
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 16. Februar 2011 19:00:04: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

Beddhist wrote:

Lambertus: you may remember that I said to expect this to take off like a rocket. Now it does. I'm happy to contribute a few Es to increase computing power. What you have built is so good and essential for Garmin users that it deserves to have more resources.

Yes, I remember you said that and you're probably right. Previously some things have been discussed like using free external file hosting, but I didn't like the conditions under which they provide hosting. So I've asked my sponsor to upgrade my server to at least 250Gb harddisk space (I now have ~100 Gb), I expect to hear from them in about 1-2 weeks (holiday in between). If they don't agree then I might start moving faster to my last solution: the clientside map compiling and installing Java application. I'm steadily getting a clearer picture about the way I want to make it and this is probably where I want to move to eventually. There's only so much server power and storage realisticly available.

I do get emails from people who would like to contribute some money for this service, but it's feeling like a major hurdle for me to take (psycologically speaking). I also wonder if that will work out well because a dedicated server in the US with flat fee bandwidth is around $90/month and if I want to do the same in the Netherlands it would be more then Eur 100 for the traffic alone(!). I really don't know what to expect from donations but I don't see it covering the costs for hosting (could be wrong though, but I don't have any experience with donations). So, as things stand now, I'd love to solve the growth problems within my current sponsoring conditions.