
Re: Frage zu zweisprachiger Stadt

Geschrieben von Oli-Wan (Gast) am 01. August 2012 16:08:09: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Frage zu zweisprachiger Stadt geschrieben von efred (Gast) am 30. Juli 2012 11:33:

wambacher wrote:

ach da unten. toll! und nu????

Oli-Wan wrote:

Dear Verdy_p,

over the past months, you have added name tags to a large number of ways which form various international (plus lower-level) boundaries across large parts of western Europe. Could you please point me to the discussions on the relevant forums and/or mailing lists (for the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France) where this mass tagging was approved? I seem to have missed those.


Oliver / Oli-Wan

Mal sehen, was kommt.