
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von Galip (Gast) am 24. Juni 2012 17:40:36: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

Hi to All,
I've downloaded the "checked" "Russian Federation" tiles, and then downloaded the compiled file from the index page (via email announcement), "osm_routable_mapsource.exe", 93.7MB and installed it, with no probs.
Then I downloaded "Germany", with the same email announcement procedure, however, with the same name, of the first one: "osm_routable_mapsource.exe", 888 MB.
When I tried to install the second "German" Map, it said, the "osm_world _routable_Map" is already installed, and if I want to reinstall again, click etc, etc......At the end, the Russian Map was disappeared, instead the "German" map was installed. (so obviously one map only was allowed?!?)
Now I changed the 1. original exe file name with an index" _Russia", but by installing, it did NOT work with to different OSM maps!!
Question: How can I install on Mapsource, several country maps , without the "NameConfliction", (although they all named same in my case:" osm_routable_mapsource.exe"). What do I have to do to avoide this, or how can I change the name on Mapsource "OSM World Routable" map regarding of the different countries, any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks.

P.S.: I hope I am at the right place here (thread).