
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 21. April 2011 11:12:32: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

Thanks, both, for the reports.

greencaps wrote:

Lambertus, the link to the template file world.kml gives a 404. Could you repair it? I like this file 🙂

I've updated the link so that it redirects to the current template file. But I must add, that I'm moving away from this file towards the countries.js file which will include the coordinates and tile availability at some point in the future. I'll probably keep uploading the world.kml file after the migration, but won't guarantee that unless there are very good reasons to keep supporting that file.

Beddhist wrote:


The web site looks ok now, but it's missing the date of the extract. There is just a '1' there now.




Edit: The past site-outage was a nice test: the 150gb disk was almost empty when the site came online again and was full after exactly 30h.