
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von greencaps (Gast) am 21. Oktober 2009 23:08:32: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

My program to add a missing name:en or name:trans:en or whatever tag works. As a test I let it handle less then ten nodes in a changeset. All worked ok.

Now to be sure that only places which are in a selected country are handled I need a borderline around the area.

greencaps wrote:

Now to automate all a frontierline in .gpx or other format for Russia or other countries would be nice...

Hmmm.. that can be found in OSM data. So I wrote a module that collects the ways representing the border. Starting with a relation id recursively retrieving other relations, ways and nodes. Then build a .gpx file. All took quite a while on 60189 (Russian Federation). So I tested on smaller countries like 102879 Austria, 161033 Mongolia.

For Austria got a lot of ways. And they 'lay on the frontier'. Ok so far. But the ways are in random order. The next way does not start where the former stopped. To make things worse the direction of the ways is not consistent. Most are from east to west (for the frontierline Germany/Austria). I need a closed curve of a country to determin if a "lat,lon" is inside that country. So work is now on sorting the ways and revert them if needed.

Until now I had no look at mkgmap because all this takes time. It is nice to see that others react. I will study all links later.

There is another solution if mkgmap cannot handle the transliteration. Mkgmap works on raw osm data I read. Those are the data files in xml format. My program (well another version) could add the missing tags to those xml files.