
broken wikipedia tags

Geschrieben von Mateusz Konieczny (Gast) am 16. August 2017 19:19:12: [flux]

I made a small tool to detect broken wikipedia tags. I was done on request of person from Polish OSM community, but it obviously may check also data in Germany.

Results of small test run are at https://matkoniecz.github.io/OSM-wikipe … remen.html - it contains list of OSM elements with obvious problems.

If somebody is interested in using this data I may generate such lists for other locations (and improve how listing of broken OSM elements looks, currently it is extremely ugly).

(I am posting it here as from my experience notes opened in Germany are fixed faster than in any other location - and it seems that Germany has plenty of people that both care about OSM data quality and are capable of maintaining it),
