
Fotos auf der OSM-Karte

  1. Fotos auf der OSM-Karte · km2bp (Gast) · 23.01.2021 12:56 · [flux]

    You made a big mess by incorrectly adding photos. See:http://openpoimap.org/?map=various&zoom … FFFTFFFFFF
    You should only tag with a photo what is visible in the photo. In this case, it's one street crossing.
    I mark with the photo only a short section of the road or trail visible in the photo
    I will put photos this way :
    http://openpoimap.org/?map=various&zoom … FFFTFFFFFF
    Here are my other photo maps

    Here are some other examples of how to use photos:

    This page encourages you to add photos to OSM

    And these are 2 interesting Polish websites with photos
    https://polska-org.pl/508848,Wroclaw,Ko … Ciala.html

    https://fotopolska.eu/Warszawa/b330184, … ?najnowsze

    I make sure that the map is clear and orderly. I want my message to reach as many mappers in Germany as possible. Therefore, I will post a copy of this message on the forum. The mistakes in adding photos to the Berlin map aren't just from you. https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/44291 … 56/13.4432 … 56/13.4432
    Greetings from Poland to all the mapping volunteers in Germany
    I used google translator