
Re: Zeichensatz im Forum

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 26. Februar 2009 20:43:04: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Zeichensatz im Forum geschrieben von Markus B (Gast) am 23. Februar 2009 00:43:

Unfortunately it's not that simple, see this post.

This is the main problem:

The forum database has some characters in utf8, some characters in UTF-8, some in the database as HTML equivalents (& # 20998 ; ) and some characters that are just a total mystery.

I cannot convert them all correctly without knowing which topics, posts, usernames, realnames, signatures etc are using which encoding. There was no method detecting them perfectly, so I took the method that fixed the most posts and applied it. Unfortunately it removed some of the linebreaks (especially in the German forum) and some previously good posts became worse. That is regrettable but, looking at it from a distance, the conversion fixed more then it broke afaik. So as far as I'm concerned I would like to keep things as they are now and go on from here. This migration has cost me more then enough time already.