
Re: Kurzer Erfahrungsbericht zu Magic Earth

Geschrieben von elgolfo (Gast) am 27. September 2018 13:45:05: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Kurzer Erfahrungsbericht zu Magic Earth geschrieben von elgolfo (Gast) am 21. September 2018 11:57:

Hatte bei Magic Earth nochmal nachgefragt, ob sie irgendwann in Betracht ziehen Notizen zu Kartenfehlern machen zu können und wie es mit den Update-Intervallen aussieht.


We are analysing the possibility of using Notes API in Magic Earth (case number C1383 on our list). As you may understand, implementing such feature in the app might take some time, but stay tuned and install all our upcoming updates to be among the first who discover if/when it becomes available.

As for your question about maps, these are updated every four weeks and they are generated using the latest Planet bundle published by OpenStreetMap, containing data as of Monday the week before the map update. We are currently testing the new maps and we hope to release them in Magic Earth this week. To be notified when this happens, just start the app with internet once in a while (preferably using Wi-Fi).