
Kartenwechsel bei GEOCACHING.COM - OSM statt Googlemaps!

Geschrieben von tiototo (Gast) am 15. Februar 2012 10:42:02: [flux]

A few months ago, Google announced a change to its Maps API licensing structure that requires third-party websites with over 25,000 map loads per day to pay for use of the API. (Visit Google for more details on their pricing structure.) According to Google the new limits should affect only around .35% of maps consumers. Geocaching.com averages about 2,000,000 map loads per day, placing us firmly within that small percentage of affected consumers.

Der ganze Beitrag hier: http://blog.geocaching.com/2012/02/new- … -com-maps/
Von eigenen Tile-Servern haben sie nichts geschrieben :-(
