
Re: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED

Geschrieben von tomconosm (Gast) am 04. Mai 2015 09:39:12: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Worldwide routable Garmin maps: URL REMOVED geschrieben von Lambertus (Gast) am 08. März 2009 14:41:

I wanted to report an issue/problem with producing a map for a Garmin device. The size produced on the website for "Selected Tiles" is not accurate enough. For instance in this case, the reported size on the web site is 3768MB. However, the size of gmapsupp.img file is 4.17GB. It may not be a large difference, but the problem is that the SD card for my Garmin device must be formatted as FAT32, and the file size limit for FAT32 is 4GB, and therefore i cannot put the generated file on my Garmin device. Is there any way to know more accurately the size of the selected tiles, in order to stay within that size limit?

Also, i tried a second time, by selecting fewer tiles (guessing a bit about what size would be produced). This time the web site reported size of selected tiles as 3230MB. However, this time, i got "Error, too many tiles selected, please limit your selection...". However, this time the selection is smaller than it was the first time.

So, not sure what to make of that error message since the number of tiles selected this time is lower.

I was trying to get all of US and Canada on one device, but apparently it will not all fit, so now trying to get as close as possible to that, while staying under 4GB in file size. Any suggestions?

Thank you for any suggestions.