.27 | 10.15 | 25.00 | Mali | | bm* | ML | -12.24 | 4.27 | 10.15 | 25.00 | Mali | | fr* | ML | -12.24 | 4.27 | 10.15 | 25.00 | Mali | | mt | MT | 13.94 | 14.82 | 35.59 | 36.28 | Malta | | mh | MH | 160.59 | 172.37 | 4.37 | 14.92 | Marshall Islands | | ar* | MR | -17.24 | -4.83 | 14.72 | 27.31 | Mauritania | | wo* | MR | -17.24 | -4.83 | 14.72 | 27.31 | Mauritania | | cpf | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | en* | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | fr* | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | mfe | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | es* | MX | -118.60 | -86.49 | 14.39 | 32.72 | Mexico | | mo | MD | 26.62 | 30.16 | 45.47 | 48.49 | Moldova | | ro* | MD | 26.62 | 30.16 | 45.47 | 48.49 | Moldova | | fr* | MC | 7.41 | 7.53 | 43.52 | 43.75 | Monaco | | mn | MN | 87.73 | 119.93 | 41.58 | 52.15 | Mongolia | | bs* | ME | 18.42 | 20.35 | 41.68 | 43.56 | Montenegro | | hr* | ME | 18.42 | 20.35 | 41.68 | 43.56 | Montenegro | | sr* | ME | 18.42 | 20.35 | 41.68 | 43.56 | Montenegro | | en* | MS | -62.45 | -61.94 | 16.47 | 16.89 | Montserrat | | ar* | MA | -17.24 | -1.00 | 21.33 | 36.00 | Morocco | | pt* | MZ | 30.21 | 41.05 | -26.92 | -10.33 | Mozambique | | ts* | MZ | 30.21 | 41.05 | -26.92 | -10.33 | Mozambique | | my | MM | 92.17 | 101.17 | 9.44 | 28.55 | Myanmar | | ne* | MM | 92.17 | 101.17 | 9.44 | 28.55 | Myanmar | | th* | MM | 92.17 | 101.17 | 9.44 | 28.55 | Myanmar | | af* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | en* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | hz* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | kj* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | ng* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | en* | NR | 166.71 | 167.16 | -0.76 | -0.31 | Nauru | | na | NR | 166.71 | 167.16 | -0.76 | -0.31 | Nauru | | ne! | NP | 80.06 | 88.20 | 26.35 | 30.45 | Nepal | | fy! | NL | 3.08 | 7.23 | 50.75 | 53.75 | Netherlands | | nl! | NL | 3.08 | 7.23 | 50.75 | 53.75 | Netherlands | | fy* | NL-CI | -70.27 | 7.23 | 11.78 | 53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands | | nl* | NL-CI | -70.27 | 7.23 | 11.78 | 53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands | | en* | NZ | 165.55 | -175.54 | -52.82 | -29.03 | New Zealand | | mi | NZ | 165.55 | -175.54 | -52.82 | -29.03 | New Zealand | | es* | NI | -87.90 | -82.48 | 10.71 | 15.09 | Nicaragua | | fr* | NE | 0.17 | 16.00 | 11.69 | 23.52 | Niger | | ha* | NE | 0.17 | 16.00 | 11.69 | 23.52 | Niger | | kr* | NE | 0.17 | 16.00 | 11.69 | 23.52 | Niger | | en* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | ha* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | ig | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | kr* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | yo* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | en* | NU | -170.16 | -169.56 | -19.35 | -18.75 | Niue | | cal | MP | 144.81| 146.16 | 14.02 | 20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands | | ch* | MP | 144.81| 146.16 | 14.02 | 20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands | | ko* | KP | 124.09 | 130.89 | 37.58 | 43.01 | North Korea | | mk | MK | 20.45 | 23.03 | 40.85 | 42.37 | North Macedonia | | nb* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | nn* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | no* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | se* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | nb! | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | nn! | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | no! | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | se* | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | * | NO-22 | -9.68 | -7.31 | 70.63 | 71.36 | Norway : Jan Mayen | | * | NO-21 | 9.42 | 34.69 | 74.14 | 81.03 | Norway : Svalbard | | ar* | OM | 52.00 | 60.05 | 16.46 | 26.70 | Oman | | ks* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | pa* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | ps* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | sd* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | ur! | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | en* | PW | 130.92 | 134.93 | 2.60 | 8.41 | Palau | | es* | PA | -83.05 | -77.16 | 7.00 | 9.85 | Panama | | ho | PG | 140.84 | 159.69 | -11.86 | -0.56 | Papua New Guinea | | gn | PY | -62.64 | -54.26 | -27.61 | -19.29 | Paraguay | | ay* | PE | -84.64 | -68.65 | -20.20 | -0.04 | Peru | | qu* | PE | -84.64 | -68.65 | -20.20 | -0.04 | Peru | | en* | PH | 114.10 | 126.81 | 4.22 | 21.32 | Philippines | | tl | PH | 114.10 | 126.81 | 4.22 | 21.32 | Philippines | | en* | PN | -130.97 | -124.55 | -25.28 | -23.71 | Pitcairn Islands | | pl | PL | 14.07 | 24.15 | 49.00 | 55.04 | Poland | | gl* | PT | -31.56 | -6.19 | 29.83 | 42.15 | Portugal | | pt! | PT | -31.56 | -6.19 | 29.83 | 42.15 | Portugal | | ar* | QA | 50.57 | 52.64 | 24.47 | 26.43 | Qatar | | ro* | RO | 20.26 | 30.05 | 43.62 | 48.27 | Romania | | ba | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | ce | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | cv | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | kv | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | os* | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | ru | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | se- | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | tt* | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | rw | RW | 28.86 | 30.90 | -2.84 | -1.05 | Rwanda | | en* | SH | -14.62 | -5.42 | -40.57 | -7.69 | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | | en* | KN | -63.05 | -62.37 | 16.89 | 17.62 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | | en* | LC | -61.29 | -60.66 | 13.51 | 14.27 | Saint Lucia | | en* | VC | -61.66 | -60.91 | 12.40 | 13.58 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | | sm | WS | -173.01 | -171.19 | -14.28 | -13.24 | Samoa | | it* | SM | 12.40 | 12.52 | 43.89 | 43.99 | San Marino | | pt* | ST | 6.26 | 7.67 | -0.21 | 1.93 | São Tomé and Príncipe | | ar* | SA | 34.46 | 55.67 | 16.29 | 32.15 | Saudi Arabia | | bm* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | ff* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | fr* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | wo* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | bs* | RS | 18.81 | 23.01 | 42.23 | 46.19 | Serbia | | sr! | RS | 18.81 | 23.01 | 42.23 | 46.19 | Serbia | | en* | SC | 46.00 | 56.50 | -10.46 | -3.51 | Seychelles | | fr* | SC | 46.00 | 56.50 | -10.46 | -3.51 | Seychelles | | en* | SL | -13.50 | -10.27 | 6.75 | 10.00 | Sierra Leone | | ms* | SG | 103.51 | 104.57 | 1.13 | 1.51 | Singapore | | ta* | SG | 103.51 | 104.57 | 1.13 | 1.51 | Singapore | | sk | SK | 16.83 | 22.57 | 47.73 | 49.61 | Slovakia | | sl | SI | 13.38 | 16.60 | 45.42 | 46.88 | Slovenia | | en* | SB | 155.32 | 170.40 | -13.24 | -4.81 | Solomon Islands | | so! | SO | 40.99 | 51.62 | -1.80 | 12.19 | Somalia | | af* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | nr | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | ss* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | st* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | tn* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | ts* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | ve! | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | xh | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | zu | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | en* | GS | -42.36 | -25.89 | -59.67 | -53.35 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | | ko* | KR | 124.37 | 132.15 | 32.91 | 38.62 | South Korea | | en* | SS | 23.45 | 35.95 | 3.49 | 12.24 | South Sudan | | an | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | ca- | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | es! | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | eu* | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | gl* | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | si | LK | 79.40 | 82.08 | 5.72 | 10.04 | Sri Lanka | | ta* | LK | 79.40 | 82.08 | 5.72 | 10.04 | Sri Lanka | | ar* | SD | 21.81 | 39.06 | 8.69 | 22.22 | Sudan | | ff* | SD | 21.81 | 39.06 | 8.69 | 22.22 | Sudan | | nl* | SR | -58.07 | -53.86 | 1.83 | 6.22 | Suriname | | srn | SR | -58.07 | -53.86 | 1.83 | 6.22 | Suriname | | se* | SE | 10.59 | 24.18 | 55.14 | 69.06 | Sweden | | sv | SE | 10.59 | 24.18 | 55.14 | 69.06 | Sweden | | * | CH | 5.96 | 10.49 | 45.82 | 47.81 | Switzerland | | fr-CH | CH-fr | 5.96 | 7.72 | 45.86 | 47.50 | Switzerland : french speaking | | de-CH | CH-de | 7.02 | 10.49 | 45.91 | 47.81 | Switzerland : german speaking | | it-CH | CH-it | 8.38 | 10.17 | 45.82 | 47.00 | Switzerland : italian speaking | | rm-CH | CH-rm | 8.59 | 10.49 | 46.35 | 46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking | | rm | CH-rm | 8.59 | 10.49 | 46.35 | 46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking | | ar* | SY | 35.47 | 42.37 | 32.31 | 37.32 | Syria | | zh* | TW | 114.16 | 122.33 | 10.29 | 26.44 | Taiwan | | fa* | TJ | 67.33 | 75.15 | 36.67 | 41.05 | Tajikistan | | tg | TJ | 67.33 | 75.15 | 36.67 | 41.05 | Tajikistan | | lg* | TZ | 29.33 | 40.66 | -11.76 | -0.99 | Tanzania | | rn* | TZ | 29.33 | 40.66 | -11.76 | -0.99 | Tanzania | | sw* | TZ | 29.33 | 40.66 | -11.76 | -0.99 | Tanzania | | th! | TH | 97.34 | 105.64 | 5.61 | 20.46 | Thailand | | en* | BS | -80.70 | -72.45 | 20.71 | 27.47 | The Bahamas | | en* | GM | -17.02 | -13.80 | 13.06 | 13.83 | The Gambia | | ff* | GM | -17.02 | -13.80 | 13.06 | 13.83 | The Gambia | | wo* | GM | -17.02 | -13.80 | 13.06 | 13.83 | The Gambia | | ee* | TG | -0.14 | 1.81 | 5.93 | 11.14 | Togo | | fr* | TG | -0.14 | 1.81 | 5.93 | 11.14 | Togo | | yo* | TG | -0.14 | 1.81 | 5.93 | 11.14 | Togo | | en* | TK | -172.72 | -170.98 | -9.64 | -8.33 | Tokelau | | to | TO | -179.40 | -173.53 | -24.16 | -15.37 | Tonga | | en* | TT | -62.08 | -60.29 | 9.87 | 11.56 | Trinidad and Tobago | | ar* | TN | 7.52 | 11.88 | 30.23 | 37.76 | Tunisia | | ku* | TR | 25.57 | 44.82 | 35.81 | 42.30 | Turkey | | tk* | TR | 25.57 | 44.82 | 35.81 | 42.30 | Turkey | | tr! | TR | 25.57 | 44.82 | 35.81 | 42.30 | Turkey | | tk! | TM | 52.26 | 66.69 | 35.13 | 42.80 | Turkmenistan | | en* | TC | -72.68 | -70.86 | 20.96 | 22.16 | Turks and Caicos Islands | | en* | TV | 175.95 | -179.93 | -10.99 | -5.44 | Tuvalu | | lg* | UG | 29.57 | 35.00 | -1.48 | 4.23 | Uganda | | sw* | UG | 29.57 | 35.00 | -1.48 | 4.23 | Uganda | | tt* | UA | 22.14 | 40.23 | 44.18 | 52.38 | Ukraine | | uk | UA | 22.14 | 40.23 | 44.18 | 52.38 | Ukraine | | ar* | AE | 51.42 | 56.60 | 22.63 | 26.15 | United Arab Emirates | | en! | GB | -14.02 | 2.09 | 49.67 | 61.06 | United Kingdom | | kw | GB-CON| -5.75 | -4.16 | 49.95 | 50.94 | United Kingdom : Cornwall | | sco | GB-SCT| -14.02 | -0.32 | 54.43 | 61.06 | United Kingdom : Scotland | | gd | GB-HLD| -7.66 | -2.38 | 55.28 | 59.39 | United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands | | cy | GB-WLS| -5.80 | -2.65 | 51.23 | 53.64 | United Kingdom : Wales | | en* | US | 144.41 | -64.36 | -14.76 | 71.59 | United States | | nv | US | 144.41 | -64.36 | -14.76 | 71.59 | United States | | oj* | US | 144.41 | -64.36 | -14.76 | 71.59 | United States | | ik | US-AK | -180.00 | -129.97 | 51.00 | 71.59 | United States : Alaska | | es* | UY | -58.49 | -53.08 | -35.78 | -30.09 | Uruguay | | tt* | UZ | 56.00 | 73.15 | 37.18 | 45.59 | Uzbekistan | | uz | UZ | 56.00 | 73.15 | 37.18 | 45.59 | Uzbekistan | | bi | VU | 166.34 | 170.45 | -20.46 | -12.87 | Vanuatu | | it* | VA | 12.44 | 12.46 | 41.90 | 41.91 | Vatican | | la | VA | 12.44 | 12.46 | 41.90 | 41.91 | Vatican | | es* | VE | -73.35 | -59.77 | 0.65 | 15.92 | Venezuela | | km* | VN | 102.14 | 114.86 | 7.69 | 23.39 | Vietnam | | vi | VN | 102.14 | 114.86 | 7.69 | 23.39 | Vietnam | | eo | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | ia | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | ie | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | io | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | vo | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | yi | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | ar* | YE | 41.61 | 54.74 | 11.91 | 19.00 | Yemen | | so* | YE | 41.61 | 54.74 | 11.91 | 19.00 | Yemen | | en* | ZM | 22.00 | 33.71 | -18.08 | -8.27 | Zambia | | sn* | ZM | 22.00 | 33.71 | -18.08 | -8.27 | Zambia | | nd | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | sn* | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | ts* | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | ve* | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe |
Download regions-by-country.csv ( 46K bytes, last modification: 2023-02-13 15:04)
Sorted by language code
^ LC ^ CC ^ West ^ East ^ South ^ North ^ Country ^ | * | BV | 2.93 | 3.78 | -54.65 | -54.19 | Bouvet Island | | * | CH | 5.96 | 10.49 | 45.82 | 47.81 | Switzerland | | * | NO-21 | 9.42 | 34.69 | 74.14 | 81.03 | Norway : Svalbard | | * | NO-22 | -9.68 | -7.31 | 70.63 | 71.36 | Norway : Jan Mayen | | aa* | DJ | 41.77 | 43.66 | 10.91 | 12.79 | Djibouti | | aa* | ER | 36.43 | 43.30 | 12.35 | 18.07 | Eritrea | | aa* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | ab | GE | 39.88 | 46.74 | 41.06 | 43.59 | Georgia | | ae | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | af* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | af* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | ak* | CI | -8.60 | -2.49 | 4.16 | 10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire | | ak* | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | am | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | an | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | ar* | AE | 51.42 | 56.60 | 22.63 | 26.15 | United Arab Emirates | | ar* | BH | 50.27 | 50.92 | 25.54 | 26.69 | Bahrain | | ar* | DZ | -8.67 | 12.00 | 18.97 | 37.30 | Algeria | | ar* | EG | 24.65 | 37.12 | 21.99 | 31.83 | Egypt | | ar* | IL | 34.27 | 35.90 | 29.45 | 33.34 | Israel | | ar* | IQ | 38.79 | 49.11 | 29.06 | 37.38 | Iraq | | ar* | JO | 34.88 | 39.30 | 29.18 | 33.38 | Jordan | | ar* | KM | 42.83 | 44.97 | -12.99 | -11.16 | Comoros | | ar* | KW | 46.55 | 49.00 | 28.52 | 30.10 | Kuwait | | ar* | LB | 34.88 | 36.62 | 33.06 | 34.69 | Lebanon | | ar* | LY | 9.39 | 25.38 | 19.50 | 33.35 | Libya | | ar* | MA | -17.24 | -1.00 | 21.33 | 36.00 | Morocco | | ar* | MR | -17.24 | -4.83 | 14.72 | 27.31 | Mauritania | | ar* | OM | 52.00 | 60.05 | 16.46 | 26.70 | Oman | | ar* | QA | 50.57 | 52.64 | 24.47 | 26.43 | Qatar | | ar* | SA | 34.46 | 55.67 | 16.29 | 32.15 | Saudi Arabia | | ar* | SD | 21.81 | 39.06 | 8.69 | 22.22 | Sudan | | ar* | SY | 35.47 | 42.37 | 32.31 | 37.32 | Syria | | ar* | TN | 7.52 | 11.88 | 30.23 | 37.76 | Tunisia | | ar* | YE | 41.61 | 54.74 | 11.91 | 19.00 | Yemen | | as | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | av | AZ | 44.76 | 51.18 | 38.39 | 41.96 | Azerbaijan | | ay* | BO | -69.65 | -57.45 | -22.90 | -9.67 | Bolivia | | ay* | CL | -109.68 | -66.08 | -56.73 | -17.50 | Chile | | ay* | PE | -84.64 | -68.65 | -20.20 | -0.04 | Peru | | az* | AZ | 44.76 | 51.18 | 38.39 | 41.96 | Azerbaijan | | az* | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | ba | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | bar | DE-BY | 8.98 | 13.84 | 47.27 | 50.56 | Germany : Bavaria | | be | BY | 23.18 | 32.76 | 51.26 | 56.17 | Belarus | | bg | BG | 22.36 | 28.89 | 41.24 | 44.22 | Bulgaria | | bh | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | bi | VU | 166.34 | 170.45 | -20.46 | -12.87 | Vanuatu | | bm* | BF | -5.51 | 2.41 | 9.41 | 15.08 | Burkina Faso | | bm* | CI | -8.60 | -2.49 | 4.16 | 10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire | | bm* | ML | -12.24 | 4.27 | 10.15 | 25.00 | Mali | | bm* | ML | -12.24 | 4.27 | 10.15 | 25.00 | Mali | | bm* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | bn | BD | 88.01 | 92.68 | 20.37 | 26.64 | Bangladesh | | bn- | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | bnt | KM | 42.83 | 44.97 | -12.99 | -11.16 | Comoros | | bo | CN-XZ | 78.39 | 99.11 | 27.30 | 36.49 | China : Tibet | | br | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | bs* | BA | 15.73 | 19.62 | 42.56 | 45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | bs* | ME | 18.42 | 20.35 | 41.68 | 43.56 | Montenegro | | bs* | RS | 18.81 | 23.01 | 42.23 | 46.19 | Serbia | | ca | AD | 1.41 | 1.79 | 42.43 | 42.66 | Andorra | | ca- | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | cal | MP | 144.81| 146.16 | 14.02 | 20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands | | ce | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | ch* | GU | 144.56 | 145.01 | 13.18 | 13.71 | Guam | | ch* | MP | 144.81| 146.16 | 14.02 | 20.62 | Northern Mariana Islands | | co-FR | FR-co | 8.53 | 9.57 | 41.36 | 43.02 | France : corsican speaking | | co-IT | IT-co | 8.13 | 9.83 | 38.86 | 41.32 | Italia : corsican speaking | | cpf | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | cr | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | cs | CZ | 12.09 | 18.86 | 48.55 | 51.06 | Czechia | | cu | BG | 22.36 | 28.89 | 41.24 | 44.22 | Bulgaria | | cv | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | cy | GB-WLS| -5.80 | -2.65 | 51.23 | 53.64 | United Kingdom : Wales | | da | DK | 7.72 | 15.55 | 54.45 | 57.95 | Denmark | | de* | AT | 9.53 | 17.16 | 46.37 | 49.02 | Austria | | de* | DE | 5.87 | 15.04 | 47.27 | 55.10 | Germany | | de* | LI | 9.47 | 9.64 | 47.05 | 47.27 | Liechtenstein | | de* | LU | 5.74 | 6.53 | 49.45 | 50.18 | Luxembourg | | de-BE | BE-de | 5.97 | 6.41 | 50.13 | 50.76 | Belgium : german speaking | | de-CH | CH-de | 7.02 | 10.49 | 45.91 | 47.81 | Switzerland : german speaking | | dsb | DE-dsb| 13.66 | 15.16 | 51.44 | 52.15 | Germany : lower sorbian speaking | | dv | MV | 72.36 | 73.97 | -0.91 | 7.31 | Maldives | | dz | BT | 88.75 | 92.13 | 26.70 | 28.25 | Bhutan | | ee* | BJ | 0.78 | 3.85 | 6.04 | 12.41 | Benin | | ee* | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | ee* | TG | -0.14 | 1.81 | 5.93 | 11.14 | Togo | | el! | GR | 19.11 | 29.68 | 34.72 | 41.75 | Greece | | el* | CY | 32.02 | 34.86 | 34.44 | 35.91 | Cyprus | | en! | GB | -14.02 | 2.09 | 49.67 | 61.06 | United Kingdom | | en* | AG | -62.55 | -61.45 | 16.76 | 17.95 | Antigua and Barbuda | | en* | AI | -63.64 | -62.71 | 18.06 | 18.80 | Anguilla | | en* | AU | 72.25 | 168.23 | -55.32 | -9.09 | Australia | | en* | BB | -59.86 | -59.21 | 12.85 | 13.54 | Barbados | | en* | BM | -65.12 | -64.41 | 32.05 | 32.59 | Bermuda | | en* | BS | -80.70 | -72.45 | 20.71 | 27.47 | The Bahamas | | en* | BW | 20.00 | 29.37 | -26.91 | -17.78 | Botswana | | en* | BZ | -89.23 | -87.28 | 15.89 | 18.50 | Belize | | en* | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | en* | CK | -166.09 | -157.11 | -22.16 | -8.72 | Cook Islands | | en* | DM | -61.69 | -61.03 | 15.01 | 15.79 | Dominica | | en* | FK | -61.77 | -57.37 | -53.12 | -50.80 | Falkland Islands | | en* | FM | 137.13 | 163.24 | 0.82 | 10.29 | Federated States of Micronesia | | en* | GD | -62.01 | -61.21 | 11.78 | 12.61 | Grenada | | en* | GG | -3.02 | -2.05 | 49.22 | 49.94 | Guernsey | | en* | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | en* | GI | -5.40 | -5.28 | 36.06 | 36.16 | Gibraltar | | en* | GM | -17.02 | -13.80 | 13.06 | 13.83 | The Gambia | | en* | GS | -42.36 | -25.89 | -59.67 | -53.35 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | | en* | GY | -61.38 | -56.47 | 1.17 | 8.60 | Guyana | | en* | IE | -11.01 | -5.66 | 51.22 | 55.64 | Ireland | | en* | IM | -5.17 | -3.97 | 53.84 | 54.55 | Isle of Man | | en* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | en* | IO | 71.19 | 72.55 | -7.49 | -5.19 | British Indian Ocean Territory | | en* | JE | -2.56 | -1.83 | 48.87 | 49.46 | Jersey | | en* | JM | -78.58 | -75.75 | 16.59 | 18.73 | Jamaica | | en* | KI | 169.32 | -149.99 | -11.65 | 4.90 | Kiribati | | en* | KN | -63.05 | -62.37 | 16.89 | 17.62 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | | en* | KY | -81.63 | -79.51 | 19.06 | 19.96 | Cayman Islands | | en* | LC | -61.29 | -60.66 | 13.51 | 14.27 | Saint Lucia | | en* | LR | -11.61 | -7.37 | 4.16 | 8.55 | Liberia | | en* | MS | -62.45 | -61.94 | 16.47 | 16.89 | Montserrat | | en* | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | en* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | en* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | en* | NR | 166.71 | 167.16 | -0.76 | -0.31 | Nauru | | en* | NU | -170.16 | -169.56 | -19.35 | -18.75 | Niue | | en* | NZ | 165.55 | -175.54 | -52.82 | -29.03 | New Zealand | | en* | PH | 114.10 | 126.81 | 4.22 | 21.32 | Philippines | | en* | PN | -130.97 | -124.55 | -25.28 | -23.71 | Pitcairn Islands | | en* | PW | 130.92 | 134.93 | 2.60 | 8.41 | Palau | | en* | SB | 155.32 | 170.40 | -13.24 | -4.81 | Solomon Islands | | en* | SC | 46.00 | 56.50 | -10.46 | -3.51 | Seychelles | | en* | SH | -14.62 | -5.42 | -40.57 | -7.69 | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | | en* | SL | -13.50 | -10.27 | 6.75 | 10.00 | Sierra Leone | | en* | SS | 23.45 | 35.95 | 3.49 | 12.24 | South Sudan | | en* | TC | -72.68 | -70.86 | 20.96 | 22.16 | Turks and Caicos Islands | | en* | TK | -172.72 | -170.98 | -9.64 | -8.33 | Tokelau | | en* | TT | -62.08 | -60.29 | 9.87 | 11.56 | Trinidad and Tobago | | en* | TV | 175.95 | -179.93 | -10.99 | -5.44 | Tuvalu | | en* | US | 144.41 | -64.36 | -14.76 | 71.59 | United States | | en* | VC | -61.66 | -60.91 | 12.40 | 13.58 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | | en* | VG | -64.96 | -64.06 | 18.11 | 18.95 | British Virgin Islands | | en* | ZM | 22.00 | 33.71 | -18.08 | -8.27 | Zambia | | eo | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | es! | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | es* | AR | -73.56 | -53.64 | -55.19 | -21.78 | Argentina | | es* | CL | -109.68 | -66.08 | -56.73 | -17.50 | Chile | | es* | CO | -82.12 | -66.85 | -4.23 | 16.05 | Colombia | | es* | CR | -87.30 | -82.43 | 5.30 | 11.22 | Costa Rica | | es* | CU | -85.17 | -73.92 | 19.63 | 23.48 | Cuba | | es* | DO | -72.06 | -68.11 | 17.27 | 21.29 | Dominican Republic | | es* | EC | -92.21 | -75.19 | -5.02 | 1.88 | Ecuador | | es* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | es* | GT | -92.37 | -88.21 | 13.56 | 17.82 | Guatemala | | es* | HN | -89.36 | -82.18 | 12.98 | 17.62 | Honduras | | es* | MX | -118.60 | -86.49 | 14.39 | 32.72 | Mexico | | es* | NI | -87.90 | -82.48 | 10.71 | 15.09 | Nicaragua | | es* | PA | -83.05 | -77.16 | 7.00 | 9.85 | Panama | | es* | SV | -90.21 | -87.60 | 12.95 | 14.45 | El Salvador | | es* | UY | -58.49 | -53.08 | -35.78 | -30.09 | Uruguay | | es* | VE | -73.35 | -59.77 | 0.65 | 15.92 | Venezuela | | et | EE | 21.38 | 28.21 | 57.51 | 59.94 | Estonia | | eu* | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | eu* | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | fa! | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | fa* | AF | 60.52 | 74.89 | 29.38 | 38.49 | Afghanistan | | fa* | TJ | 67.33 | 75.15 | 36.67 | 41.05 | Tajikistan | | fan | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | ff* | CM | 8.38 | 16.19 | 1.65 | 13.08 | Cameroon | | ff* | GM | -17.02 | -13.80 | 13.06 | 13.83 | The Gambia | | ff* | GN | -15.57 | -7.64 | 7.19 | 12.68 | Guinea | | ff* | SD | 21.81 | 39.06 | 8.69 | 22.22 | Sudan | | ff* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | fi | FI | 19.08 | 31.59 | 59.45 | 70.09 | Finland | | fj | FJ | 174.42 | -178.00 | -21.94 | -12.26 | Fiji | | fo | FO | -8.12 | -5.83 | 61.14 | 62.60 | Faroe Islands | | fr! | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | fr* | BF | -5.51 | 2.41 | 9.41 | 15.08 | Burkina Faso | | fr* | BJ | 0.78 | 3.85 | 6.04 | 12.41 | Benin | | fr* | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | fr* | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | fr* | CG | 11.00 | 18.64 | -5.15 | 3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville | | fr* | CI | -8.60 | -2.49 | 4.16 | 10.74 | Côte d'Ivoire | | fr* | FR-OT | -178.39 | 172.31 | -50.22 | 51.31 | France including Overseas Territories | | fr* | GA | 8.50 | 14.54 | -4.10 | 2.32 | Gabon | | fr* | GN | -15.57 | -7.64 | 7.19 | 12.68 | Guinea | | fr* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | fr* | KM | 42.83 | 44.97 | -12.99 | -11.16 | Comoros | | fr* | MC | 7.41 | 7.53 | 43.52 | 43.75 | Monaco | | fr* | ML | -12.24 | 4.27 | 10.15 | 25.00 | Mali | | fr* | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | fr* | NE | 0.17 | 16.00 | 11.69 | 23.52 | Niger | | fr* | PF | -154.93 | -134.25 | -28.09 | -7.66 | French Polynesia | | fr* | SC | 46.00 | 56.50 | -10.46 | -3.51 | Seychelles | | fr* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | fr* | TG | -0.14 | 1.81 | 5.93 | 11.14 | Togo | | fr-BE | BE-fr | 2.80 | 6.22 | 49.50 | 50.81 | Belgium : french speaking | | fr-CH | CH-fr | 5.96 | 7.72 | 45.86 | 47.50 | Switzerland : french speaking | | fy! | NL | 3.08 | 7.23 | 50.75 | 53.75 | Netherlands | | fy* | NL-CI | -70.27 | 7.23 | 11.78 | 53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands | | ga | IE | -11.01 | -5.66 | 51.22 | 55.64 | Ireland | | gd | GB-HLD| -7.66 | -2.38 | 55.28 | 59.39 | United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands | | gl* | ES | -18.39 | 4.59 | 27.43 | 43.99 | Spain | | gl* | PT | -31.56 | -6.19 | 29.83 | 42.15 | Portugal | | gn | PY | -62.64 | -54.26 | -27.61 | -19.29 | Paraguay | | gu | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | gv | IM | -5.17 | -3.97 | 53.84 | 54.55 | Isle of Man | | ha* | NE | 0.17 | 16.00 | 11.69 | 23.52 | Niger | | ha* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | he | IL | 34.27 | 35.90 | 29.45 | 33.34 | Israel | | hi | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ho | PG | 140.84 | 159.69 | -11.86 | -0.56 | Papua New Guinea | | hr! | HR | 13.21 | 19.45 | 42.18 | 46.56 | Croatia | | hr* | BA | 15.73 | 19.62 | 42.56 | 45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | hr* | ME | 18.42 | 20.35 | 41.68 | 43.56 | Montenegro | | hsb | DE-hsb| 13.88 | 15.32 | 50.88 | 51.62 | Germany : upper sorbian speaking | | ht | HT | -75.24 | -71.62 | 17.82 | 20.29 | Haiti | | hu | HU | 16.11 | 22.90 | 45.74 | 48.59 | Hungary | | hy | AM | 43.45 | 46.63 | 38.84 | 41.30 | Armenia | | hz* | BW | 20.00 | 29.37 | -26.91 | -17.78 | Botswana | | hz* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | ia | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | id | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | ie | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | ig | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | ii | CN | 73.50 | 134.78 | 8.67 | 53.56 | China | | ik | US-AK | -180.00 | -129.97 | 51.00 | 71.59 | United States : Alaska | | io | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | is | IS | -25.01 | -12.80 | 63.09 | 67.35 | Iceland | | it! | IT | 6.63 | 18.78 | 35.29 | 47.09 | Italy | | it* | SM | 12.40 | 12.52 | 43.89 | 43.99 | San Marino | | it* | VA | 12.44 | 12.46 | 41.90 | 41.91 | Vatican | | it-CH | CH-it | 8.38 | 10.17 | 45.82 | 47.00 | Switzerland : italian speaking | | iu | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | ja | JP | 122.71 | 154.21 | 20.21 | 45.71 | Japan | | jv | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | ka | GE | 39.88 | 46.74 | 41.06 | 43.59 | Georgia | | kea | CV | -25.57 | -22.45 | 14.61 | 17.41 | Cape Verde | | kg* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | kg* | CG | 11.00 | 18.64 | -5.15 | 3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville | | ki | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | kj* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | kj* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | kk | KZ | 46.49 | 87.32 | 40.57 | 55.44 | Kazakhstan | | kk- | CN | 73.50 | 134.78 | 8.67 | 53.56 | China | | kl | GL | -74.13 | -10.03 | 59.52 | 83.88 | Greenland | | km! | KH | 102.33 | 107.63 | 9.46 | 14.69 | Cambodia | | km* | VN | 102.14 | 114.86 | 7.69 | 23.39 | Vietnam | | kn | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ko* | KP | 124.09 | 130.89 | 37.58 | 43.01 | North Korea | | ko* | KR | 124.37 | 132.15 | 32.91 | 38.62 | South Korea | | kr* | CM | 8.38 | 16.19 | 1.65 | 13.08 | Cameroon | | kr* | NE | 0.17 | 16.00 | 11.69 | 23.52 | Niger | | kr* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | kr* | TD | 13.47 | 24.00 | 7.44 | 23.45 | Chad | | ks* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ks* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | ku* | IQ | 38.79 | 49.11 | 29.06 | 37.38 | Iraq | | ku* | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | ku* | TR | 25.57 | 44.82 | 35.81 | 42.30 | Turkey | | kv | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | kw | GB-CON| -5.75 | -4.16 | 49.95 | 50.94 | United Kingdom : Cornwall | | ky | KG | 69.26 | 80.23 | 39.17 | 43.27 | Kyrgyzstan | | la | VA | 12.44 | 12.46 | 41.90 | 41.91 | Vatican | | lb | LU | 5.74 | 6.53 | 49.45 | 50.18 | Luxembourg | | lg* | TZ | 29.33 | 40.66 | -11.76 | -0.99 | Tanzania | | lg* | UG | 29.57 | 35.00 | -1.48 | 4.23 | Uganda | | li | XX-li | 4.93 | 7.08 | 50.63 | 51.37 | Area where Limburgish is spoken | | ln* | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | ln* | CG | 11.00 | 18.64 | -5.15 | 3.71 | Congo-Brazzaville | | lo | LA | 100.08 | 107.63 | 13.91 | 22.51 | Laos | | lt | LT | 20.66 | 26.84 | 53.90 | 56.45 | Lithuania | | lu | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | lv | LV | 20.60 | 28.24 | 55.67 | 58.09 | Latvia | | mfe | MU | 56.38 | 63.72 | -20.73 | -10.14 | Mauritius | | mg | MG | 42.97 | 50.67 | -25.78 | -11.73 | Madagascar | | mh | MH | 160.59 | 172.37 | 4.37 | 14.92 | Marshall Islands | | mi | NZ | 165.55 | -175.54 | -52.82 | -29.03 | New Zealand | | mk | MK | 20.45 | 23.03 | 40.85 | 42.37 | North Macedonia | | ml | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | mn | MN | 87.73 | 119.93 | 41.58 | 52.15 | Mongolia | | mo | MD | 26.62 | 30.16 | 45.47 | 48.49 | Moldova | | mr | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ms | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | ms* | BN | 113.02 | 115.36 | 4.00 | 6.55 | Brunei | | ms* | MY | 98.74 | 119.58 | 0.85 | 8.38 | Malaysia | | ms* | SG | 103.51 | 104.57 | 1.13 | 1.51 | Singapore | | ms* | TL | 124.03 | 127.54 | -9.61 | -8.10 | East Timor | | mt | MT | 13.94 | 14.82 | 35.59 | 36.28 | Malta | | my | MM | 92.17 | 101.17 | 9.44 | 28.55 | Myanmar | | na | NR | 166.71 | 167.16 | -0.76 | -0.31 | Nauru | | nb! | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | nb* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | nd | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | ne! | NP | 80.06 | 88.20 | 26.35 | 30.45 | Nepal | | ne* | BT | 88.75 | 92.13 | 26.70 | 28.25 | Bhutan | | ne* | MM | 92.17 | 101.17 | 9.44 | 28.55 | Myanmar | | ne- | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ng* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | ng* | NA | 11.53 | 25.26 | -28.97 | -16.96 | Namibia | | nl! | NL | 3.08 | 7.23 | 50.75 | 53.75 | Netherlands | | nl* | NL-CI | -70.27 | 7.23 | 11.78 | 53.74 | Netherlands including Caribean Islands | | nl* | SR | -58.07 | -53.86 | 1.83 | 6.22 | Suriname | | nl-BE | BE-nl | 2.39 | 6.41 | 50.69 | 51.14 | Belgium : dutch speaking | | nn! | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | nn* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | no! | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | no* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | nr | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | nv | US | 144.41 | -64.36 | -14.76 | 71.59 | United States | | ny | MW | 32.67 | 35.92 | -17.13 | -9.37 | Malawi | | oc | FR | -5.45 | 9.83 | 41.26 | 51.31 | France | | oj* | CA | -141.00 | -52.32 | 41.68 | 83.34 | Canada | | oj* | US | 144.41 | -64.36 | -14.76 | 71.59 | United States | | om* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | om* | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | or | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | os! | GE | 39.88 | 46.74 | 41.06 | 43.59 | Georgia | | os* | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | pa* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | pa* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | pi | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | pl | PL | 14.07 | 24.15 | 49.00 | 55.04 | Poland | | ps! | AF | 60.52 | 74.89 | 29.38 | 38.49 | Afghanistan | | ps* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | pt! | PT | -31.56 | -6.19 | 29.83 | 42.15 | Portugal | | pt* | AO | 11.46 | 24.09 | -18.04 | -4.39 | Angola | | pt* | BR | -73.98 | -28.63 | -33.87 | 5.27 | Brazil | | pt* | CV | -25.57 | -22.45 | 14.61 | 17.41 | Cape Verde | | pt* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | pt* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | pt* | GQ | 5.42 | 11.41 | -1.67 | 3.99 | Equatorial Guinea | | pt* | GW | -16.90 | -13.63 | 10.65 | 12.69 | Guinea-Bissau | | pt* | MZ | 30.21 | 41.05 | -26.92 | -10.33 | Mozambique | | pt* | ST | 6.26 | 7.67 | -0.21 | 1.93 | São Tomé and Príncipe | | pt* | TL | 124.03 | 127.54 | -9.61 | -8.10 | East Timor | | qu* | AR | -73.56 | -53.64 | -55.19 | -21.78 | Argentina | | qu* | BO | -69.65 | -57.45 | -22.90 | -9.67 | Bolivia | | qu* | CO | -82.12 | -66.85 | -4.23 | 16.05 | Colombia | | qu* | EC | -92.21 | -75.19 | -5.02 | 1.88 | Ecuador | | qu* | PE | -84.64 | -68.65 | -20.20 | -0.04 | Peru | | rm | CH-rm | 8.59 | 10.49 | 46.35 | 46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking | | rm-CH | CH-rm | 8.59 | 10.49 | 46.35 | 46.96 | Switzerland : raetoromanic speaking | | rn! | BI | 29.00 | 30.85 | -4.47 | -2.31 | Burundi | | rn* | CD | 12.04 | 31.31 | -13.46 | 5.39 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | | rn* | TZ | 29.33 | 40.66 | -11.76 | -0.99 | Tanzania | | ro* | MD | 26.62 | 30.16 | 45.47 | 48.49 | Moldova | | ro* | RO | 20.26 | 30.05 | 43.62 | 48.27 | Romania | | ru | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | rw | RW | 28.86 | 30.90 | -2.84 | -1.05 | Rwanda | | sa | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | sc | IT-88 | 8.13 | 9.83 | 38.86 | 41.32 | Italia : Sardinia | | sco | GB-SCT| -14.02 | -0.32 | 54.43 | 61.06 | United Kingdom : Scotland | | sd* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | sd* | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | se* | FI | 19.08 | 31.59 | 59.45 | 70.09 | Finland | | se* | NO | -9.68 | 34.69 | -54.65 | 81.03 | Norway | | se* | NO-CO | 4.09 | 31.77 | 57.75 | 71.39 | Norway : Continental | | se* | SE | 10.59 | 24.18 | 55.14 | 69.06 | Sweden | | se- | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | sg | CF | 14.41 | 27.47 | 2.23 | 11.00 | Central African Republic | | si | LK | 79.40 | 82.08 | 5.72 | 10.04 | Sri Lanka | | sk | SK | 16.83 | 22.57 | 47.73 | 49.61 | Slovakia | | sl | SI | 13.38 | 16.60 | 45.42 | 46.88 | Slovenia | | sm | WS | -173.01 | -171.19 | -14.28 | -13.24 | Samoa | | sn* | ZM | 22.00 | 33.71 | -18.08 | -8.27 | Zambia | | sn* | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | so! | SO | 40.99 | 51.62 | -1.80 | 12.19 | Somalia | | so* | DJ | 41.77 | 43.66 | 10.91 | 12.79 | Djibouti | | so* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | so* | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | so* | YE | 41.61 | 54.74 | 11.91 | 19.00 | Yemen | | sq! | AL | 19.00 | 21.06 | 39.64 | 42.66 | Albania | | sq* | XK | 20.01 | 21.79 | 41.86 | 43.27 | Kosovo | | sr! | RS | 18.81 | 23.01 | 42.23 | 46.19 | Serbia | | sr* | BA | 15.73 | 19.62 | 42.56 | 45.28 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | sr* | HR | 13.21 | 19.45 | 42.18 | 46.56 | Croatia | | sr* | ME | 18.42 | 20.35 | 41.68 | 43.56 | Montenegro | | srn | SR | -58.07 | -53.86 | 1.83 | 6.22 | Suriname | | ss* | SZ | 30.79 | 32.13 | -27.32 | -25.72 | Eswatini | | ss* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | st* | LS | 27.01 | 29.46 | -30.68 | -28.57 | Lesotho | | st* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | su | ID | 94.77 | 141.02 | -11.21 | 6.27 | Indonesia | | sv | SE | 10.59 | 24.18 | 55.14 | 69.06 | Sweden | | sv- | FI | 19.08 | 31.59 | 59.45 | 70.09 | Finland | | sw* | KE | 33.91 | 41.91 | -4.90 | 4.62 | Kenya | | sw* | TZ | 29.33 | 40.66 | -11.76 | -0.99 | Tanzania | | sw* | UG | 29.57 | 35.00 | -1.48 | 4.23 | Uganda | | ta! | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | ta* | LK | 79.40 | 82.08 | 5.72 | 10.04 | Sri Lanka | | ta* | SG | 103.51 | 104.57 | 1.13 | 1.51 | Singapore | | te | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | tg | TJ | 67.33 | 75.15 | 36.67 | 41.05 | Tajikistan | | th! | TH | 97.34 | 105.64 | 5.61 | 20.46 | Thailand | | th* | KH | 102.33 | 107.63 | 9.46 | 14.69 | Cambodia | | th* | LA | 100.08 | 107.63 | 13.91 | 22.51 | Laos | | th* | MM | 92.17 | 101.17 | 9.44 | 28.55 | Myanmar | | th* | MY | 98.74 | 119.58 | 0.85 | 8.38 | Malaysia | | ti* | ER | 36.43 | 43.30 | 12.35 | 18.07 | Eritrea | | ti* | ET | 33.00 | 47.98 | 3.40 | 14.89 | Ethiopia | | tk! | TM | 52.26 | 66.69 | 35.13 | 42.80 | Turkmenistan | | tk* | AF | 60.52 | 74.89 | 29.38 | 38.49 | Afghanistan | | tk* | IQ | 38.79 | 49.11 | 29.06 | 37.38 | Iraq | | tk* | IR | 44.03 | 63.33 | 24.84 | 39.78 | Iran | | tk* | TR | 25.57 | 44.82 | 35.81 | 42.30 | Turkey | | tl | PH | 114.10 | 126.81 | 4.22 | 21.32 | Philippines | | tn* | BW | 20.00 | 29.37 | -26.91 | -17.78 | Botswana | | tn* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | to | TO | -179.40 | -173.53 | -24.16 | -15.37 | Tonga | | tr! | TR | 25.57 | 44.82 | 35.81 | 42.30 | Turkey | | tr- | CY | 32.02 | 34.86 | 34.44 | 35.91 | Cyprus | | ts* | MZ | 30.21 | 41.05 | -26.92 | -10.33 | Mozambique | | ts* | SZ | 30.79 | 32.13 | -27.32 | -25.72 | Eswatini | | ts* | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | ts* | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | tt* | KG | 69.26 | 80.23 | 39.17 | 43.27 | Kyrgyzstan | | tt* | KZ | 46.49 | 87.32 | 40.57 | 55.44 | Kazakhstan | | tt* | RU | 12.44 | -168.97 | 41.18 | 82.06 | Russia | | tt* | UA | 22.14 | 40.23 | 44.18 | 52.38 | Ukraine | | tt* | UZ | 56.00 | 73.15 | 37.18 | 45.59 | Uzbekistan | | tw | GH | -3.26 | 1.27 | 4.54 | 11.17 | Ghana | | ty | PF | -154.93 | -134.25 | -28.09 | -7.66 | French Polynesia | | ug* | CN-XG | 73.49 | 96.39 | 34.33 | 49.18 | China : Xinjiang | | ug- | KZ | 46.49 | 87.32 | 40.57 | 55.44 | Kazakhstan | | uk | UA | 22.14 | 40.23 | 44.18 | 52.38 | Ukraine | | ur! | PK | 60.87 | 77.12 | 23.43 | 37.08 | Pakistan | | ur* | IN | 67.95 | 97.40 | 6.55 | 35.67 | India | | uz | UZ | 56.00 | 73.15 | 37.18 | 45.59 | Uzbekistan | | ve! | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | ve* | ZW | 25.24 | 33.07 | -22.42 | -15.61 | Zimbabwe | | vi | VN | 102.14 | 114.86 | 7.69 | 23.39 | Vietnam | | vo | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | wa | BE | 2.39 | 6.41 | 49.50 | 51.55 | Belgium | | wo* | GM | -17.02 | -13.80 | 13.06 | 13.83 | The Gambia | | wo* | MR | -17.24 | -4.83 | 14.72 | 27.31 | Mauritania | | wo* | SN | -17.75 | -11.35 | 12.24 | 16.69 | Senegal | | xh | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa | | yi | XX | -180.00 | 180.00 | -90.00 | 90.00 | World | | yo* | BJ | 0.78 | 3.85 | 6.04 | 12.41 | Benin | | yo* | NG | 2.68 | 14.68 | 4.07 | 13.89 | Nigeria | | yo* | TG | -0.14 | 1.81 | 5.93 | 11.14 | Togo | | za | CN-GX | 104.44 | 112.06 | 20.70 | 26.39 | China : Guangxi | | zh* | CN | 73.50 | 134.78 | 8.67 | 53.56 | China | | zh* | TW | 114.16 | 122.33 | 10.29 | 26.44 | Taiwan | | zu | ZA | 16.33 | 38.29 | -47.18 | -22.13 | South Africa |
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JSON file
{ "aa":{"w":33.00,"e":47.98,"s":3.40,"n":18.07,"r":"Language region 'aa'"}, "ab":{"w":39.88,"e":46.74,"s":41.06,"n":43.59,"r":"Georgia"}, "ae":{"w":44.03,"e":63.33,"s":24.84,"n":39.78,"r":"Iran"}, "af":{"w":11.53,"e":38.29,"s":-47.18,"n":-16.96,"r":"Language region 'af'"}, "ak":{"w":-8.60,"e":1.27,"s":4.16,"n":11.17,"r":"Language region 'ak'"}, "am":{"w":33.00,"e":47.98,"s":3.40,"n":14.89,"r":"Ethiopia"}, "an":{"w":-18.39,"e":4.59,"s":27.43,"n":43.99,"r":"Spain"}, "ar":{"w":-17.24,"e":60.05,"s":-12.99,"n":37.76,"r":"Language region 'ar'"}, "as":{"w":67.95,"e":97.40,"s":6.55,"n":35.67,"r":"India"}, "av":{"w":44.76,"e":51.18,"s":38.39,"n":41.96,"r":"Azerbaijan"}, "ay":{"w":-109.68,"e":-57.45,"s":-56.73,"n":-0.04,"r":"Language region 'ay'"}, "az":{"w":44.03,"e":63.33,"s":24.84,"n":41.96,"r":"Language region 'az'"}, "ba":{"w":12.44,"e":-168.97,"s":41.18,"n":82.06,"r":"Russia"}, "bar":{"w":8.98,"e":13.84,"s":47.27,"n":50.56,"r":"Germany : Bavaria"}, 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"dz":{"w":88.75,"e":92.13,"s":26.70,"n":28.25,"r":"Bhutan"}, "ee":{"w":-3.26,"e":3.85,"s":4.54,"n":12.41,"r":"Language region 'ee'"}, "el":{"w":19.11,"e":29.68,"s":34.72,"n":41.75,"r":"Greece"}, "en":{"w":-14.02,"e":2.09,"s":49.67,"n":61.06,"r":"United Kingdom"}, "eo":{"w":-180.00,"e":180.00,"s":-90.00,"n":90.00,"r":"World"}, "es":{"w":-18.39,"e":4.59,"s":27.43,"n":43.99,"r":"Spain"}, "et":{"w":21.38,"e":28.21,"s":57.51,"n":59.94,"r":"Estonia"}, "eu":{"w":-18.39,"e":9.83,"s":27.43,"n":51.31,"r":"Language region 'eu'"}, "fa":{"w":44.03,"e":63.33,"s":24.84,"n":39.78,"r":"Iran"}, "fan":{"w":5.42,"e":11.41,"s":-1.67,"n":3.99,"r":"Equatorial Guinea"}, "ff":{"w":-17.75,"e":39.06,"s":1.65,"n":22.22,"r":"Language region 'ff'"}, "fi":{"w":19.08,"e":31.59,"s":59.45,"n":70.09,"r":"Finland"}, "fj":{"w":174.42,"e":-178.00,"s":-21.94,"n":-12.26,"r":"Fiji"}, "fo":{"w":-8.12,"e":-5.83,"s":61.14,"n":62.60,"r":"Faroe Islands"}, "fr":{"w":-5.45,"e":9.83,"s":41.26,"n":51.31,"r":"France"}, "fr-BE":{"w":2.80,"e":6.22,"s":49.50,"n":50.81,"r":"Belgium : french speaking"}, "fr-CH":{"w":5.96,"e":7.72,"s":45.86,"n":47.50,"r":"Switzerland : french speaking"}, "fy":{"w":3.08,"e":7.23,"s":50.75,"n":53.75,"r":"Netherlands"}, "ga":{"w":-11.01,"e":-5.66,"s":51.22,"n":55.64,"r":"Ireland"}, "gd":{"w":-7.66,"e":-2.38,"s":55.28,"n":59.39,"r":"United Kingdom : Scotland : Highlands"}, "gl":{"w":-31.56,"e":4.59,"s":27.43,"n":43.99,"r":"Language region 'gl'"}, "gn":{"w":-62.64,"e":-54.26,"s":-27.61,"n":-19.29,"r":"Paraguay"}, "gu":{"w":67.95,"e":97.40,"s":6.55,"n":35.67,"r":"India"}, "gv":{"w":-5.17,"e":-3.97,"s":53.84,"n":54.55,"r":"Isle of Man"}, "ha":{"w":0.17,"e":16.00,"s":4.07,"n":23.52,"r":"Language region 'ha'"}, "he":{"w":34.27,"e":35.90,"s":29.45,"n":33.34,"r":"Israel"}, "hi":{"w":67.95,"e":97.40,"s":6.55,"n":35.67,"r":"India"}, "ho":{"w":140.84,"e":159.69,"s":-11.86,"n":-0.56,"r":"Papua New Guinea"}, "hr":{"w":13.21,"e":19.45,"s":42.18,"n":46.56,"r":"Croatia"}, 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