
Erdbeben in Nicaragua, HOT-Team bittet um Hilfe

  1. Erdbeben in Nicaragua, HOT-Team bittet um Hilfe · bilderhobbit (Gast) · 11.04.2014 12:09 · [flux]

    • Re: Erdbeben in Nicaragua, HOT-Team bittet um Hilfe · 4rch (Gast) · 11.04.2014 12:25 · [flux]

      Von "um Hilfe bitten" lese ich nichts.

      Shallow M6.1 quake 60km North of capital of Nicaragua few hours back. Shook the city, scared people but didn't seem to cause notable damage.
      No need for "proper" response.
      Regular mapping for e.g. epicenter areas is welcomed.

      This won't create a specific need for a response from HOT/OSM. But if someone feels like giving some Map Love to e.g. the epicenter area, which is nearly unmapped (except for main roads) that wouldn't hurt.