
OSM-Carto 4.2.0 ... Wasser wird blauer

  1. OSM-Carto 4.2.0 ... Wasser wird blauer · toc-rox (Gast) · 25.08.2017 16:50 · [flux]

    Die soeben erschienene OSM-Carto-Version 4.2.0 enthält etliche visuelle Änderungen:

    v4.2.0 - 2017-08-25

    Major changes
    - Water color and default water text color are changed to be more visible
    - Medium zoom level (z8-z12) rework:
    - Landuses colors are faded and some of them are visible earlier
    - Most of the man related landuses are combined into one color and more visible
    - More important roads are better legible

    - Leaf type rendering in woods and forests
    - Cemetary symbols are not so dense now and muslim cemetary has its own symbol
    - Rendering of amenity=ferry_terminal
    - Plaque rendering is now different and moved to z19
    - Rendering railway labels
    - Smaller line spaces in labels
    - Junction names on areas
    - Area color for railway=station is the same as for railways
    - Database perfomance tuning available for Docker
    - Different patterns and all remaining icons moved to SVG
    - Some documentation and code cleaning

    Ich bin mal gespannt ...