
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 25. März 2009 16:12:11: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

ger4rd wrote:

1) when are the content of the tiles refreshed with new data from OSM? I tried to fix some bugs in my town, and I don't know when they will be taken into account to check if the correction is ok...

I hope to generate new maps every week, but as this still requires a lot of manual work it I'm a busy person the updates might come later sometimes.

2) It seems that if I ask my GPS (etrex legend hcx) to guide me to a place in another tile (with respect to the one where I stand), the suggested route ignores the roads of the other tile but only takes into account the default set of highways defined in the coarse map built in the GPS memory. Is there a way to force a GPS to use the data from all tiles and ignore default coarse map data?

From the Mkgmap mailinglist I understand there are some problems with exits from different maps to other maps and back. Perhaps this weeks build will fix this as it uses a new Mkgmap version.

MikeBike wrote:

I downloaded a chosen worldwide routable map (parts of netherland and germany), great service, but although they are routable, I cannot route with adresses, most adresses, including city moenchengladbach, are not found. Why ? When it is possibel to route about the street, and streetname is shown on the map, why is it not possible to find adresses, or the streetname for routing ?

The displaying of streetnames is completely different from searching streetnames in a Garmin image. The searching is being implemented at this moment and should be present in the new maps I'm creating now but may be buggy. Wait a few days for the new maps to come online.