
OpenNRW geodata

Geschrieben von fsteggink (Gast) am 05. Januar 2017 18:31:41: [flux]

Hi, it appears that on Jan. 1st the Bundesland of Nordrhein-Westfalen has released an enormous amount of open geodata. While this might not be of immediate interest to OSM per se, because of the import guidelines, this is very interesting for people interested in open geodata, especially those who are focused on NRW.

One interesting application for OSM might be the usage of the aerial imagery with a resolution of 20 cm. Of course when the license (Datenlizenz Deutschland – Namensnennung – Version 2.0) is deemed compatible with the ODbL, or when there is written permission.

More information can be found here: https://open.nrw/de/content/geobasisdat … verfuegbar
The catalog can be found here: https://open.nrw/de/dat_kat
Direct download of several datasets can be found here: https://www.opengeodata.nrw.de/produkte/geobasis/

