
Re: Routing website using Gosmore routing engine

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 24. September 2008 10:43:59: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Routing website using Gosmore routing engine geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 28. Mai 2008 15:53:

- Registered a domain for yours: http://www.yournavigation.org.
- Use different icons for the 'to' and 'from' markers (from = green, to = red).
- Changed 'edit map' button to 'edit map' link on the map.
- Added route reverse button.
- Cycleroute layer can now calculate routes without the need for the 'to' and 'from' to be near a cycleroute and gaps in cycleroutes won't break navigation. Downside to this is that routing only has a preference to cycleroutes but also regularly takes shortcuts using non-cycleroutes. This behavior is tweakable though.
- Route calculation now also covers the whole of the American continent.