
Re: Routing website using Gosmore routing engine

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 26. Oktober 2009 17:28:54: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Routing website using Gosmore routing engine geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 28. Mai 2008 15:53:

Longbow4u wrote:

Hi Lambertus,
The interface is very nicely done! Great improvement!

Thank you 🙂

Does YOURS support housenumbers? I am looking for an free software routing service on OSM to check the housenumbers I entered. I also wrote a little tutorial on entering housenumbers and would like to cite your service as an example who would benefit from housenumbers.
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User … _eintragen

No, because of two things:
1) The OpenStreetMap Gazetteer does not support housenumbers (Gazetteer does the name to location conversion when you search by text).
2) Gosmore (the routing engine) has the tendency to start/stop a route segment on the beginning or end of an OSM way. So it does not address position interpolation.

Perhaps you could add a statistics page. It would be interesting to know how many route requests were delivered. Perhaps this would lead to more people contributing (as they see its worthwile).

Yes, it's on my todo list, but not very high atm.

Another idea would be a simple report mechanism for wrong routing instructions. For example: sometimes when I enter start and endpoint I get a wrong route. I would like to send a short bug report to the designer of the routing algorithm. This report should contain the permalink to my query, (start address, end address), version and date of the OSM-data used, version of the routing software used, date of the routing request, and a short description what went wrong (did not use this motorway but that primary road, did route on forest track instead of available main road etc.). The answers and links could be posted to a message board so that the algorithm designers could improve their software. I think feedback could be very helpful to them.

I hope the developers of Gosmore welcome this, but they would get swamped with reports I'm afraid. There are so many parameters involved that a route is seldom perfect for anyone. There is a wiki page where weird routes could be reported, but reports got in so quickly that you can't develop fast enough to keep up.

I agree that it would be useful, but I doubt that a special interface (as opposed to the wiki page) would give the developers much better information. There is already an extensive list of routes that pose some difficulty, the devs can check against that list first and ask for more (I could put up a link on the website then).