
Re: Probleme mit dem rendern?

Geschrieben von wambacher (Gast) am 11. August 2016 00:30:12: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Probleme mit dem rendern? geschrieben von Peer van Daalen (Gast) am 30. Juli 2016 07:23:

aus OSM-talk:

Jon wrote:

There was an update to the rendering style a couple of days ago and
this triggered all of the existing tiles on Orm to be marked as needing
a fresh render the next time someone requests them. This means there
are far more requests hitting the render daemon than normal. It
typically takes about a week for the request queues to return to normal
when this happens. If you look at the "by-year" chart you can see
spikes in the dropped counts where this has happened about a dozen
times in the past year.

The OSM operations team are aware of the increased load on the tile
servers. There was a recent jump in usage when one of the other tile
providers stopped unlimited free access to their service. There was
also a site using OSM tiles for a popular Pokemon Go map causing lots
of additional traffic, once this was identified the site was blocked.


(member of the OSM operations team)

https://lists.openstreetmap.org/piperma … 76530.html ff.
