
Re: Wikidata-Links

Geschrieben von nyuriks (Gast) am 09. Oktober 2017 13:43:44: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Wikidata-Links geschrieben von woodpeck (Gast) am 27. September 2017 22:31:

Ahem. Sounds a lot like a typical Conspiracy Theory and World Domination... Or it could be the Google translate..?

All I care about is Knowledge, available to everyone, free of charge, with a good community to maintain it. The knowledge that allows the world to benefit and move forward. OSM is a huge part of that knowledge - the knowledge about the planet we all live on. So is Wikidata. So is Wikipedia. So is the whole FLOSS ecosystem, that makes it possible to use that knowledge, and make great things from it.

Are you saying that OSM is a special thing that shouldn't mix with the other "bad projects"? Are you saying that if I donate my time to one project, i can no longer donate my time to another project? Are you saying that OSM data should never mix with Wikipedia data by data consumers? Do we want to create fences just for the sake of having fences, because we are so insecure in our own project?

I think by now OSM has proven that it is stable, mature, and successful. Its growth is a clear indicator. Yes, there are many companies that benefit financially from it. Same applies to Wikipedia & Wikidata & FLOSS. That doesn't mean we should make software closed source, just in case Facebook or Google might use it to make more money. Or should we?