
Re: Zusammenarbeit des GeoService StädteRegion Aachen mit OSM

Geschrieben von GeoService Städteregion Aachen (Gast) am 04. Juli 2022 09:15:51: [flux]

Als Antwort auf: Zusammenarbeit des GeoService StädteRegion Aachen mit OSM geschrieben von aachso (Gast) am 30. Juni 2022 20:30:

Pieter Vander Vennet wrote:

(Original text)

I'm the developer of MapComplete and member of OpenStreetMap Belgium. We do have some experience with importing buildings from our kadaster and with presenting topical data and importing it.

  1. Our building import project

We have a process to import buildings, via https://buildings.osm.be/ This started with the Flemish building set only, but we recently added the walloon buildings too.

The linked website will export our official data (called 'GRB') in an OSM-compatible format and loads it onto JOSM for conflation.

Alternatively, I did build a (hidden) MapComplete theme which loads data from buildings.osm.be to make uploading and conflation easy (but it could still use some work): https://mapcomplete.osm.be/grb

If your building would be added to the database, they'd show up there as well.

  1. Road completion

We have a project to compare roads as well, but this one has a nice project page: https://openstreetmap.be/en/projects/ro … etion.html

  1. MapComplete

See the explanation here: https://openstreetmap.be/en/projects/mapcomplete.html

I'd be open to make a map specifically for Aachen with features that are of interest to you, and to create notes for various POI that have to be checked (as a freelancer!).
I've done a similar project with the flemish touristical government (see https://toerismevlaanderen.be/nl/pinjepunt). The explanation for mappers on the 'import' we did can be found here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Wik … Vlaanderen

Feel free to contact me on pietervdvn@posteo.net if you have more questions.

Hallo Pieter Vander Vennet,

thank you very much for this great info. 🙂
We think it's nice that you can exchange experiences and do it. Because you don't have to reinvent the wheel. 😄

It look good, but We need to take a closer look to understand the steps.

If We have any questions, We'll be happy to take you up on your offer with the e-mail.