
Re: International Admin Boundaries 2018

Geschrieben von wambacher (Gast) am 04. April 2018 17:26:59: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: International Admin Boundaries 2018 geschrieben von wambacher (Gast) am 31. Januar 2018 02:02:


today i detected a change, which i reverted asap. The guy made the northern part of the demilitized area between North and South Corea to an boundary relation with al2. But he forgot to change "his" area too 😉

While inspecting the data i found, that there are more AL-2 ways than exspected. There are three lines from east to west: the official border in the middle of the dmz area and the northern/southern parts of the dmz areas too.

I don't think, that's ok. But i'm not shure.


ps: wenn ihr hier ne Meinung zu habt, bitte her damit. Völkerrecht ist nicht gerade mein Spezialgebiet.