
rtklib rpm package

Geschrieben von Vascom (Gast) am 02. Juli 2020 09:39:38: [flux]

Sorry that I use english here.

I know many of us use Linux. And I want improve user experience by creating rtklib rpm build.

It would be greate if you can test this build and feedback.

Spec-file at github

Build for Fedora 32 and RHEL/CentOS 8
https://hide.webhop.me/mapsme/misc/rtkl … x86_64.rpm
https://hide.webhop.me/mapsme/misc/rtkl … x86_64.rpm

Also srpm
https://hide.webhop.me/mapsme/misc/rtkl … 32.src.rpm

If all good I will add it to the official Fedora and RHEL/CentOS 8 repo.

I am not add any changes to the source code except correcting building environment.