
Re: Autobahnmapping / CheckAutopista

Geschrieben von gormo (Gast) am 28. August 2015 07:30:54: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Autobahnmapping / CheckAutopista geschrieben von gormo (Gast) am 31. Oktober 2014 13:04:

k1wi wrote:

Hi there!

I am the creator of CheckAutopista. I am sorry for writing in English but I don't speak German. I used Google Translate to read what you where saying about CheckAutopista. It seems that you are having some trouble loading some motorways on CheckAutopista, right? I believe the problem is that those motorways aren't tagged with route=road. Please let me know if you think this shouldn't be like this, or if you have any suggestions.

Hi there!

Thanks for your tool!

The problem is a data problem on our part, so I think at the moment we would "only" need to modify a lot of the german autobahn tagging to conform with established standards.

We have route relations and tmc relations (TMC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_message_channel ) that are somewhat chaotically intertwined and need to be sorted out.

I dont know if it would be a good idea to make checkautopista less strict and let it consume our autobahn chaos, because I guess we need to sort out our chaos and "See, even this tool chokes on it" is a good argument to get something fixed. The risk in that approach is that if nobody does the "sorting out" then we have a) chaotic data and b) no QA-tool.

But thats only my opinion, maybe others will voice theirs.

Thanks again,