
tutorial on creating piste map in garmin with mapcomposer

  1. tutorial on creating piste map in garmin with mapcomposer · Raytje (Gast) · 02.02.2012 19:06 · [flux]

    First of all, excuse me for writing English in a german subforum. My Deutsch writing is not that good...

    I want to export the maps (in osmarender style) including piste tracks to my garmin oregon 300. I found mapcomposer and am able to generate the map for garmin, it displays well.
    Unfortunately, the pistes are not shown. I investigated the exported map.osm file (xml) and found the piste tags.
    From here, i am lost :-) I know i have to tell mapcomposer in some way to translate the tag information in the xml file to a red,blue or black polyline on the garmin map. but i can not find the information how to do that.
    So, i am looking for an explanation or tutorial on how the use and interpret the xml tags in mapcomposer. Can anyone point me in some direction?

    Thanks guys

    • Re: tutorial on creating piste map in garmin with mapcomposer · Nop (Gast) · 03.02.2012 12:11 · [flux]

      There is a manual at http://composer.waldpfa.de/ but it's German.

      One not so obvious hint: In the default settings, piste tags are ignored. You need to remove them from the ignore filter list.


    • Re: tutorial on creating piste map in garmin with mapcomposer · Bernhard Hiller (Gast) · 03.02.2012 19:04 · [flux]

      Some time ago, I created a simple piste map for Garmin, and posted a description at http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=14000
      I did not use mapcomposer, but splitter, mkgmap, and gmt. Download http://www.berniesmaps.de/Ski_Fichtelgebirge.zip and look at the scripts (*.bat files) and the style files contained therein. Execute the script _3_MakeGarminMap.bat to create the gmapsupp.img file, which you have to copy to your Garmin; but you can view the map before with QLandkarte.

    • Re: tutorial on creating piste map in garmin with mapcomposer · Raytje (Gast) · 03.02.2012 22:50 · [flux]


      Thank you for your help so far.
      I followed your lead, Nop, and studied part of the manual (as a Dutchie I can read German, only writing is very difficult for me, and subsequent reading for you is difficult as well :-) ).

      I also found a thread http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=13948, where hedu shows a step by step attempt to add pistes to a garmin map, altough partially succesfull.
      - I unselected the 'piste' tag from the Ignore list
      - I used a free Garmin polyline ID 0E for blue piste (let's just start with only one piste tag...)
      - I added a Renderregel and checked for multiple links to the ID (found none). As already mentioned by tippeltappel in the same thread, the exact tag is 'piste:difficulty' and a ':' is used. It is the only line in the Renderregeln that has a ':'...

      After hitting the MapComposer 'Generieren' button, the log shows:
      Starting map generation
      Testing Mapsource
      Removing MapSource registry values
      calling Registry remove
      Registry remove done
      Saving table Settings
      Saving table GarminItem
      Saving table MapItem
      Saving table ConvertRule
      Saving table ConvertAction
      Saving table IDManager
      => Rendering rule for pass-through tag piste:difficulty=easy <=
      Generation finished
      Saving table Settings
      Saving table Outline
      Saving table IDManager

      The indicated line shows in red and informs that the pass-through tag 'piste:difficulty' tag somehow has an error. Is there something wrong in my (and hedu's) approach?