
Re: Karten wird nich mehr angezeigt. Hilfe Bitte

Geschrieben von JohnDoe23 (Gast) am 31. Juli 2014 12:52:17: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Karten wird nich mehr angezeigt. Hilfe Bitte geschrieben von felix1992 (Gast) am 31. Juli 2014 12:25:

Am 8. April bekam ich folgende Mail:

[...] As of May 1st we’ll be stopping service to your API key. This means that CloudMade services like Map Tiles, Geocoding and Routing that you maybe using in your apps or websites will stop working.

We understand that this is short notice to make changes to your app. To try to help you, we're working closely with our friends at Mapbox to make sure everyone is taken care of and to make a possible transition from CloudMade as smooth as possible. Both Mapbox and CloudMade have a long history and love open source mapping. We worked closely with them on a special offer to provide you with a coupon code good for 3 months free use of Mapbox's Standard Plan. [...]