
Re: Wie mappt ihr wetland=* ?

Geschrieben von Mammi71 (Gast) am 19. September 2018 12:33:27: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Wie mappt ihr wetland=* ? geschrieben von Map-Peter (Gast) am 18. September 2018 12:22:

streckenkundler wrote:

Ich plädiere für bog als "Moor" ohne weitere Differenzierung nach Nieder-oder Hochmoor.

bog ist auch im englischen bereits eine differenzierte Ausprägung mit klarer Unterscheidung zu fen.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mire wrote:

There are four types of mire: bog, fen, marsh and swamp.[2] A bog is a mire that due to its location relative to the surrounding landscape obtains most of its water from rainfall (ombrotrophic), while a fen is located on a slope, flat, or depression and gets most of its water from soil- or groundwater (minerotrophic). Thus while a bog is always acidic and nutrient-poor, a fen may be slightly acidic, neutral, or alkaline, and either nutrient-poor or nutrient-rich.[3] Although marshes are wetlands within which vegetation is rooted in mineral soil, some marshes form shallow peat deposits: these should be considered mires. Swamps are characterized by their forest canopy and, like fens, are typically of higher pH and nutrient availability than bogs. Some bogs and fens can support limited shrub or tree growth on hummocks.

wenn man was allgemeiner es braucht dann vielleicht moorland oder mire. Da sollte man aber vorher lieber einen native speaker fragen, Wass besser geeignet wäre.