
CSV > GPX geht das?

Geschrieben von bonetrip (Gast) am 21. Juli 2014 22:58:50: [flux]


ich habe eine Mitglieder-Liste im CSV Format. Jetzt möchte ich gerne diese Liste als waypoints auf meinem Oregon 650, also als GPX.

Hat da jemand von euch Erfahrung?

Habe hier was auf englisch gefunden, verstehe es aber nicht:

I saw that there were requests for having the member lists as waypoints in GPX format. There is an easy way to generate a GPX waypoint file using the gpsbabel tool:

Get the CSV file
Open this file in a text editor and change the column headers: "link" -> "url", "Full Name" -> "name", "Street" -> "desc", "City" -> "comment"
Invoke gpsbabel from the command line: gpsbabel -i unicsv -f warmshowers_members.csv -o gpx -F warmshowers_members.gpx

I load the GPX file into QLandkarteGT and the waypoints are well located. The waypoint name is the member's name and a click on the waypoint url opens the member's profile page in the browser. This should work as well with other track editors like BaseCamp.

Manipulating the CSV file a bit more, e.g. putting all the member information together in the desc column, would make the GPX ready for use on a GPS device or a smartphone.

HOffe es kann mir jemand helfen 🙂

Danke im voraus
