
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 25. April 2009 16:40:01: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

There already was such a simple 'catchall' where every request with more then 70% of the tiles would request all the tiles automatically (thus those requests could be cached). But all of Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania is only 1/3 of all available tiles (maybe even less) and there are many variants in requesting all those tiles (one tile more or less is a different request) so such a simple optimization is not working for those requests.

An alternative could be to prepare precombined maps of e.g. the continents which I can perfectly do ofcourse, but Rullzer's question intrigues me as well: why do people want such large areas and do I need to cater for those needs?

Another alternative would be to provide a Java webstart application that generates and compiles the Garmin maps on the user' computer instead of the server. The server would only need to host the source osm files and the latest version of the Java application.