
Re: Routing website using Gosmore routing engine

Geschrieben von Michael Douchin (Gast) am 23. September 2008 15:47:15: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Routing website using Gosmore routing engine geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 28. Mai 2008 15:53:

Lambertus wrote:

@Michael: The types of routing transport is limited by the Gosmore routing engine which is not my development. Having public transport routing would be great, but requires timetables to be added to the database as well. I don't think there is even any tagging standards for that yet, let alone that there is an usable amount of data in the database...

I should have a look in gosmore website...

Hum... I guess it is not so easy. It depends a lot of the type of public transport.
If you're in a big city, with metro and trolleys every 2 minutes, you don't need any timetable : you "just" need to count the number of stops and line changes to compare 2 different ways. (as we do for cars, we can say "a metro runs about 15km/h ans each stop means 2 minutes" + changing from one line to another takes an average of 10 minutes). I 'am aware this is a very rough thinking "from scratch" and must be deeply worked..

I think it is much more difficult for trains/boat, etc. because of the timetable issue

hum...I should look for routing discussion in osm wiki / forum to see if there are some talks about city public transport routing