
Re: videomapping mit dem fahrrad

Geschrieben von SimonPoole (Gast) am 22. Mai 2017 13:28:39: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: videomapping mit dem fahrrad geschrieben von Chenshi (Gast) am 09. Mai 2017 20:47:

NunoCaldeira wrote:


having more "photos via video frame is misleading. rolling shutters and the video quality is way inferior. 1 second intervalometer is more than enough (unless you are driving 80 km/h).

You are only thinking about recording images in the direction of travel, Even at the rather leisurely pace of 20km/h you are travelling ~6m/s making it essentially impossible to turn your head to the side, keep a steady fix on the object and hope that the one second interval was up just at the right time.