
Re: Kurzer Erfahrungsbericht zu Magic Earth

Geschrieben von escada (Gast) am 24. Dezember 2019 12:50:13: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Kurzer Erfahrungsbericht zu Magic Earth geschrieben von elgolfo (Gast) am 21. September 2018 11:57:

Here is the feedback I got from the Magic Earth team after I mentioned this thread to them:

Dear Marc,

Thank you for writing this email and we very much appreciate you directing us to the OSM forum. We were not aware the new Magic Earth layout is such a discussed subject ?

Personally, when I first saw this new layout, I too thought the old one was better and easier to use. But, honestly, after some time to get used to it, I started to see it is more intuitive and really easier to use.

The new layout splits the screen in 2 zones when viewing in landscape: the navigation bar and road info on the left + map and pointer shifted a bit to the right. The reason behind the new layout is that items on the screen which you can tap and interact with are closer to you. Therefore, they are easier to see because they are all on the left and also, it will be faster for you to tap on them being closer to your driving position with the device on your right side.

If you give it a chance, it is very likely you will get used to it. Nevertheless, we are gathering ideas and suggestions on how to make the look and feel of the app better and better. The ideas are logged under case number C2278, so they can be analyzed for future versions of the app.

Best regards,