
Re: PLZ von Gemeinden - Datenbankabfrage?

Geschrieben von rayquaza (Gast) am 27. November 2014 12:56:22: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: PLZ von Gemeinden - Datenbankabfrage? geschrieben von Duvodas (Gast) am 27. November 2014 11:33:

https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Overpass_QL#By_area_.28area.29 wrote:

Nodes are found if they are properly inside or on the border of the area. Ways are found if at least one point (also points on the segment) is properly inside the area. A way ending on the border and not otherwise crossing the area is not found. Relations are found if one of its members is properly inside the area.

F*… Kann man irgendwie einen ganz ganz kleinen Buffer um die Grenze legen?