
Wie für Kanus taggen?

  1. Wie für Kanus taggen? · eteb3 (Gast) · 28.08.2019 20:11 · [flux]

    Hello OSMers in Germany

    Please forgive me writing in English: mein Schulesdeutsch ich habe ganz vergessen.

    I am wanting to tag some things for canoeists (Kanufahrer) and it seems this is much more developed in Germany.

    Can anyone help me find out: do you have a settled system for tagging the portages at locks, where paddlers carry the boat?
    https://www.scotlandsgreattrails.com/wp … 68x320.jpg

    What about the different types of landing-place such as in the pictures here?

    I have tried to use the tags I have found, but I think there must be a better way:

    Thank you for any help.


    EDIT: Do reply in German if it's easier: I can read better than I can write. Thanks.