
ARnav - OpenStreetMap in Augmented Reality

  1. ARnav - OpenStreetMap in Augmented Reality · AdamMencwal (Gast) · 02.03.2012 16:59 · [flux]

    Hello again German OSM Community!

    Few months ago you could read about kite aerial imagery and OSM mapping workshops in Warsaw, Poland:

    And now, I have a great pleasure to announce that ARnav is now available to the public through the Android Market!!

    To quickly remind you what is ARnav - it is an app for Android mobile devices that shows OpenStreetMap Points of Interest around you in Augmented Reality mode.

    We're still working hard to achieve our next milestones, so stay tuned: we want to release turn-by-turn navigation and OSM editor, both using Augmented Reality.

    Thanks for your current support , and please share that news with your friends, let they explore the area around them with ARnav and Augmented Reality!

    Best regards

    Adam Mencwal
    OpenStreetMap Poland Foundation board member
    CEO of ARnav.eu