
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 09. Juli 2012 10:36:42: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

Great 🙂 I wonder if some ISP's or corporate networks using proxies are the main cause of the problem with browsers not loading the latest versions of the website scripts...

Yes, the server is working flat-out to keep up (and work on a new map version at the same time).

Last night, at it's peak, there were nearly 300 requests waiting in the queue and the server is processing over 600 unique maps and bout 2000 unique users are downloading one or more maps every 24h. These are some serious numbers I think 😄